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Season 12 Spoiler Thread


“Let’s get out of here quick, before TPTB come after us too!”


Well, guys, only a few episodes left to spoil….but feel free to post any pics, links, interviews, and websites that clue us in as to what is in store for us. Helps me to get mentally prepared for the wackiness of Season 12 if I know what is coming!!

309 thoughts on “Season 12 Spoiler Thread

  1. Yes!! 🙌🙌 Thank you so much this & for your board. 😘

    Just need a spoiler to rant about now. LMAO. Sure something will pop up to annoy me 😉

    • Shanny, didn’t you make a comment on the lately departed IMDB board that maybe this whole Sully thing is a dream? I got to thinking about that, and I think you’re onto something here. Maybe Brennan is so distressed about losing Max that she has this very vivid dream that Booth goes away to work on a case and Sully comes to town. She’s kind of happy but in her subconscious realizes that it’s just wrong. She wakes up in bed in Booth’s arms, tells him the dream, and they talk about it and Booth comforts her. Better? If this is the story I will send an email to M. Peterson and personally apologize. Not holding my breath.

      • Yes I did! I threw that out there. I would love it to be a dream so I can 100% ignore this ep bar the funeral scene. And I guess it would fit in with Brennan being emotionally unbalanced & Peterson cryptic “interesting what we think” and her bring happy & dinner date……But I don’t know why would Brennan dream of Sully? Also Angela talks about Max in that sneak. So in the dream Max is still dead? And that B&B scene in the feature that seemed to be real world. Unless Brennan was explaing to Booth about her dream?… I think we are giving those hacks too much credit, and it is what it is a pathetic attempt to cause drama for drama lol, but I would happily sign that apology e-mail 👊

  2. A dream would be ok and would explain the craziness of this guy suddenly appearing out of no where no mention for 10 years. And yes, Brennan is under incredible emotional stress and guilt with her father dying and her likely feeling she and Booth contributed to his death. But I don’t really think Peterson is this creative. He writes horror…..that is what he is giving us!
    I in no way think anyone would need to apologize! At this point, Peterson is lucky we are even watching this thing to the end. It would have to be some great episode for me to even think about it! He KILLED off Max! I will always hold that against him. :{

    • I will be shocked if it doesn’t play out like we dread. They don’t have any imagination. And seem to thrive on upsetting fans. Do you mind Peterson said in S11 Angela would turn to Sebastian for support, flat out said there would temptations & it was a sex dream.

      What is his damage? So deliberately spitefully provocative

  3. I think the dream idea would soften it some, but then she’s dreaming the thing that Angela said about Sully being another Booth in her life and Booth and Brennan talking about how important Sully is to her and they have all this because of Sully. That would mean that Brennan is subconciously thinking all those things about Sully…so I’d still be annoyed!

  4. I am still holding out that she meant Sully helped her process her anger & guilt with an outside perspective, so she can grieve with Booth instead of blaming him. Sully did not help B&B get together, in what world, they didn’t even hook up until S6, if they hooked up right away end of S2, 5% helped but 4yrs later? NO. It invalidates Booth & his role in her evolution, its like they are saying Booth just got lucky Sully left & he didn’t put in time, love & support to earn it.

    They go down that route those writers are on drugs the ones that give nightmares & hallucinations

    I detest this ep on so many levels, right from Brennan cold AF to him, to Canada Booth, to Sully swooping in to save the day, to the hugs, to the hand patting, to dinner, to Booth being denied to grieve himself & support his wife


    • Oh I agree 100% Shanny! The only way they can make this “right” is to have purposefully done a hatchet job on the promo edit to make it appear Brennan is a gross emotional cheater, but then we find out its not that way at all. However, it would still be gross because they led us to believe she would do that! I can’t find a scenario that would make this a good thing in my mind.

      • EXACTLY!!

        It’s all so spiteful. The way this has be handled is a big FU to the few fans that are remaining. Bones has lost so many viewers and the ones that stayed & remained loyal get treated like this. Emotional manipulation from the network & showrunners. Its like they hate us.

      • “I can’t find a scenario that would make this a good thing in my mind.”….I agree bb! Nothing is going to make this right, unless Sully is completely irrelevant (which he is since we haven’t seen/heard from him for 10 years) and Booth occupies his rightful place as Brennan’s partner, friend, confidant, lover, and comforter. Anything less will be disrespectful, imo.

        There are some on other boards who say they can’t wait for “jealous Booth”, to which I say:

        – Booth and Brennan are married, for heaven’s sake. Booth shouldn’t have to be jealous, and if the show runners go there it’s just cheap drama

        – the jealous scenario is only appealing if we get a romantic scene afterwards, which we won’t (unless a 3 second hug is “romantic”) so why go there at all?

    • Ok, I read the Reddit board comments on The Scare in the Score, and I think maybe I missed something. I thought Max’s pacemaker as hacked so they could find out where he was, and that is how they got to him in the safe house. But, it seems like a few people are saying that they actually turned the pacemaker off, which is why he flat lined so suddenly when he seemed to be doing well. Is that the case? If so, I totally missed that (I admit I skimmed through a lot of the episode because it was making me angry). Help! What do you guys think?

      • My take is…

        Max’s pacemaker was traced & that’s how they found him at the safe house (so Max being there made the safe house compromised , otherwise there would be no shooting…wonder if Brennan grief is about that? )

        Then I think they are implying at Reddit that someone hacked & stopped Max’s pacemaker after recovery, that’s why he flatlined so fast…but that wasn’t said on the show, they are speculating why he died so fast.

      • Yeah, it will go something like this: Brennan is really blaming herself for Max’s death (when Booth arrived at the hospital she said “we should have gotten here sooner”) but it is manifesting right now with her being cold to Booth and seemingly blaming him. Sully will arrive and point out to her that he blamed everyone else for his partner’s death but then realized he was really upset with himself. She will figure out that she has been blaming Booth unfairly and apologize to him (that’s our “sweet resolution” Peterson talked about).

        Mysteries are why M. Peterson is wondering why fan’s reactions will be (he’d get an earful about fan reactions if he every came onto social media) and his brother Ted tweeting this to a fan about the episode: “Honestly I don’t know if you’ll like/love/hate the ep, but the questions will be different, I’m sure.” That, plus the fact that they said this won’t be fully resolved until episode 9 makes me think there is another twist we aren’t seeing.

      • I think there is a twist too. UGH. Seriously. Why can’t they just write B&B supporting each other through their grief like 99.999999% of married couples do.

        And it bends my mind how Sully could help Brennan through her grief & guilt and not Booth….Booth has lost so many people, he knows what it feels like. He lost Aldo due to protecting him, he lost Flynn for doing him a favor, he lost Sweets, he lost his dad, grandad and brother!!

        And they had the audacity to say they don’t do drama for drama. Stfu

    • Is it just me or is Reddit very confusing to navigate? Also, the content doesn’t seem to update very frequently, unlike the IMDB message board where there was a fair amount of traffic. Losing IMDB message boards has been difficult, as my first reaction when watching a new show or a movie was to go there and see comments, even if I didn’t join in. I recently watched a TV show on Neflix (not new but new to me) and I would love to go see what people thought about it. I can’t believe that some sort of TV/movie discussion board that is more organized than Reddit won’t pop up eventually.

  5. Oh god! Sully popped up on my twitter this am

    Brennan’s old flame, Sully, returns to #Bones this Tuesday. @EddieMcClintock has a sneak peek.” https://twitter.com/BONESonFOX/status/833451111134568448
    I replied “disgusting”

    Question- Can anyone start a new thread/discussion? Or only bnbailey? I see a thread is already open for tomorrows episode.

    Have to make sure to really proof read posts, as there is no preview or delete feature here!

  6. Glad I’ve found you guys on here and on our Bones IMDB Group on Facebook. Join one or both 🙂

    Do you have the link to your Facebook group page?
    Where are most people posting?
    I think we need another Random Thread!

  7. The Reddit board was kinda interesting. I have no idea what posting is like there though.
    I will work with this one some more…change is always challenging! 😃
    I’m waiting before I totally write this off.
    Booth IS getting to grieve with his wife at the funeral. They show that.
    I just have to think that maybe Sully shares how he felt guilty after his partner died? Because I can’t for the life of me know what else he brings to the proverbial table. I agree, he had nothing to do with Brennan and Booth getting together. So isn’t that just someone’s theory, like the dream, or has someone heard that’s the deal? Because someone is smoking something funny if they think Sully posses anything that could in any way come between B&B.
    Marisa said she hadn’t seen it. I asked her last week and she said she didn’t have anything else on episode 8 – but she would have other things for us this week.

  8. Saw this on twitter, but I’m not sure how to link it here.

    *Booth and Brennan are at a restaurant*

    Waiter: Do you want a table or a booth?

    Brennan” Well, I personally like booths better. *awkwardly winks at Booth*

    Ha ha love it!

    • Well Karine R. wrote this episode I believe. Booth didn’t get jealous in this one….wonder if he will tomorrow.
      So IF things aren’t resolved in this episode (they appear close after the funeral with her head on his shoulder), I wonder what the twist will be…..and/or what is the end scene? It must not be the funeral.
      Gordon Gordon is in the next episode, but they made it sound (outside dinner with the B’s) he’s there to further the Zach story along.
      Will just focus on this until we get something better – IF that happens this season!

  9. I was surprised on BonesonFox all the love tweets! LOL, but they are not going to retweet the ones where we are not gjushing over this story line.
    In reply to BONES- Only 5 epsiodes left!
    @BONESonFOX Do you think we’ll get a kiss from B&B before the series ends? For god sake!😘
    0 replies 0 retweets 2 likes
    @BONESonFOX @EddieMcClintock Brennan should be turning to Her Husband and not a old flame in her time of grief. That is disgusting

    Well 2 likes about the kisses!

  10. “But, it seems like a few people are saying that they actually turned the pacemaker off, which is why he flat lined so suddenly when he seemed to be doing well. Is that the case? ”

    I has speculated that on the initial thread on IMDb! It was just speculation based on the fact that he was fine one minute, and flat lined the next. I wonder if that is the case, but now it is just speculation.

    • I definitely thought they tracked Max through the pacemaker. But he seemed to die a natural death.
      I can’t believe the people who are saying/expecting some great realization on Brennan’s part that Sully opened her heart so she would be ready for Booth! That is so awful/tasteless/silly to insert at this point. I thought the issue was Brennan blaming herself or Booth for Max’s death. Not to mention just grieving his loss. I suppose it’s worse case? Is that what people are preparing for? Some strange love declarations at a time when they are preparing for Max’s funeral. That just seems so out of place in my mind. All the sudden the episode is all about Sully? Some person most people don’t even remember? He is irrelevant to me. He better just reiterate that she shouldn’t feel guilty. She might believe that more from Sully than from Booth. She thinks Booth tells her things for her own good or to protect her. Angela too. So maybe she will see Sully as more objective and rational since he is LONG removed from the equation. She is just getting an objective opinion….this is Brennan we are talking about. She will need proof to absolve herself of any guilt she may feel. Perhaps Gordon Gordon does the final absolution?

    • Yes, sorry to say it looks like they completely missed the mark on how to wrap up the series. I’m pretty sure that Booth and Brennan in danger, getting blown up, running away from bad guys, was not what most of us wanted to see. I kind of feel like the last few eps were a payoff to DB…letting him have the demolition derby and blowing up the lab, but not a payoff for fans. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

    • I wish Eddie would just stop talking. The sad thing is that all of this would only be worth it if we got a wonderful romantic scene between B&B at the end, but it doesn’t look like we will (not counting a brief hug as romantic…lol). Why they thought it was a good idea to bring Sully back and ship Booth away for an entire episode is beyond me. MP is one strange guy, that’s for sure.

      • I feel like DB might have asked to shoot his scenes far away from Eddie. I’m sure we aren’t the only ones annoyed by him lol

      • Yeah, could be wrong but I don’t feel like there is any love lost between Eddie and DB. Kind of makes me wonder how on-board with this storyline DB was, and why he couldn’t overrule it. I still think the demo derby and lab explosion was his payoff.

  11. I just really don’t like that guy! He’s even more annoying than Sully so he just makes it worse. I couldn’t watch it….just read the article.

    • He has always been an asshole. He was so much worse during S2…I only see tvline who spoke to him….tvline who have got the most mileage out if his return, no other mainstream media could be bother with him , lol

  12. Uh oh…I think I know what this might mean…” Booth allows Aubrey to take the reins on their current case in the all-new “The Final Chapter: The Radioactive Panthers in the Party”.


    Could this signal that Booth is going to step away from his field agent job and turn it over to Aubrey?

    Bryn — I’m not sure if you want to start a new thread for this episode. For now I put it here. Can’t believe we have to wait 2 weeks for it!

  13. Ugh. I hate when they do plots where Sweets/Starling and now Aubrey get showcased as the lead agent, throwing their weight about, whilst Booth barely gets any airtime & stuck at his desk…David isn’t even directing the next ep, so he doesn’t need time off, so why do this type of plot now?

    Well at least we know David has a diner scene with Betty White. That’s all I got. This better not be David/Booth lite, which means B&B lite too😣

    LOL, at them highlighting passion…belueveevut when I see it

  14. “Booth allows Aubrey to take the reins on their current case in the all-new “The Final Chapter: The Radioactive Panthers in the Party”.”

    Yep, we know what that means! Booth lite. Ugh. B&B lite…which is what we get anyway!

    Highlighting passion? They don’t even know what that is anymore. 😦

    • “I feel like DB might have asked to shoot his scenes far away from Eddie. I’m sure we aren’t the only ones annoyed by him lol”

      For sure!!

    • I hate Booth lite eps. I never watch more than once. I hate watching Aubrey take over, he gets on my nerves big time. Its another dead ep for me… Why are they going this in 12×10, I expected it 12×11 for DB prepping but not 12×10..so is that two DB lite eps in a row,? ridiculous.

  15. But Ian directed 12×11, thats his job to do prep, idk. Maybe Booth has a plot…outside of the case? It seems to me it’s more about elevating Aubrey, surprised he isn’t running for senate yet. Maybe president in 4yrs? Lol 😒

  16. I don’t like eps that are Booth or Brennan lite. It would be interesting to actually calculate the amount of air time they each get now and how it’s changed over the years. I know Ian was at the helm in ep. 11 but ep. 12 is likely HUGE. It’s a big rock-em sock-em event. Chases, bombs etc….so maybe it required more out of DB? 11 also has the wedding and is the ep. where the kids are in Booth’s office (because Max is dead and they are all unsafe). Remember Christine has a line about not seeing Mommy’s face on the computer picture which will evidently be a clue to Booth and Aubrey.

  17. I remember David saying this, and I usually think he is pretty honest when talking about Bones

    I think this is the end scene, B&B on the bench talking about their future?!


    Helming the final episode of the show meant nailing one specific thing. “It was really about that [final] moment with Brennan, with Bones, and seeing it continue so it’s not an end, but a new chapter for them in their characters lives,”

    • I feel like the last shot, the last conversation between B&B is going to be something along the lines of “What happens now”…”Everything that happens next”. Nothing will be wrapped up or resolved, and I guess that’s ok (it’s like real life) but I do hope they are in a really, really good and healthy place as a couple.

      I’ve always agreed with bb on what the final scene should be — I wanted to see Booth and Brennan walking away from the camera (perhaps with Christine and Hank between them), mirroring that shot in the pilot. I also wanted them to discuss Booth’s “cosmic balance sheet”, and maybe we will at least get that part in their conversation on the bench.

      David is always all about the relationship and the moments, so I hope he had a big hand in how it went down.

      • Agree!! After everything they have been through and us as fans (traumatized us, damnit😉) give us a happy ending, just let us know they are good as a team, as partners, as a married couple, as parents – that their love & support is strong as ever – that the center holds – always – I want that clarity – just, a pure, honest scene.

        I would love Booth’s cosmic balance sheet to be brought up, surprising that it hasn’t since it is the center of what is going on now. Again like you said prior, they aren’t focusing on Booth to wrap the series, he got the sniper revenge plot but it is only to further Brennan’s emotional journey. Not his.

        I am a bit concerned with that series finale pic Marisa shared, it looks like Booth got shot or maybe shrapnel, does that mean that the end scene is after Booth has been to the hospital & seen a doctor? Nobody wants to see him on the bench hurt as the last B&B scene…NO…ugh….yeah, let’s go with it happens after he gets fixed.

      • “hey aren’t focusing on Booth to wrap the series, he got the sniper revenge plot but it is only to further Brennan’s emotional journey. Not his.”

        All of their narrative choices for storylines make sense is you look at it like this (not that I agree with what they are doing).

        The Grief in the Girl was all about Brennan and by extension Sully. None of it was about Booth. He got squat, really. He was still isolated and alone even at the very end at the funeral, as others have pointed out.

        I’m crossing my fingers that MP/JC managed to address both Booth and Brennan’s story as we approach the end of the series, not just Brennan’s. We’ll see.

  18. “Agree!! After everything they have been through and us as fans (traumatized us, damnit😉) give us a happy ending, just let us know they are good as a team, as partners, as a married couple, as parents – that their love & support is strong as ever – that the center holds – always – I want that clarity – just, a pure, honest scene….nobody wants to see him on the bench hurt as the last B&B scene…NO…ugh….yeah, let’s go with it happens after he gets fixed.”

    Right on with that Shanny!

    “the final scene should be — I wanted to see Booth and Brennan walking away from the camera (perhaps with Christine and Hank between them), mirroring that shot in the pilot. I also wanted them to discuss Booth’s “cosmic balance sheet”, and maybe we will at least get that part in their conversation on the bench.”

    That would be amazing, but I am not holding my breath! I bet we will just see them on the bench looking at the wrecked Jeffersonian, talking about the future. I’m sure Christine & Hank won’t be there….who is watching them now anyway, LOL.

    A kiss is out of the question. IF there is a henpeck, I will be pleasantly surprised. This is how low we have set the bar.

    • Yep, I’ve been “putting it out there in the universe” for some time now that I want a mirror scene to the pilot. But with kids. Like their family is a unit, ready to face life together. TOGETHER. HAPPY. I am hoping we at least get that. Maybe the bench thing is the very last scene and that would be OK too, but I’m really hoping for a walk away scene. *fingers crossed*

      If not, I’ll just make it head canon. Maybe I’ll photoshop something together lol

  19. I hadn’t watched that clip before. I think you guys are on the right track. I think the ‘bench scene’ will be their last, would be cute if after they share their thoughts the kids run up and off they go as a family.
    But I think we saw a few pics of Booth looking rough, but he appeared more ‘cleaned up’ in that shot he tweeted with just him and ED at the end. They may have been in a car at that point but both had ‘scars’. I think the couple/family will be in a good place, but their work lives may be in flux. I like the chapter idea….rather than the end!

  20. It is a little confusing. It’s almost easier to always add to the bottom rather then ‘reply’ up under a comment that you want to respond/add something to.

    • Well, I just have been using my email as a way to keep track. I won’t delete the email until I’ve responded to it on here. It’s worked so far, but I guess it hasn’t been that long 🙂 it just feels like it! I’m so so glad we decided to keep chatting together! 🙂

  21. YES!!! Thank you so much for providing this blog & thank you guys for being here to chat it out!!! 😘😘

    I was thinking….

    How about starting a new spoiler thread every Monday (and date it) ? Then we won’t have so many posts to go through? Cos the way we chat there could be 1000 posts before March 28th. Lol

    Just a thought.

  22. https://www.tvfanatic.com/2017/02/bones-round-table-whos-at-fault-for-maxs-murder/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

    What did you think of Sully’s return?

    Ashley: I generally enjoyed it. I think it was nice that he was the voice of reason in a way, and that he wasn’t there to stir up trouble in the slightest.

    The only issue I had was that it felt a little out of the blue for him to show up since we haven’t heard about him in so long.

    Pam: It was pretty lackluster. There was no real reason to have him back, and clearly no story line for him in closing out the series. I wish the writers had used him a long time ago and in a better way. His return fell really flat for me.

    I liked Sully in Bones Season 2 and his character was fine in this episode, but it was a missed opportunity for previous seasons. I know the actor has been busy working a lot, but still, this was a dud.

    Christine: I barely even remembered Sully, but I enjoyed his return, even though I saw no real reason for it. Brennan needed someone she could talk to who was a little bit removed from her regular circle, and Sully fit the bill nicely.

    Was Brennan right to send Booth away? Was Booth right to go?

    Ashley: Nope and nope. However, I can certainly understand why Brennan would ask for space, and I can understand why Booth would give that to her. I don’t think it was right, but I get their motivations.

    Pam: No, they have faced so many sorrows in their past, and this just didn’t sit right with me. Booth should have assigned another agent and stayed home. He and Max had an understanding over the years. Booth was always the one easing Bones back into a relationship with her estranged father.

    I think, as in all things in their life, they should have faced this together. Angie should have been the one for her to turn to, not Sully. Angie is her best friend and knows her so well, while Sully has been gone 10 years.

    Christine: Sometimes you need a little space to work through your emotions, even from the people who love you the most. I was a little surprised that Booth left, but in the end, I think it was the right thing to do.

    Brennan needed to stop feeling smothered, and Booth’s absence gave her the chance to miss him a little. In the end, a couple of days apart brought them closer together.

    What, if anything, disappointed you in this episode?

    Ashley: Again, the Sully thing felt a bit contrived for me. That doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it, but I think it could have been done better if it hadn’t felt so rushed.

    Pam: Yes, Booth and Bones never kiss anymore; they hug like they are friends and not lovers. At least we got an “I love you” from both of them.

    I felt Sully was used as a ploy just to bring the actor back one more time, and I wish he had been used better in an episode.

    Christine: Although Sully’s return did feel a little rushed, I can’t say there was anything that I really disliked about this episode.

  23. ^^ Grown… Pam seems to get it but Christine is clueless! LOL

    ****”It is a little confusing. It’s almost easier to always add to the bottom rather then ‘reply’ up under a comment that you want to respond/add something to.”**** Yes.

    ****”How about starting a new spoiler thread every Monday (and date it) ? Then we won’t have so many posts to go through? Cos the way we chat there could be 1000 posts before March 28th. Lol*****

    That might help, I agree. The post we write don’t go across the page width wise, and so you have to scroll down forever to get to the bottom. I agree I do miss the threaded discussions on IMDB. They were easier to go through.

    I have yet to see RBay appear here. Has she been on Facebook?

  24. Ok, i gotta ask…what’s up with the “Back” and “We’re back” tweets/comments from DB? Does that reference something? He says it all the time for everything.

    Just curious.

  25. Don’t know about DB’s tweets….but we will hear from him in interviews today. Seems very much like ED’s swing through NYC for the opening of Bones, he’s following up with the closing. Did you see the blurb he did in Parade? It must be for next Sunday’s edition. Said he’d never do a Buffy reunion and he doesn’t feel he needs to chase after jobs now. He can be selective. The residuals from Bones have got to be good! An Italian fan posted they have a station there devoted to Bones! LOL

    • Yes, I imagine he is set financially with his residuals from Buffy, Angel, and Bones. He is in a really good place…he can afford to be picky about what he wants to do, and he can have all the time he wants to spend with his family (obviously his son’s hockey playing is a big focus).

      It’s sad for us (well me at least) that we probably won’t see much of DB on our TV screens in the future. I can’t imagine he will ever do another TV series, unless it’s one of these cable series with a lot less episodes.

  26. Watched DB on AOL. He definitely did NOT shut the door to a Bones reunion. But pretty much did to Buffy/Angel. Did not give away much for the finale – someone gets shot and someone goes over a cliff…. He did say he was sorry to have Ryan go, but kinda covered a bit. Mentioned the Sweets death too and said unfortunately for story these things have to happen occasionally. He said the derby episode is really good, but again not sure if that’s because of the guest stars or something decent between B&B. No big spoilers – except that he didn’t shut the Bones door forever.

    • Good to know he is open to a Bones reunion. Let’s hope HH is involved if it ever happens.

      I thought that the Build interview recording would be available afterwards (others are) but I don’t see his on their app. I forget about it and only got to listen to the last 5 minutes or so..:(

    • That works…thanks!

      For some reason it’s not on the app. I found Tamara’s and Emily’s, but when I search for David Boreanaz it doesn’t find anything. Weird.

    • Watched the AOL video. Random observations:

      David is so hard to follow sometimes…he doesn’t always finish sentences, has weird references…is it just me?

      He’s really into astrology

      Lots of mentions of Emily!!!

      When he calls her the beautiful Miss Deschanel…aaggghhhh! Wonderful1

      He says that in the Bones finale, B&B have a conversation in the office where they kind of discuss the past 12 seasons…a goodbye of sorts. This sounds great.

      He says he used this same process with “her”…(was he talking about Emily?)

      Even when he talks about what he watches on TV, he sees it from an actors POV. Laughed when he talked about how boring some shows (legal, medical dramas) would be.

      DB is definitely hyperactive.

      He would be interested in acting in a TV series if he relates to the character

      He would not say no to a Bones reunion…yeah!

      Someone gets shot in the finale…Booth?

      David mentioned Telly Savalas in the TV show Kojak and I don’t think anyone there knew what he was talking about (he probably had 20 years on the audience and the interviewer).

      Most of the favorite TV shows he mentioned were comedies (Cheers, Mash, Wings, Friends…)

      He looks good, relaxed, and happy.

      • Exactly!! Ugh. And we have to suffer Booth giving him the reins over the case….which means he is centre of the case too….wonder what that plot is about seems to me Booth is 1) testing him, maybe he thinks its time Aubrey got his own team & case, leave the nest so to speak. 2) Booth is thinking of doing another job not field work, which seems like a repeat of S10 finale, please no.

  27. I agree Estella, I think that DB and ED might have some specific requests about a return to Bones….like Hart or Nathan being involved!
    As far as the pictures go – It appears Aubrey went out on the ‘site’ shoot and not Brennan. ED probably stuck closer to the lab because Betty White is guesting that episode, looks like Brennan/ED stayed on the Fox lot. She and Booth are walking down the ‘lot street’ in the one shot. Frankly, some of these episodes have been kinda Brennan-light this final season. imo
    “Booth is 1) testing him, maybe he thinks its time Aubrey got his own team & case, leave the nest so to speak.”
    But why is Booth WITH Aubrey if this is the case. I had forgotten about the ‘plot’. When we read that I thought it was going to be an excuse for Booth not being there. So maybe he is critiquing Aubrey’s work? Could also be a way for Booth to move up into management? If he can review agents maybe?

    • I would love to see if HH, DB, ED, and whoever else they could round up could revive Bones somehow in a different form. Maybe they could do mini movies, like Tom Selleck does with his “Jesse Stone” TV movies…or fun websiodes, that’d be even cheaper & easier to put together I would think.

      The only thing is I don’t know how that might work out. Can Fox say no? Does HH have rights to ‘Bones’? Maybe they could also do a new project together. But I’d love a continuation of what we already have!

      • “Can Fox say no? Does HH have rights to ‘Bones’?”

        I’m not sure who really “owns” Bones and who would have to be on board with it coming back. HH is the creator, but then there is Fox, and Kathy Reichs as well.

        “Maybe they could also do a new project together. But I’d love a continuation of what we already have!”

        I would always love to see DB and ED working together, but it would be weird if they aren’t in the B&B roles!

        I watched both DB interviews yesterday, and one thing is for sure…David is a guy who needs to have something to do. He is already bored and driving his family crazy!

      • I sometimes am that way, though I’m not hyper like DB lol. Like if I have an extended time off, I actually find myself bored by the end of it because I’m used to working so many hours!

        And yes it would totally be weird seeing DB/ED in other roles especially if they were still acting together! But maybe they could just do webisodes/podcasts where they pick a topic and just go off on it as themselves. It would be hilarious. I always love their interviews together. Their natural chemistry would be fun to watch.

  28. It makes little sense to me either. You think with only 3 eps to go, with this ep, they wld ctually spotlight Booth & Brennan as partners, you know the leads *sigh*

    Unless the part of the press release about passion in the work place is about passion for the job and not “romantic” passion. Maybe Booth & Brennan have lost their passion for work since Max died & the sniper revenge plot & so Booth let’s Aubrey do the case & Brennan seeks guidance from Betty to get his & her mojo back? IDK, with the way this season is going it is anti romance “passion”, bet there is some twist to it

  29. “IDK, with the way this season is going it is anti romance “passion”, bet there is some twist to it”

    Yep, I bet there is some twist to it also. With all the killing going on around B&B, their children being almost killed it would be no surprise if they lost their passion for their work.

    Maybe Betty White makes an off hand joke to Brennan.

  30. While I agree about an ‘anti-passion’ feel to what they’ve done in s12, couldn’t having your kids almost killed make you super mad? Or at least, really really focused/passionate about getting these guys. Because when we left that episode, it was unclear where that bad guy was going. And his wife is still ‘out there’. So are Booth and Brennan in any way concerned that they AND especially their kids are still in danger? I’m be sick with worry if that were the case with my kids. Not going to Canada or out to dinner with Dumb and Dumber Dully. I mean really! Not a peep about worry, concern for their safety! But I digress…..Derby time!

  31. “Not going to Canada or out to dinner with Dumb and Dumber Dully. I mean really! Not a peep about worry, concern for their safety!”

    Well said. They should be passionate about finding the killer, but I think of Brennan in season 5 The Boy with the Answer when she was just tired of all the killing and wanted to leave her job. Eventually that led to her going to Maluku
    Maybe the ending will be the Booths going somewhere exotic for a change of scenery and to raise their kids.

  32. “Maybe the ending will be the Booths going somewhere exotic for a change of scenery and to raise their kids.”
    That would make logical sense in my mind. They deserve a real break. Beach and alcohol for awhile may do the trick! Brennan could home school for a few months.
    TVLine blurb says the bad guy has been apprehended, but the B’s aren’t out of danger. I’m sure he’s pulling strings from the inside via his wife.

    • “TVLine blurb says the bad guy has been apprehended, but the B’s aren’t out of danger. I’m sure he’s pulling strings from the inside via his wife.”

      In the AOLBuild interview David implied that Booth gets shot (again), and there is that photo of Booth and Brennan running and he is holding his side. Hard to believe he gets shot yet again, but you would have to think they want a break.

      On the other hand, the final scene of them sitting on that park bench in front of the Jeffersonian makes me think they will decide to stay and rebuild.

      I guess we will know soon enough!

  33. Did anyone hear anything new from David on the talk shows (Seth Meyers/Kelly)? I’ve just heard about his washing machine on a couple, but not much else. I did see a big discussion on instagram about ED’s weight. Her die hard fans says she is NOT pregnant. Just hasn’t shed her baby weight. So I guess that ends that discussion!

  34. “On the other hand, the final scene of them sitting on that park bench in front of the Jeffersonian makes me think they will decide to stay and rebuild.”

    Hmm… I’m going with they decide to have a new beginning and a new life somewhere far from the Jeffersonian.

    So ED’s fans are saying she is not pregnant. I did not think so either after seeing that picture of her and David together at the award show. Definitely heavier but not pregnant looking.

    I’m not sure if I will like this demolition derby episode. That just doesn’t excite me. Hopefully GordonGordon can inject some romance and chemistry into this episode. Last time we saw him was season 5 Dwarf episode. He told Biooth he was in love with Dr. Brennan, and the heart wants what it wants and we don’t have much say in the matter.
    “Take Dr. Brennan to this shooting event of yours. You won’t fail in front of her”
    Lovely conversation.

    • “So ED’s fans are saying she is not pregnant. I did not think so either after seeing that picture of her and David together at the award show. Definitely heavier but not pregnant looking.”


      In the photo of B&B walking down the street ED looks heavier but not pregnant.

      “I’m not sure if I will like this demolition derby episode. That just doesn’t excite me. Hopefully GordonGordon can inject some romance and chemistry into this episode. Last time we saw him was season 5 Dwarf episode. He told Biooth he was in love with Dr. Brennan, and the heart wants what it wants and we don’t have much say in the matter.”

      I’m not very excited either. It looks to be a lot of silliness wth DB whooping it up. As you say, hopefully Stephen Fry’s presence will inject some seriousness and provoke a B&B discussion.

      • Emily problem is pure wardrobe. She isn’t pregnant and she isn’t obese. But with she or the costume designer are clueless!

  35. Press for 12×11….


    Fan-Favorite Guest Star Cyndi Lauper Returns

    Series Finale Airs Next Tuesday, March 28

    In the series’ penultimate episode, each leading character’s final story begins to unfold. Brennan testifies for Zach in trial, Angela reveals some big news, while Aubrey and Jessica come to terms about their future together. All the while, the team discovers Kovac has escaped, leaving Booth in a race against the clock to protect himself and those closest to him from what may be Kovac’s most dangerous plan yet in the all-new “The Final Chapter: The Day in the Life” penultimate episode of BONES airing Tuesday, March 21 (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (BON-1211) (TV-14 D, L, V)

    Cast: Emily Deschanel as Dr. Temperance Brennan; David Boreanaz as FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth; TJ Thyne as Dr. Jack Hodgins; Michaela Conlin as Angela Montenegro; Tamara Taylor as Dr. Camille “Cam” Saroyan; John Boyd as FBI Special Agent James Aubrey

    Guest Cast: Patricia Belcher as ADA Caroline Julian; Cyndi Lauper as Avalon Harmonia; Eric Millegan as Zach Addy; Pej Vahdat as Dr. Arastoo Vaziri; Michael Grant Terry as Wendell Bray; Laura Spencer as Jessica Warren; Eugene Byrd as Dr. Clark Edison; Carla Gallo as Daisy Wick; Sara Rue as Karen Delfs; Raney Branch as Felicia Saroyan; Tiffany Sharee Hines as Michelle Welton; Brittany Shaw Johns as Jeannine Kovac; Meagan Fay as Judge Celia Stockwell; Sunnie Pelant as Christine Booth

  36. So Angela will be pregnant I guess or she has found some new doctor who will try and help Hodgins? They might leave his story in a hopeful place. A trial sounds dull, I hope it doesn’t last too long. How can the Booth family even attend a wedding if they all have bullseyes on their backs? There is no mention of the wedding here, but the cast includes Cam’s sister and a married Michelle? Interesting Cam never spoke of that but there are two episodes before….or it could be Michelle’s wedding?? I suppose it doesn’t matter.

    • I’m assuming Angela is pregnant. They’ve dropped hints about children and then they made sure to let us know Hodgela apparently don’t let the wheelchair get in the way of anything….so that’s the most likely. I feel like the Zach thing crushed the chances of Hodgins walking again. I would be happy either way if Hodgins did or didn’t walk again, but I’m not sure know how they could based on how they’ve left it with the (IMO) cruel fake doctor thing.

      I am just trying to figure out how a wedding will work between Arastoo and Cam, like religion wise. Will it be totally non denominational? I can’t imagine Cam would go for a traditional Muslim wedding. (Pretty sure they don’t allow skin tight dresses! lol) But maybe since we saw the B&B wedding and no reception, maybe they’ll switch it up and skim through the wedding and spend most of the time at the reception?

  37. I am figuring we do not SEE the C/A wedding (unless they go to the justice of the peace), but we are there for the reception. Which is different, we’ve never seen a Bones wedding reception besides Booth’s mom’s reception. And that was so Brennan could catch the bouquet …. another cute moment. Perhaps they will mention that? If Cam were to throw a bouquet, I guess Jessica would catch it? If Michelle is married, I can’t think of too many singles…..Daisy and the sister I guess?
    I suppose they have closed the book on Hodgins. DB just mentioned someone might walk in his AOL interview….so I just thought there might be some hope! Not that we will see that….but just leave it open again. He could go the robotic limb route?

    • “He could go the robotic limb route?”

      I think that would be a cool way of doing both. It’s not a miraculous cure for Hodgins, but its very sciencey way to allow him the feeling of walking. A new way to be King of the Lab! 🙂

  38. I thought Angela pregnant too (grrrrr even tho the writers still are ignoring blind baby DNA risk) but then I remember the BTS pic David posted with Michaela. They both are injured with head wounds at least…would they do that to a pregnant Angela? Never know

    And how would Kovac escape? A jail break by his henchmen?

  39. Twitter question and answer from Ted Peterson this morning:

    Sarah ~S12E9 Tue @9~‏ @SarahBeth0524 2h2 hours ago
    @CharlesPeterson @surfwriter123 The SF is only 1 hour, not 2, right? Will there be a special right before it, like there was for #House?

    @SarahBeth0524 @surfwriter123 1 hour, but ep 11 sets it up, so it’s kinda 2. Fox talked about doing a retrospective as well but not sure.

    My guess is we will get nothing. No retrospective, no cast interviews afterwards, zilch. I really though we’d get an hour-long show which would include HH, SN, cast, etc… but it just seems like everyone has left the building, literally and figuratively.

    That’s sad for such a long-running, beloved show.

  40. And how would Kovac escape?
    Wife bakes him a cake with a file in it! 🙂

    “My guess is we will get nothing. No retrospective, no cast interviews afterwards, zilch. I really though we’d get an hour-long show which would include HH, SN, cast, etc… but it just seems like everyone has left the building, literally and figuratively.”

    I tend to agree. Slim chance we get an 8pm retrospective show before the last episode. The Fox people did put that guest stars video out there yesterday. So we may get some small promo video covering the years?
    On the outside chance they do something, it will be interesting to see who is included. Could be a sign about possibility of what could come in the future. You would have thought IF something like this was going to happen, it would have happened at the end of filming, before the sets were all taken down. So I’m not holding my breath! Maybe they are just not including MP!! LOL

    “That’s sad for such a long-running, beloved show.”
    Agreed, like pre-empting New Girl and The Mick would be such a huge loss for Fox! Interviews and old footage wouldn’t cost much! Very sad…….

    • I watched “The Office” retrospective and let me tell you, got misty eyed. It was so nice to see the cast together and listen to the memories. I’m getting emotional now just thinking of it! And they lasted only 9 years to Bones’ 12! Ah well, I mean, I can’t say I expected Fox to have them go out with a bang. They haven’t cared about the show for a decade so they aren’t gonna suddenly jump on board at this late date. I bet some enterprising Bones fans out there will make their own retrospectives, so we’ll have to keep an eye out on the Interwebs.

  41. ** The pic of Emily in the diner talking to Betty White…her blazer one button done, she does look pregnant there, but as bnb said, the costume designers are clueless!! Who thinks that looks good???!!

    ** I bet also Angela announces she is pregnant.

    **” “but it just seems like everyone has left the building, literally and figuratively.”

    Bones has always been ignored by Fox. Very sad after 12 years we get nothing.

  42. Booth has a back ache? Wonder if they actually had Brennan work on it? Or even referred to her previous attempts, since they didn’t happen in s2! lol Good to see Double G!

  43. Hope its not because he has been sleeping on the couch just to punish Booth even more. Cause Brennan is still pushing him away…won’t shock me we are dealing with the no romance, fake drama, punish Booth showrunners now *sighs*

    Let’s hope he hurt it playing with the kids or *don’t read if a kiss offends* bedroom acrobatics!! Nah.

  44. Talk of bedroom acrobatics at this point would be great, I expected more of the running around with the kids issue! I never even considered he’s been sleeping on the couch! Dang that’s likely it. I doubt Brennan has forced him, it’s likely self-imposed, since he’s been fairly subdued about his feelings he is likely avoiding her. I had been slightly looking forward to the ‘back issue’….but you brought me back to reality Shanny! Thanks, I need to lower that Bones ‘bar’! And expect nothing good as usual! LOL Although just seeing Gordon Gordon will be nice.

  45. Sorry!! Lol. The doom & gloom twins aka Peterson & Collier it would kill them to write B&B supportive & kind. There has to be fake drama it’s like they are writing Game of Thrones. I totally hope I am wrong cos fourth ep before the end and B&B are emotionally separate even in their house? NO THANKS. *prays*

    also if Booth’s back is so bad why is going to race at a demolition derby? Makes little sense if you ask me

  46. BONES FINALE: Writers Jonathan Collier and Michael http://bit.ly/2mdqZJ7

    While this season proceeded with the knowledge that it would be the last, BONES has almost ended a few times before. At the end of Season 10, Brennan and Booth quit their respective jobs in the finale – only to come back in Season 11 and become guilt-stricken over all the murders they could have solved while they were gone.

    BONES executive producers Jonathan Collier and Michael Peterson answer questions about that Season 10 ending, mildly disagree over whether the BONES-verse includes actual ghosts or not, and give some hints about what to expect for the rest of Season 12.

    ASSIGNMENT X: At the end of Season 10, when Booth and Brennan quit, when you came back, did you think beforehand, “Actually, they’d have tremendous guilt if anything whatsoever happened after they left,” or did they just have to have tremendous guilt in to get them back into their jobs so the procedural could continue?

    JONATHAN COLLIER: That was a tough one. That was the toughest type of ending to write, because we didn’t know if we were coming back or not, so it had to be one of these things you could come back from.

    MICHAEL PETERSON: Well, the transition was odd, because [executive producer] Stephen Nathan was still running the show at the end of 10, and then he left at the end of it, and so we had to answer the question that he proposed at the end there, we had to figure out our own way to have them come back.

    COLLIER: Right. I actually wrote that ending with Stephen, though. Stephen and I co-wrote that episode, and our main thing was just survival. We were thinking, “We’re treading water here. How are we going to keep the characters interesting? How are we going to do something that could be both a satisfying ending to the show and not be a rip-off if we come back to the fans? We want to be respectful to the fans, too.” And the next year, Michael and I came up with the answer that I think made the episode work, but we came up with that really on the B side, after the fact.

    PETERSON: And the truth is, that wasn’t even our first pass on the episode. Originally, the SLEEPY HOLLOW crossover was going to be the first episode coming back. So we had written an entirely different one coming back, but then some scheduling things didn’t go through, so we had to scramble at the last second and figure out a new way to bring it back that wasn’t involving a Headless Horseman. So it turned out better that way, I think.

    COLLIER: It all worked out. All these things that they’d handed us turned out for the best.

    AX: Speaking of SLEEPY HOLLOW, has it been established that ghosts at least do exist in the BONES universe?

    COLLIER: No. They don’t. They certainly don’t exist to Brennan, and they could exist to Booth, but we haven’t established they definitively exist.

    PETERSON: But there is something that’s going to be key in the last two episodes that will involve an aspect of the supernatural, and believe versus science. So that is something that will be very present.

    COLLIER: But that’s spiritual more than about ghosts.

    PETERSON: Cyndi Lauper [as usually accurate psychic Avalon Harmonia] is going to be returning for Episode Eleven, and her perspective of what is to come is going to be key to what’s going to happen.

    AX: But wasn’t there an episode that was essentially from the point of view of a ghost?

    PETERSON: I think we certainly have those episodes. There’s also an episode where Brennan sees the ghost of somebody who died in Booth’s unit. So yeah, I can say that we charged into that territory, we have said that they do exist, but we don’t focus on it by any means.

    COLLIER: And it always could be explained as something else.

    AX: Are the two of you, Jonathan Collier and Michael Peterson, going to be partnered on your next project?

    COLLIER: We are. We’re doing a pilot together.

    AX: For Fox?

    COLLIER: Yeah.

    AX: Can you tease the subject matter at all?

    COLLIER: I don’t know if we can or not, so I’d better not. But we’re excited about it. And I’d say tonally I think BONES fans would love the show.

    AX: And what would you most like people to know about your ride on BONES?

    COLLIER: I loved it. I’m so grateful for it. Just being able to work with Hart, being able to work with Stephen, being able to work with this cast, I’ve worked on so many shows, and it’s been one of the most satisfying, gratifying experiences of my life.

    PETERSON: A lot of shows talk about “it’s a family,” but this one was unique in what Hart brought to this, and not a lot of people get to go from staff writer to show runner, and that’s because of the kind of nurturing environment that’s there, so it’s a blessing.

    This interview was conducted during Fox Network’s portion of the Winter 2017 Television Critics Association (TCA) press tour at Pasadena’s Langham-Huntington Hotel

    • “We want to be respectful to the fans, too.”


      Oh, that Jonathan Collier. He’s a funny one.

      Respectful to the fans. What a hoot! 🙂

      And they are doing a Pilot together for Fox?

      I am legit laughing. I didn’t watch The Finder, I didn’t watch Backstrom, and I ain’t watching whatever nonsense these two crazies come up with.

      • “We want to be respectful to the fans, too.”

        What a hoot. They said this season was a love letter to the fans. What it is, is a love letter to themselves and the cast and the crew. They all appear to be having a blast, yucking it up with the guests on set, but they seem to have forgotten about the story they are telling.

        “And they are doing a Pilot together for Fox?”

        That will be an automatic pass. These guys cannot run a show to save their lives. In fact, after Bones is done I’m pretty much through with Fox as well.

        I will say that all of this has given me new-found respect for HH. I didn’t love everything he did on the show, but his skills are so far beyond what we have seen in S11-S12 that it’s ridiculous.

      • After the hotmess of S11 & 12, looking back at S10 finale, was it so bad to series wrap it with that?

        At least Jared, Aldo & Max was alive… We wouldn’t of got baby Hank, but heck we don’t have him now anyway…what else? No Cam marriage, down with that, Hodgins wasn’t paralyzed…

        But you guys are right, this season is *not* for fans. They wrote if for themselves and all the characters they wanted to return. Ugh

      • I whole heartedly agree. I had some real issues with Hart, but these two duds really make me appreciate Hart all the more. I agree Shanny, s10 ending works for me. We had baby Hank in the works…..so it all is good for me. B&B left to spend time with each other and their kids and found worthwhile ways to contribute to society. Cosmic balance sheet and all!
        I don’t even want to think about what 447 means to these crazy guys.

      • Its amazing how these last few seasons have truly put into perspective how great a writer Hart is and was. He had faults off course but man he knew how to construct an ep and a season with B&B front and center

      • I’d love to know what HH’s version of 447 means (because that’s really the only one that matters). I wonder if he’ll tell us after the show is over?

      • Hart’s 447 prolly something sweet like the first time Booth & Brennan met in ep 100

        Peterson’s 447 will involve some dramatic moment, let’s see ….. the timer number on the bomb that blows up the lab

        Day vs Night
        Sweet vs Sour
        Romance vs Bickering

  47. Thanks Shanny. The driver of the gold car is DB’s wife. So the derby is therapeutic for Brennan, I was thinking it would be that way for Booth. One good thing, she called him honey!

  48. So did I. I think the Doom & Gloom twins only care about Brennan and her emotional needs, Booth is basically a punching bag who has to absorb every hard knock with no peep.

    Though we do get a “I love you” from Booth tonight for some reason

  49. Stills of episode 11 are up. Definitely appears Angela is pregnant. The jubilant hug from Brennan is a give away. Brennan looks pretty at the wedding reception…..even bears some arm as she did in the end scene on derby!

    • Isn’t that crazy we get excited if Emily “bares some arm” in her wardrobe? But we can’t see if the boots are on under the table….lol

  50. LOL yes – Boots were likely on in the dinner shot, but not in the wedding shot. I don’t think they would go with the sparkly dress! But you never know – that will likely be the most interesting aspect of Cam’s wedding for me, what Brennan wears! LOL

  51. Thanks Shanny! Booth and Brennan appear to be bickering! I can’t wait!
    Glad Hodgins and Angela get to exit in a good place. I suppose, ‘I go where you go’ is as good as we can expect from MP/JC for B&B. I don’t expect anything more. Maybe a hug on the bench? But that may be too intense…..a hand hold perhaps. I wonder in the last episode, why was Booth wearing driving gloves when Brennan was not? Skin can’t touch?

    • No problem ☺

      I think the awesome what we live for bickering scene in the pic is the same scene in the promo

      Also Avalon seems upset to me, like she has a bad feeling, then Booth picks a tarot to get read…does she sense he is in danger or the lab blowing up?

  52. *GULP* LAST ONE 😩

    9:00 PM – 10:00 PM PDT – CC – HDTV 720P – Dolby Digital 5.1 –
    (TV-14 L, V), (TV-14 L, S, V), (TV-14 D, L):

    Tuesday, March 28, On FOX

    With Kovac still at large, the team searches for evidence to track him down. After Brennan experiences a setback, the rest of the team must figure out how to find Kovac without her, putting everything she has ever taught them to the test. When all signs point to Kovac having outside help, as well as a hideout, Booth and Brennan go searching for him in the all-new “The Final Chapter: The End in the End” series finale episode of BONES airing Tuesday, March 28 (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (BON-1212) (TV-14 L, V)

    Cast: Emily Deschanel as Dr. Temperance Brennan; David Boreanaz as FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth; TJ Thyne as Dr. Jack Hodgins; Michaela Conlin as Angela Montenegro; Tamara Taylor as Dr. Camille “Cam” Saroyan; John Boyd as FBI Special Agent James Aubrey

    Guest Cast: Patricia Belcher as ADA Caroline Julian; Pej Vahdat as Dr. Arastoo Vaziri; Eugene Byrd as Dr. Clark Edison; Carla Gallo as Daisy Wick; Michael Grant Terry as Wendell Bray; Sara Rue as Karen Delfs; Laura Spencer as Jessica Warren; Gerard Celasco as Mark Kovac; Brittany Shaw Johns as Jeannine Kovac; Sunnie Pelant as Christine Booth; Guiseppe Scoleri as Agent Freddy Pino; David T. Boreanaz as Dave Roberts; Blaine Holtkamp as Dr. Domick Dupont

    • I honestly cannot believe how bad S12 has been. The finale sounds awful, frankly. Everyone and their brother in the show, plus the big car chase and explosion, almost definitely leaves zero time for B&B scenes. I’m looking for Brennan to be practically absent and Booth to spend most of the time with Aubrey. I guess we’ll get a 1 minute B&B scene on the bench at the very end. No kiss, no hug, no romance, no nothing. How was it possible for two guys to royally screw up such a beautiful love story?

      • Ikr?! How many frakking people do they need in one episode?

        Its the opposite of what Hart wanted for the finale. He wanted B&B front and center, he didn’t want a cast of thousands.

        200th ep had prolly a similar amount of a million guest stars and it was very B&B centered….maybe a ray of light?! But with Peterson and co, I doubt it

        Of the top off my head I can think of these B&B finale scenes…. 1) B&B at Booth’s office 2) Booth at the lab when it explodes, he prolly finds Brennan & Angela 3) B&B car scene “Where you go. I go” 4) B&B bench scene 5) B&B running with Booth shot….Christine & Hank is in the ep, so that’s gotta be 6? At least. …There must be more to link the scenes?

        IDK hopefully the rest of excess cast can have one scene, like Karen? Why is she there? Ugh. No. And all squints too, how can they figure out anything when the lab is exploded? It makes little sense too me. The press release is worded in a way not to spoil too much, same as 12×11, it didn’t even mention Cam’s wedding or Avalon seems to be worried about Booth.

        IDK I am grasping at straws trying to make it B&B focused but I forget its Peterson: destroyer of all good, lol. 😩

  53. Yes it does kinda sound like the show ends with a circus!

    Avalon and the wedding/Zach are in episode 11. So she and Booth have a ‘card’ talk at the reception. I hope Avalon doesn’t sing for C/A too. grrrrr

    Here is the press release for 11:

    “In the series’ penultimate episode, each leading character’s final story begins to unfold. Brennan testifies for Zach in trial, Angela reveals some big news, while Aubrey and Jessica come to terms about their future together. All the while, the team discovers Kovac has escaped, leaving Booth in a race against the clock to protect himself and those closest to him from what may be Kovac’s most dangerous plan yet in the all-new “The Final Chapter: The Day in the Life” penultimate episode of BONES airing Tuesday, March 21.”

    So Brennan’s ‘set-back’ in 12 – must be the lab exploding/no lab. Perhaps it happens early on and the interns have to come and help pick up the pieces and sift through the rubble? Hoping we don’t see them much and that C/A are gone far away on a honeymoon? Perhaps the lab blows up at the end of 11? Maybe they are having the reception IN the Jeffersonian somewhere?
    Sounds like the (at least I’m hoping) all the sub-characters relationships get taking care of in episode 11, leaving 12 more centered on the B&B relationship; at least as much as possible amid the chaos.

    I saw on twitter some people think that MP/JC promised a B&B kiss in the finale at Comic Con. I’m not getting my hopes up!

    • “Sounds like the (at least I’m hoping) all the sub-characters relationships get taking care of in episode 11, leaving 12 more centered on the B&B relationship; at least as much as possible amid the chaos.”

      I like where your head is at. 🙂 I don’t know why they didn’t have us consult for this show, we have some pretty great ideas!!! I’m not sure that anything MP/JC come up with would be better than what we’ve thought up!

  54. “I saw on twitter some people think that MP/JC promised a B&B kiss in the finale at Comic Con. I’m not getting my hopes up!”

    I thought MP/JC promised lots of kisses in S12, but apparently they were just being sarcastic, since we haven’t had any yet. Really unbelievable.

    If there is a kiss it will be a quick peck, nothing more. These guys have no clue how to write a sweet romantic scene.

  55. I saw ED’s interview on The Talk. They showed a really short clip of the next episode. Betty White’s character is the one that has lost her passion for being a squint; B&B run into her at the Diner. I’m sure it will be out soon as a sneak peek. Seems so late in the game to have a ‘filler’ episode. But with MP and JC wonders never cease! Don’t know what (if anything) to expect from episode 10!

  56. **”How was it possible for two guys to royally screw up such a beautiful love story?”**

    Because they don’t get it! In their minds and their world they think that Bones is all about murder and gore. And they don’t even do a good job with that! The cases have been terrible!
    They just did not get from the beginning that Bones was successful because of the love story between B&B.

  57. There is a longer peek out there….I’m not sure I can link it.
    A new match to get the old flame burning again? A double entendre for the B’s since Max’s death? Will tonight’s episode actually delve into their relationship? I’m sure not! LOL

  58. “I thought MP/JC promised lots of kisses in S12, but apparently they were just being sarcastic, since we haven’t had any yet. Really unbelievable…
    If there is a kiss it will be a quick peck, nothing more. These guys have no clue how to write a sweet romantic scene.”

    Sad but true!! We keep hoping, but it just ain’t happening! 😦 They were being sarcastic obvious now. They know what Bones fans wanted, but went out of their way NOT to give it to us.

    I believe now that the last episode may or may not have a hen peck.

  59. “A new match to get the old flame burning again? A double entendre for the B’s since Max’s death? Will tonight’s episode actually delve into their relationship? I’m sure not!”

    I watched the longer sneak peek. If Hart was writing this, or dare I say even SN, then yes, we would most definitely get a sweet discussion between the Bs about Max’s death and their relationship, and probably a kiss and/or a hug.

    However, since it’s MP/JC we will get nothing. I think the “new match to get the old flame burning again” and Betty White losing interest in forensic anthropology (plus Booth’s bad back) is just setting us up for a finale in which Booth and Brennan leave their FBI/Jeffersonian lab careers for something else.

  60. SN wrote the end as B&B leaving their respective jobs. Laurel and Hardy said they were doing it differently this time. But perhaps like the ‘kisses’ comment at Comic Con, they were being sarcastic with their answers? LOL
    SN did ‘consult’ on the last episode. But since L&H said thanks but no thanks to HH’s ideas, who knows if they took any of SN’s? SN doesn’t like to comment on social media like Hart does.

    IF the gruesome twosome are to be believed. I would think that Brennan takes on some of her dad’s qualities and resolve in the aftermath of his death and the lab being blown up. She (and Booth if they care to mention it) would be bent on revenge/vow to find the bad guys and bring them to justice……I have a feeling that they won’t wrap up catching the bad guys in episode 12. You wanna bet that they get away, thus setting up a story for a possible return?

    • I’ve learned that I can’t really predict what JC and M P are gonna do! I’d lose any bets on them!

      At this point, I think it’d be kind of fun if they decide to just go full out bonkers and have Brennan be a sort of Dexter character and half the bones in limbo she put there herself. So she has to blow up the lab to blow up the evidence. Then she takes all her millions from authoring and B&B retire and live happily ever after in quiet peace….until Brennan dies at age 85. Booth is sadly going through her things to pack up for Christine and Hank…but he stumbles on some diaries that she kept which reveals all that he never knew. He looks up horrified.

      Fade to black.

      *drop the mic*

  61. ‘I have a feeling that they won’t wrap up catching the bad guys in episode 12. You wanna bet that they get away, thus setting up a story for a possible return?”

    Nah, Kovac is going over that cliff. Or blown up during that last night shoot that DB posted about, with helicopters and explosions. Put money on it. 😉

  62. “Is it me or has Booth lost his “passion” for crime solving? Is that the ep theme “loss of passion?” I don’t, probably giving them too much credit”

    Could be right about Booth….although last week he was all excited about undercover. This week, he’d rather be putting? I wonder if they will explain this stuff. I’m afraid to go investigate who wrote this one! LOL

    ‘Nah, Kovac is going over that cliff.’

    Yes – and we won’t know if he is alive or dead. Very soapy, left open for a return…when you don’t have a body……

  63. Could be right about “Booth….although last week he was all excited about undercover. This week, he’d rather be putting? I wonder if they will explain this stuff. I’m afraid to go investigate who wrote this one! LOL”

    Fogelsong, I think do we like him? I can’t mind his eps.

    Booth does seem more interested in putting than the crime. IDK. The way they have dropped Booth’s side of things this season leads me to believe it will go nowhere.

    Why don’t they just focus on B&B partnership anyway? Who cares about Aubrey.

  64. “Why don’t they just focus on B&B partnership anyway? Who cares about Aubrey”

    I don’t mind Aubrey, I just don’t care about his personal life. He’s ok when he’s Booth’s comedic target. I would love for them to send Aubrey off to solve the crime and let B&B focus on their relationship. But there are too many pictures with Booth and Aubrey in the promo pics for me to think that happens! 😦

    Fogelsong has been around since 2011. So he might write a coherent episode.

  65. I think Betty is there for Brennan scenes, so Booth can do whatever he is doing in this ep not lead anyway….

    We should start calling how many B&B scenes get, I call 4, though prolly 3…apparently Peterson/Collier think we tune in for Booth & Aubrey dynamic duo. No. No. And NO

  66. “We should start calling how many B&B scenes get, I call 4, though prolly 3…apparently Peterson/Collier think we tune in for Booth & Aubrey dynamic duo. No. No. And NO”

    I say three also. And I predict at the end of the series we will be lucky if we get one henpeck.

  67. You know tonight is going to be all about Aubrey. Betty White’s scenes probably won’t have anything at all to do with Booth and Brennan’s relationship. We won’t get any kisses or B&B romance.

    It’s beyond baffling how MP/JC managed to squander the 12 episodes they were given to close out this show. As someone said earlier, MP/JC actually think that the show is about murder and forensics. They apparently never grasped that it’s the B&B relationship that drives it all. And where was Mr. “It’s all about the relationship” Boreanaz when the storylines for these season were being discussed?

    • I agree, its the Aubrey show tonight, why on earth did they think we wanted to see that? They have lost it, totally out of touch with the fandom

      They won’t listen to Hart, he wanted the series finale focused on Booth & Brennan, not a million guest characters….why would they listen to David? I mean we all know DB hated Max getting killed off, bet he voiced that too at the time… But they just don’t care. Peterson & Collier’s arrogance has ruined S12 of Bones

  68. Well they are pulling out all the stops…boots, trench coat, cocky belt buckle, side hug. I’m guessing that since Brennan has her Jeffersonian badge on that they aren’t leaving. Maybe Booth has his mojo back and that’s why he brings back cocky. Or maybe they are actually somewhere between S1-S5 and everything since has been a dream. Who knows with these guys?

    I’ll predict right now…no kiss. I truly believe MP/JC decided to give us 0 kisses this season. They probably got irritated with all the questions about it and decided to be jerks about it.

  69. First thing I noticed was the boots and trench coat lol. But they get a bonus point for bringing Cocky back. I need to read that article, Marisa is a great Bones fan and I bet she had a good visit on set.

  70. “I’ll predict right now…no kiss. I truly believe MP/JC decided to give us 0 kisses this season. They probably got irritated with all the questions about it and decided to be jerks about it.”

    I think you’re absolutely right about that now! After watching tonight’s episode, Radioactive, we only got ONE scene with B&B Together. That’s It. Hard for them to kiss when They can’t even be in the same room together.

    That is a nice pic of B&B together on the bench. They both look happy.
    Surprised they brought back cocky belt buckle. I bet that is how it ends with a shoulder hug. Nothing else. Brennan wearing her Jeffersonian badge does also make me think that she decides to stay.

  71. Sad what Bones has come to. Next week will be all about Cam and Arastoo. Again, no B&B romance, no kisses, no sweet home scenes, nothing.

    I see that the bots are out in full force saying this was a wonderful episode, that they HAVE to concentrate on all the other characters not just B&B, etc… Same old, same old with them.

    One thing is for sure…we already lost Bones several season ago. I won’t miss Bones as it has been these last few seasons.

  72. I just realized that next week will be “Booth lite” because DB was preparing to direct the finale, so more than likely very few B&B scenes, if we get any at all!

  73. Ugh, don’t remind me

    And there are too many plots

    Zack’s court case too, Kovac, Cam’s wedding, a case too, boring Karen & Jessica & Aubrey crap

  74. I can’t believe that Fox has leaked the ONE good B&B moment we will get in the finale! Like they showed us the ONE scene in ep. 10 of B&B in the sneak peek yesterday.

    I agree – zero kiss in the finale. This picture is it for them. At least they are happy, but JC/MP don’t deserve to EVER touch Bones again. What they’ve done is a travesty. It certainly makes it easier to give it up at this point. I wonder if we will get to know WHY he’s got Cocky back on? Did the other belt buckle get damaged in the explosion?

    • I have a lot of questions about that last picture. Why the Cocky buckle and why the Jeffersonian badge? Like, is Booth going to move on to a different career and Brennan stay and rebuild at the Jeffersonian?

      I have a feeling Cam might move somewhere with Arastoo and Brennan might take over as boss. Let the underlings do the day-to-day work and she pops in and checks on them. Booth is getting too old and beat up to do his job forever. Perhaps he decides to start a security business or something and do something less physically demanding and dangerous? Hence the Cocky buckle as he’s off doing something new? Maybe he’s gonna quit altogether and be the hottest stay-at-home dad on the block?!

      We know Aubrey will be shipped off, but what about the others? I’d love to see Hodgins remain King of the Lab because he’s just so great at it, but I’m wondering if Hodgela will actually stay or ship off to France again. I definitely think she’ll be pregnant.

      I can’t even begin to predict what everyone else will be doing. I’m scared to even try with this crew of bosses and writers! But I’m glad they released that picture because at least we know Cocky will be there at the end, and that’s something.

  75. Well last night’s episode did have quite a few references to Bone of Contention. Foglesong also helped write that episode in s7. So will Booth step back, or will he be promoted? Funny that B&B never had the conversation about their passion for their jobs together. We’ve heard Sweets say that because of their sublimated love for each other they focused on their work. Now they don’t have to do that…..they could have discussed that in this episode…perhaps the last one. But I’m not holding my breath! But B&B aren’t leaving. The others, I’m not sure about. Hodgins has plenty of passion. He stayed all night this episode……I don’t see he and Angela sailing off at this point. But she will be pregnant.
    Also – in what capacity does Zach return? Will it be Brennan, Hodgins and Zach vowing to rebuild their ‘home’?

    • Well about Zach, I’m wondering what he’ll come back to do. Aren’t his hands like unusable for research/experimenting? I’m now realizing that I can’t remember what his hands were like at the beginning of this season…did he wear gloves? Unless they rewrite history (again, lol), he shouldn’t be able to use his hands.

      BOOTH: Yeah. Don’t worry about it, Zack. Alright? We’re gonna fix ya up. You’re gonna be as good as new.
      ZACK: That would be impossible, Agent Booth. The damage is-
      BOOTH: We’ll make sure we get you the best doctors.
      BRENNAN: The cartilage is destroyed, Booth.
      ZACK: In addition, the trapezoid and hamate on my left hand are-
      BOOTH: Hey. Hey, how about a little optimism here, huh?
      ZACK: I know that I can still be quite useful. Mentally, I”m still exceptional and with prosthesis-


      But as we know, history can be rewritten!

  76. Based on the finale pics, I’d say we get a couple of hugs. I’m going with no kisses in all of S12.

    Yep, MP and JC decided to just stick it to the fans who wanted romance and kisses. Instead we got paralysis, torture, deaths, and coldness between B&B. Wow. Great gift to the fans MP!

    • “Based on the finale pics, I’d say we get a couple of hugs. I’m going with no kisses in all of S12.”

      I agree with no kiss. I can’t see where it would fit in with Peterson’s dramazzzzz, unless its at the wedding?

      “Yep, MP and JC decided to just stick it to the fans who wanted romance and kisses. Instead we got paralysis, torture, deaths, and coldness between B&B. Wow. Great gift to the fans MP!”

      Return to sender please. 💌

  77. Shot in the gut 😭

    Going by the light, Booth is watching Kovac truck go boom? And look shiny wedding band 😭

    Definitely end scene 😭

    • Those pictures are super interesting to me. Thoughts:
      #1 Why is Emily wearing those ill-fitting blazer tops? They barely button!! Insane.
      #2 Black FBI t-shirt is always OK with me
      #3 Booth needs to quit the FBI or his body is just going to give up. How many times can one get hit, shot, stabbed, tortured, dragged onto an abandoned boat, and blown up before your body tells you, “Enough!” ???
      #4 The last scene. I wish Emily was actually snuggled up to DB there at the end. She’s leaning her head on him but her body is actually angling away from him. If this was one of MY last times to snuggle with DB and it be socially acceptable, I’m holding on for all I’m worth! lololol

  78. One thought…not to excuse MP/JC for this lousy season, but I’m starting to think that there is some reason (medical or otherwise) that is preventing kisses this season. The lack of a simple kiss between them was really glaring when Booth arrived back home from Canada, and there was absolutely no reason not to include it, unless DB and ED can’t/won’t for some reason. We’ve had at least one kiss (including kisses on the cheek) every season since S3, I believe, but absolutely nothing between them this season.

    Or maybe MP and JC are just mean guys.

    • I wish I could claim medical as a reason, but I don’t think I can. Number 1, if someone is contagious and ill, they wouldn’t be filming a TV show around tons of people they could infect. Number 2, even if they couldn’t swap spit due to illness, they could still give us those lovely glances at each other that they used to, since they were able to do it successfully for most of the series. Or give us more hand holds/cuddles/hugs, which we’ve gotten a few of so any “illness’ isn’t contagious by physical touch apparently.

      Unfortunately, I have to chalk it up to a big combination of too many new showrunners/writers, and acting burnout (either by ED or both leads). I know for sure ED is just plain over it and wants to concentrate on her family. DB, I think is a bit more invested, but more on the directing side. I think it’s hard to keep the mojo going acting-wise when your acting partner cuts her hours and shifts her focus.

      Not that I’m trying to make ED the bad guy…life happens. It is what it is. No hard feelings, just trying to find logical reasons.

  79. I honestly agree about some medical reason prevented kissing. Something is wrong behind the scenes and I can’t put my finger on it. That’s why I even clocked some of the episodes. The actors have every right to privacy and most certainly about medical things. But something is/was wrong. The last two episodes were B&B light. Like one or both of them needed time off for some reason. I think the photo second from the bottom might be one of their last times shooting together. Sad to say goodbye.

    I don’t think MP/JC are that mean but they can’t talk about it. Unfortunately we will likely never know for sure!

  80. “Unfortunately, I have to chalk it up to a big combination of too many new showrunners/writers, and acting burnout (either by ED or both leads). I know for sure ED is just plain over it and wants to concentrate on her family. DB, I think is a bit more invested, but more on the directing side. I think it’s hard to keep the mojo going acting-wise when your acting partner cuts her hours and shifts her focus.”

    You know for sure about ED? What evidence? Have you talked to her? She was invested enough in the beginning of the season to WANT to direct. That took extra time away from her kids. I get that she has gained weight so everyone just piles on and says she’s awful and she’s checked out etc…..yet she is still showing up on talk shows, she’s not hiding in her house.

    • Yeah. ED and I are besties, we talk all the time.

      Look, she got married, had babies, and cut back her work hours. This is pretty common knowledge. I said, “Not that I’m trying to make ED the bad guy…life happens. It is what it is. No hard feelings, just trying to find logical reasons.”

      I said NOTHING about her weight. NOTHING.

      (If anything, maybe you could say I was backhanding-ly saying that maybe DB should’ve done the same thing with his family instead of that drama from back in the day.)

      I would say that while I don’t hold a smoking gun, what I have is circumstantial evidence. Which, according to my copious viewings of Dateline, assures me can be plenty to convict 😉

  81. “I would say that while I don’t hold a smoking gun, what I have is circumstantial evidence. Which, according to my copious viewings of Dateline, assures me can be plenty to convict”

    LOL – I’m right there with you! I’m a little like Hodgins. I honestly think there is more to it though. We’ve always gotten at least one kiss a season. AND it’s not like kisses make or break Bones! I prefer cute romantic/sweet moments. Like S7 when Booth’s dad died. That end scene (which was on TNT yesterday) is great. We’ve had none of those.
    So, I think one thing we have against us is that MP/JC are lacking in the ‘how to write romantic’ department.

    But that aside, not even a quick hello/goodbye kiss at any point this season is odd.

    ‘Look, she got married, had babies, and cut back her work hours.”

    I haven’t clocked pre-baby episodes to current ones so without doing that, I can’t agree or disagree here. She did get some maternity leave with Henry, but the entire show shut down. Then they made extra episodes so she did put in her work. With Calvin, she planned him to coincide with the shooting schedule. She gets to and does bring child/ren to set. So Fox is really accommodating. In the Rachel Ray interview, Ray asked what was your first text of the day, she said husband – about the kids. And Ray thought it was cute he was being Mr. Mom, and ED laughed well, it’s not like we don’t have HELP! LOL So while she is a working mother, she is not like an average working parent, she has what I would guess is LOTS of help. So how she chooses to spend her time, is still pretty much up to her, kids or no kids. And yeah, I agree, she likely spends quite a bit of time with her boys.

    But still nothing points to WHY there would be zero kisses. Less time working doesn’t mean zero kisses, they’ve had B&B moments where a kiss could have happened.
    Does DB not want to kiss ED because she has gained weight? LOL – that doesn’t sound right.

    And I get they don’t have to swap saliva so what could it be? In the Derby, when they held hands, Booth’s was gloved and Brennan’s was not. In the above pictures Brennan has a brace/glove on her right hand that is holding Booth’s!!!

    So I’m honestly perplexed.

  82. I forgot that Cindy Lauper is in this episode, and aren’t we supposed to hear about 447?

    So this ep will include Cam/Arastoo wedding, Zach court case, 447, Cindy Lauper, and the lab exploding. Wonderful. Absolutely no time for any B&B scenes.

    It’s amazing that Hart said the one thing they didn’t want was for the final season and the finale to become a circus, trying to jam a lot of stuff in (does anyone have that quote?) It seems like MP/JC did exactly that.

    Another thought — Fox said they were going to make a big deal out of the end of Bones, yet we are getting nothing. Do you think the lack of any promotion (cast retrospective, interviews with show runners, fan contest, etc…) has to do with whatever happened between Hart and Fox (because I’m convinced something did happen.) I mean, when you really step back and think about it, it’s bizarre that Bones is just going to go out this quietly.

  83. “It’s amazing that Hart said the one thing they didn’t want was for the final season and the finale to become a circus, trying to jam a lot of stuff in (does anyone have that quote?) It seems like MP/JC did exactly that.”

    Here ya go https://www.tvinsider.com/91834/bones-hart-hanson-on-returning-to-write-the-series-finale/


    “That’s the conversation we’re going to have: if a series finale is ‘old home week’ and everybody’s there, it takes away from story, and thus heart,” Hanson says. “It becomes spectacle instead of heart. I want to talk to [the writers] about, is everybody going to get a goodbye on the way out, or is everybody going to say goodbye in the last episode? I say let’s give people more time and figure out a story at the end. My bias would be that there are two people at the center of this series, and they have to be [serviced]—not to mention two actors who have worked so hard, done a great job, kept their chemistry alive, and don’t fight with each other. Can you imagine? They deserve [that].


  84. “My bias would be that there are two people at the center of this series, and they have to be [serviced]—not to mention two actors who have worked so hard, done a great job, kept their chemistry alive, and don’t fight with each other. Can you imagine? They deserve [that].”

    Yes they did deserve that. Frankly, so did the fans.

    But hey, MP and JC did it THEIR way. They did what they wanted. By the end of this thing they might be the only two people who are happy with it.

  85. ‘So this ep will include Cam/Arastoo wedding, Zach court case, 447, Cindy Lauper, and the lab exploding. Wonderful. Absolutely no time for any B&B scenes.’

    Except we will see B&B left to go down with the lab as the doors close keeping them in! That will be our B&B moment! LOL 447 – almost kisses? missed kissing opportunities? LOL I’m not in anyway interested in MP’s version of 447!

    WHY is Aristoo in the ep. 12 pictures? Why haven’t he and Cam left on a honeymoon to far off lands? Ugh!!
    Is Fox NOT making a big deal about it because they are actually thinking about a revival already? Looking at the 7 day ratings from last Tuesday, they beat out the other Fox shows on Tuesday! It’s old and decrepit but still beating out about everything but Empire at Fox! So is that why there is no big drumroll? Has Fox ever made a big deal out of Bones? I haven’t followed from day one so I don’t know.
    And as far as Hart having a beef with Fox, he isn’t even involved in the lawsuit that DB and ED are involved in, so I’m not sure what his issue is at this point. Maybe its more of a power thing with MP/JC? He’s gonna let them ‘own’ it and not ‘save’ them at this point? I figure HH is not writing the ending because he couldn’t agree creatively with MP/JC. Perhaps we will learn more about behind the scenes stuff afterward? Will it all be explained when it’s over?

  86. “Do you think the lack of any promotion (cast retrospective, interviews with show runners, fan contest, etc…) has to do with whatever happened between Hart and Fox (because I’m convinced something did happen.) I mean, when you really step back and think about it, it’s bizarre that Bones is just going to go out this quietly.”

    It is utterly bizarre. The only thing I see Fox doing is sending this out to media

    And I do kinda think something big happened for Hart not to write the series final, a show creator would never turn that down, never, could be MP/JC refused to listen to him (again) or even compromise to his vision and Hart just couldn’t do his vision in 45 mins due to the creative mess leading up to it OR Hart has had some personal family issue when the finale was being plotted out in the writers room & was unavailable? I honestly don’t know.

    But I want Hart’s finale I do, I want the focus on B&B with others narrative dispatched of earlier…Stephen N. has had a hand in the finale, its his story, and next to Hart he gets B&B better than showrunners fail MP/JC …right? What a hot damn mess

  87. Guys, I don’t get how all those plots can be threaded through timewise for 12×11 either….I mean Brennan’s is at the lab before Cam’s wedding and then after, and how does she fit going to court & go to Cam’s wedding? And Booth is tracking down Kovac. But at the FBI with Christine. Then at Cam’s wedding with Avalon. Then we have whateva teen drama Aubrey & Jess have, then Angela’s news….Zack’s court case…so….

    So….. Its called Day in the Life. Right? What if it is a day in each characters life but not the same day? So we see each character get a narrative on their day and pops into each others narrative?

  88. It does sound like a circus! Reading what HH said in June is sad for sure!
    It is called a Day in the Life – I was going to say, maybe there is no murder, but the one picture of C/A is in front of a body in the lab. I sure hope we don’t lose YET another cast member!

    ‘What if it is a day in each characters life but not the same day? So we see each character get a narrative on their day and pops into each others narrative?’

    I guess I haven’t seen one one of these types of shows so I’m not sure how it would work. It sounds confusing! But it’s possible I guess. I just can’t see it all blending smoothly.

    • A bit like Pulp Fiction, different stories, that intertwine on the different days? I am prolly way off, no worries.

    • I’m seriously crying you guys. That was heartcrushing. I love the inside scoop of how it got started, the set, the adjusting of Booths character, all of it. If I watch the whole thing I’ll be a weepy mess. My city is not on the list so y’all will have to post a link to it after it airs or something 🙂

  89. Too bad Fox couldn’t be bothered to air that retrospective before the finale, or even have a *gasp* live retrospective hour with the show runners (including Hart), writers, and cast.

  90. This is so cute. I think it’s funny that HH/SN kept to themselves and MP/JC on their own! LOL
    But DB and ED look happy as clams. She’s all up close and personal….too bad B&B couldn’t show half as much affection! I just don’t get it!

  91. This is so unusual… It is airing at random times on different days …

    FoxSpecOps3 –

    Tell all your friends. #Bones #Retrospective #OnTV Don’t see your town? Call your local affiliate to ask them to run it! 🙂

  92. B&B in the best place they have ever been? Do we believe Peterson? or maybe he means they still have both limbs, lucky them? 😉 I joke 😉

  93. Interesting that HH/SN were never together with MP/JC in the interviews. That only makes me think even more that something happened between those parties that kept Hart away.

    ED is plenty affectionate with DB in their interview…what we couldn’t get some of that onscreen is beyond me.

    • Ugh I just watched the whole thing and cried again. And watching them tear up didn’t help either lol. I’ve done alot of changing too over 12 years and it feels weird to know they won’t be still making Bones after this season. Whew. Lots of emotions. I liked hearing from everybody and felt bad for John Boyd who didn’t have too much to say poor guy. What a great gig to land for him though! He probably did learn alot.

      Anyway, now I’m all emotional. Glad they put that together.

  94. That was so cute! Had to laugh at SN and HH, SN knows how to poke fun at HH! Cast actually got me tearing up at the end, but when HH started on ‘Boneheads’ and then SN said now he’s going to yell at you! Just too funny! Interesting that DB and ED weren’t teary like Michaela and the others. Liked seeing the fleeting images of the next episodes…..

    I think there was a definite creative break between HH and the new guys.

    ‘ED is plenty affectionate with DB in their interview…what we couldn’t get some of that onscreen is beyond me.’

    She definitely is, so in my mind, the lack of affection HAD to be done on purpose. An effort was made to portray them that way. I have no clue why MP/JC would have wanted that. The message was not been conveyed in their story, at least not that I can understand so far.

    • I loved learning that the lab was the most expensive permanent set built and that many young people started looking into the field of forensic anthropology because of watching Bones! I thought it was interesting that basically all the cast was frustrated that Hart never got credit that he deserved for writing such good characters and the inclusion of so many female characters. You could tell the respect the cast had for HH and I don’t think I heard them talk about the other guys 🙂

  95. ‘You could tell the respect the cast had for HH and I don’t think I heard them talk about the other guys’

    This is very true. Bones wasn’t a TV show that was talked about or appreciated by the industry, but in reality it did connect with viewers in a lot of ways! There was always something for all viewers I thought. Comedy and/or drama, romance, gore, crime🙂 and some tech stuff all mixed together.

    It was fun seeing how the lot was used so much. Seeing the palm tree lined street, made me think of s1 and the LA airport episode. I’m sure that’s where they drove the mustang! 🙂

  96. ““Yep, MP and JC decided to just stick it to the fans who wanted romance and kisses. Instead we got paralysis, torture, deaths, and coldness between B&B. Wow. Great gift to the fans MP!””

    Just to make myself feel better, I’m going to tweet that to MP and JC.

    “She definitely is, so in my mind, the lack of affection HAD to be done on purpose. An effort was made to portray them that way. I have no clue why MP/JC would have wanted that.”

    The heart of bones has always been the relationship between B&B. They just never got that. 😡

  97. In the first teaser pics, Booth looks very nice there smiling. Nice to see him talking with Avalon. Hopefully they’ll have a meaningful conversation.

    The season finale, not so sure about. Not happy to see this though –

    “Cam’s wedding dress is, hands down, the most breathtaking dress in the history of wedding dresses. ”

    Of course it is. They have to outdo B&Bs wedding because they mean nothing. 😡

  98. Nah, its just her opinion won’t be mine. B&B can’t and won’t be topped, Brennan’s dress >

    “Not only is it surprising and intense, but the way the story is told makes it particularly memorable.”

    My theory of it being told on different days through each character may have merit! Haaa.

    And can Booth & Brennan dance at the wedding reception, with Christine too….pleeeeease….we need some sweet Booth family moments….its been like a desert all season 😩

  99. I agree, nothing will top Brennan’s dress or B&B’s wedding. Why oh why are we having this big focus on Arastoo & Cam in the second to last episode? Hopefully we get a B&B dance at the wedding reception.

    So in the promo we see the lab doors closing on B&B as everyone is evacuating. Speculation is that they are trapped in the lab together. Is there any hope we would get a slightly romantic scene between them then, as they realize they might die? Wouldn’t that be nice?

  100. Didn’t we see Cam pick her dress out? I don’t know why we need further emphasis on it.

    I think we at the very least get a nice Brennan and Angela moment from what I’ve seen. But I’m not expecting B&B moments and that way I’ll be pleasantly surprised if we get them!

  101. Nothing will outshine the B&B wedding. I really hope there isn’t much time spent at the ‘party’ as DB dubbed it when he did his little video on instagram back in Nov. I think? It is cute to see Christine in the veil in the promo pic. Really – a veil Cam? LOL But I digress! I refuse to even think about C/A in my last eps of Bones….they will just be there!
    It was like WHY focus last episode ENTIRELY on the end (and lack of) story for Wendell and Aubrey? WHAT? They shouldn’t get anymore air time period!
    I don’t want to see ANY dances at the wedding. That’s too much air time! imo LOL
    I think it’s funny that Booth doesn’t even look like he dressed for the event. It appears he just dropped in from work (card in his suit jacket and all)! LOL
    It appears we will get a couple of Angela and Brennan moments.
    Maybe a terrorized B&B moment! Just want fans want! LOL I do think this is more likely than a dance, sorry to say. It appears the wedding will happen before the explosion because Brennan is not marked up in the photo I’ve seen. She actually looks very beautiful in her sparkly dress.
    This lady’s teasers I take with a HUGE grain of salt. She’s known to talk about things that only she sees but don’t materialize on the show! LOL
    I guess after 10 episodes this season, I really have no expectations. It’s hard to explain. It’s not that I’m thinking super bad things, just that it’s not going to amount to much? Does that make sense?:)

  102. I agree about Booth’s attire for the wedding…I was thinking the same thing! It’s obviously a formal event. Hey, even Brennan changed out of her boots & blazer for a sparkly dress, yet Booth is in his work suit with index cards in the pocket? I’m thinking that Booth gets delayed at work and goes straight to the wedding, probably arriving late.

    I agree about BuddyTV lady. I don’t even read her hints anymore because I find them extremely frustrating. Not sure what she is smoking when she watches the show, but she definitely sees things that aren’t there…lol.

    “t’s not that I’m thinking super bad things, just that it’s not going to amount to much? Does that make sense?:)”

    Yes, this makes perfect sense. It’s how I feel after every episode this season, except I still let myself expect something. Then, after the episode, I’m just left feeling like there wasn’t really anything there. Or that there was so much that I didn’t care about seeing (Aubrey, squinterns) and so little of what I DID want to see (B&B, family time). Sigh.

    I think the saddest thing for me is that S12 has turned out to be just one big missed opportunity. When I think of all the wonderful things we could have seen (B&B family, Parker coming home, Max with his grandkids, Aldo becoming a part of the Booth family, Booth finally getting his well-deserved promotion, etc…) and I compare it to what we did get (Aldo torture/death, Max’s death, no B&B, no family time, no Parker, etc…) it makes me sad.

    I also feel validated because just about everyone is complaining about lack of B&B now. There is still a hard-core group of bots who insist that they love S12, but that group is dwindling rapidly. There is some small comfort that other’s are feeling the same thing we are.

  103. Are they index cards or a folded handkerchief? I always thought hankerchief tbh. I would love to know who Booth is smiling at in the pic, I hope its Brennan & Christine, no so sign of Hank, right?

    Seriously I am going to be SO mad if B&B don’t share a sweet moment at the wedding reception. So tired of Brennan getting meaningful conversations with Angela and not Booth. Like why couldn’t Brennan discuss about passion with Booth in the last ep and not Angela. Ugh…. There is such a disconnect with B&B cause they are never allowed to discuss anything of any importance with barely any screentime since Max died.

    So glad so many fans were ticked off with the lack of B&B way louder than the positivity bots. They had since February 2016 to plan this season and it feels so hashed together, with no flow, with just a list being ticked off with what the writers want to hell with the fans 😩

  104. “Are they index cards or a folded handkerchief? I always thought hankerchief tbh.”
    Those are index cards, you usually always see them in his pocket. Avalon and Booth look like they BOTH work for the FBI. If that smile Booth has isn’t a behind the scene shot, it better be for Christine and/or Brennan and NOT Cam! LOL
    I think we will see Hank at the FBI office, because no place is safe for the kids. But I doubt we see him at the wedding. The wedding reception could be the opening of the episode actually? Who knows with these guys!
    The negativity took on new life and vigor when there was only ONE scene between B&B in the last episode. That is not forgivable! lol I will not be shocked to learn of some medical situation later (or that ED even had a baby last fall and didn’t want it to detract from the shooting of the final season) that caused such a strange shooting pattern. After the first few episodes, things have just been ‘off’.
    The finale looks very B&B intensive. But again, who knows with these guys! LOL No kisses, but we will get those couple sideways hugs! Perhaps the blast of the lab will be a call back to the other times when B&B have survived blasts together? That could be a cute little call back! 🙂

    ‘When I think of all the wonderful things we could have seen (B&B family, Parker coming home, Max with his grandkids, Aldo becoming a part of the Booth family, Booth finally getting his well-deserved promotion, etc…) and I compare it to what we did get (Aldo torture/death, Max’s death, no B&B, no family time, no Parker, etc…) it makes me sad.’

    This would have been such a nice place to leave the show. But no…..we get crazy chaos instead! Very sad!

  105. What a gorgeous picture!! Thanks Shanny!
    Well, didn’t he write his vows on a card??? I have never known Booth to have a handkerchief in his pocket. But I can’t say for sure here! 🙂

  106. I remember that is what dragged me into the Bones fandom. Hubby and I found the show on TNT when it first got there and liked them as a couple so much, he asked me if they were a couple IRL. I said I didn’t know but would ‘investigate’. Well, I ended up doing more than a little investigating over the years! LOL

  107. “Seriously I am going to be SO mad if B&B don’t share a sweet moment at the wedding reception. So tired of Brennan getting meaningful conversations with Angela and not Booth. Like why couldn’t Brennan discuss about passion with Booth in the last ep and not Angela. Ugh…. ”

    Well, the way this season is going, be prepared to be SO mad. TPTB are determined to give us nothing sweet or romantic between the B’s. 😦

    LOVE that wedding pic! That is why it is my avatar. C&A can’t shine a light to B&B’s wedding!!

  108. It’s hard to believe that Bones SERIES 2-episode finale airs starting tomorrow…there has been almost no fanfare. There are no sneak peeks. It appears there will be no show runner, cast, or writer participation. Sad.

  109. I’m waiting for the fanfare today! I suppose I’ll be waiting all day!
    MP did tweet yesterday that this will be a different episode, not the usual format or something like that. So perhaps Shanny was right so we’ll see how they carry it off. Maybe it will be sorta like Movie in the Making?
    Another nice reception thought is that Booth comes in late and Christine runs to him and wants him to dance with mommy!
    I did see that the little actress who plays Christine said that she is in BOTH 11 and 12. So that is nice, perhaps a cute moment there.
    Christine is the one who give Booth an important clue, we saw that in DB’s little video last fall.
    People are thinking Cam is leaving and going to appoint Hodgins ‘King of the lab’ Boss. Since when do people have the authority to ‘appoint’ their replacements? Perhaps it would be on an interim basis? But again, there likely won’t be a lab after tonight. 😦

  110. Michael Peterson‏ @surfwriter123
    Be warned. Tomorrow’s #Bones is in no way a typical episode. In terms of format, guest stars, surprises. I dare say it is penultimate worthy
    Tomorrow’s #bones might be my favorite of the year. Definitely top 2. So proud of writers @zinkownumber3 & @ericnrandall and all involved.

    I have a baaaad feeling about this episode now! If this is MP’s favorite episode…yikes!

  111. I’m afraid to say I don’t know how this could be worse than killing off Max, but I have a feeling they will try to top that awfulness.

  112. You think someone we know else dies? Especially since the bad guy is on the loose again? There is that one shot when Avalon looks very sad……

  113. Why do I have a horrible feing Booth’s scenes at the wedding are just 2nd unit inserts…. 😩

    Blah blah Cam…I agree shouldn’t the best person get the job not through nepotism? Iike interview people, people!!!

  114. Well Yael Zinkow is another “least favorite” writer on Bones. Not sure about Eric Randall…has he written anything good?

    I agree about Booth just being an insert in this episode…I’ll bet we barely see him.

  115. “I have a baaaad feeling about this episode now! If this is MP’s favorite episode…yikes!”

    Lol, ikr?! Plus Peterson words have no merit with me. I am still waiting for the beautiful resolution scene from Grief episode…. 🙅

  116. “Well Yael Zinkow is another “least favorite” writer on Bones. Not sure about Eric Randall…has he written anything good?

    I agree about Booth just being an insert in this episode…I’ll bet we barely see him.”

    He wrote Tussle episode, not a fav at all…newbie writers should not be writing the penultimate episode ever…what the hell are Peterson & Collier doing? Collecting their pay checks?

  117. ‘I agree about Booth just being an insert in this episode…I’ll bet we barely see him.’

    Well from that little peek, it does make you wonder if he is going to be in ‘real’ attendance! I know it’s different shooting those ‘party’ scenes. It takes extra time. Perhaps he’s ‘live’ in the FBI stuff. It really is hard to know what to expect if it’s all disjointed stuff from various perspectives.

    ‘He wrote Tussle episode, not a fav at all…newbie writers should not be writing the penultimate episode ever…what the hell are Peterson & Collier doing? Collecting their pay checks?’

    Yeah – Tussle was one of the many duds this season. Well there is no excuse for a newbie writing at this stage except Fox wanted these people to get some experience and couldn’t care less about the outcome. It’s obvious…..nothing special today out of Fox concerning Bones.

  118. Watched the sneak peek:

    – Cam looks beautiful!

    – Brennan looks great as well…pretty dress, good hair, and sandals. I’m halfway surprised she wasn’t there in her boots-n-blazer combo. Kudos to whoever picked out her wardrobe for this scene

    – Brennan is running around with a clipboard, so pretty sure there will be no B&B scenes, no Booth family scenes, and no B&B dance…:(

    – Was Booth in the sneak at all? I didn’t see him, even in the background

  119. Yeah he was there for a split second near the start…Cheering

    It screams of insert..ugh

    I totally agree….I have given up on B&B sweet scene at the wedding… Will they even have a scene before the lab scene with the bomb?.. We should not have to ask that. It should be a given B&B have scenes, ugh, Booth smiling at the wedding and the one with Cyndi look like the only real scenes he has at the wedding if you ask me

    • I think y’all have too many expectations at this point. I have zero. I don’t expect them to do anything I like. Period. That way, if something awesome does miraculously happen, I will be pleasantly surprised! But if it goes the way I think, then I’m not too disappointed. Obviously, the whole season has been, blah. But now that its expected, I’m not tearing my hair out. It is what it is. And I only own seasons 1-9 on DVD so I’m covered for the future 🙂

  120. Well I’m not expecting anything….we have just come up with some good ideas of our own we will have to supply in our own minds for enjoyment purposes! LOL

    I’m impresses you saw Brennan’s shoes Estella but missed Booth! LOL

    Cam looks ok, I think Daisy looks nice! We do know that Christine is at least at the wedding! There may be some cute scenes with her.
    I’ve seen a second peek out there at the courthouse. Angela is definitely pregnant.

    WHY does the opening of the wedding say 24 hours earlier….

    Then the court case happens AFTER the wedding…..

    It appears we will be jumping all around!

  121. I know it’s stupid, but I still expect them to do right by the fans. To give us the things we have always loved about this show.

    To think otherwise means that MP is either stupid or mean, or maybe both. Perhaps that’s the case.

    I will continue to hope until the last moment fades from the screen.

  122. Here is what Marissa R. said on twitter just a few minutes ago about tonight’s episode:
    ‘it’s ambitious and has lovely moments’

    There is a new little segment out there with TT talking about the episode and it shows a tiny little clip of Cam talking to Booth and saying she sayshe that if she and Aristoo are half as happy as B&B, she’ll be thrilled. Booth will likely kiss or dance with Cam and NOT Brennan! ggrrr

    • “Here is what Marissa R. said on twitter just a few minutes ago about tonight’s episode:
      ‘it’s ambitious and has lovely moments’”

      That doesn’t sound like a ringing endorsement to me. Sigh. I’m expecting loads of Camastoo, Brennan and Angela, Brennan and Cam, Booth and Avalon, Booth and Aubrey, Aubrey and Jessica, etc…

      In other words, everyone but B&B together.

  123. “Tonight at 9p, it is time for Bones’ second to last ever episode on Fox. What better way to celebrate 12 great seasons than with a wedding. It finally time for Cam and Arastoo to say I do. The episode goes back and forth in time between the wedding and an event that comes right afterwards.

    Even though Cam and Arastoo should be on their honeymoon, they are called back in to Jeffersonian the morning after their nuptials. A body has come in and everything is wrong. Bones (Emily Deschanel) doesn’t know who he is but she knows two men escaped from jail. Is he the man who killed her father and wants to kill her family? Or is the man who escaped with him? They will all work hard to find out who he is and that is only the beginning of their nightmare.

    When Cam’s ID goes missing, they realize it was used and it wasn’t by her. What did that thief leave behind in the lab? Something that sets things up for the series finale next week.”

      • “At least Camastoo doesn’t get a better honeymoon than B&B.”

        Thank goodness for small favors, I guess. That really would have been slap in the face if they had given us a romantic Camastoo honeymoon after the lame one we got for B&B.

  124. Guest star Cyndi Lauper gives “Booth a scary prediction about Brennan. Don’t miss the second last episode of Bones TONIGHT at 9 on City! “

  125. Oh that description is marvelous!!
    Avalon is gonna say Brennan is in immediate deadly danger I’m sure!
    So who is the dead guy? I was thinking it was maybe gonna be Sara Rue’s character, but I guess that doesn’t work if it’s male.

    So we go between the crazy search for killers and the wedding? hhhmmmmmm what a gift from MP/JC!

    ‘They will all work hard to find out who he is and that is only the beginning of their nightmare.’
    Wow – could we ask for more? LOL Oh my, I’m not sure I’m gonna be up to watching this tonight! 🙂

  126. Ikr! Gives a little more insight into the ep. The going back and forth could be very confusing but I guess the wedding scenes will make more easier to discern from which day is which

    Guess the other guy is another escaped prisoner or one of Kovacs hench men who got him out?

    Booth believes in Avalon’s abilities, right? She has never steered him wrong. That will be the most interesting part of wedding reception for me Booth & Avalon.

    • Following Avalon before gave us gems like “dazzled” and “baby” so hopefully that’s a good sign?? Just looking for some happiness in the gloom.

  127. Bones Boss Talks Explosive Cliffhanger, Urges Fans to ‘Have Faith’ Ahead of Next Week’s Series Finale

    TVLINE | Of all the people to get trapped in the lab during the explosion it had to be the series regulars. What are the odds?!

    [Laughs] Hey, Cam got out!

    TVLINE | Fair enough.
    Brennan gets delayed because she’s worried about the evidence. Booth isn’t going to leave without her, and neither are Hodgins and Angela. Ultimately, it’s really about family. Everyone is doing their part to keep the family together and that ended up putting them in danger.

    TVLINE | I know you’re not going to reveal who, if anyone, dies. But does next week’s finale pick up right where this cliffhanger left off?
    Yes, we come right back into it.

    TVLINE | Where did the idea for the episode’s unusual structure come from?
    We had all these loose threads with the characters and it seemed like an opportunity to give everyone their due. We have a six-act structure on the show and we have six main actors, so it just made perfect sense. I was also partly inspired by a great House episode [Season 6’s “9 to 5”] that was told from Cuddy’s point of view.

    TVLINE | Cam and Arastoo’s wedding reception was packed with returning favorites. What were those days on set like?
    It was fantastic and heartbreaking at the same time. We loved all the people we were able to get, but it was tough because some people weren’t available to return. Two episodes ago, [squintern] Rodolfo said, “I’ll be at your wedding!” And then he’s not there. And that’s because [Ignacio Serricchio] was booked. But it really was our aim to have everyone there.

    TVLINE | Can you give me another example of one or two folks you would’ve really liked to have gotten back for these last two episodes?
    In retrospect, I wish we would’ve done more with [Booth’s son] Parker this season. And a lot of people ask about Brennan’s brother… But we had 12 episodes. We did the best we could. You also have to deal with the finances of it; nobody comes back for free. [Laughs] Hopefully people will embrace who did come back rather than pay attention to who wasn’t there.

    TVLINE | Angela revealed that she and Hodgins are expecting. How long has that little twist been in the works?
    Probably since the start of Season 11. Once we [settled] everything with Hodgins [and his paralysis], we wanted the audience to come away feeling hopeful. Bones is ultimately a very hopeful show.

    TVLINE | And yet poor Zach has to serve 13 more months in prison..
    [Laughs] It’s a careful balance. We want to be somewhat realistic. We did want to put some verisimilitude in there.

    TVLINE | The show is in a very dark place as it heads into the final episode next week. Any message for fans?
    I [understand] if people are worried. But this is Bones. Have faith.

  128. From Ausiello at TVLine:

    “Question: Is there anything being organized to celebrate the end of Bones? Like a big fan giveaway? Viewing parties? Something? Isn’t that done anymore? —Frieda
    Ausiello: I can’t speak for anyone else, but next Tuesday at 9/8c I’m planning to tear into a fresh bag of quinoa chips, crack open an ice-cold diet Half and Half Snapple and then live-tweet the crap out of the series finale. That’s something, right? In related news, I’ve actually already laid eyes on the show’s swan song and I can tell you that longtime fans will be hard-pressed to find fault with the moving, funny, bittersweet, satisfying hour.

    Question: Can you confirm that we will get a resolution to Bones‘ 447 mystery in next week’s finale? —Janet
    Ausiello: I’m not sure if resolution is the right word. But the numerical humdinger absolutely figures into an extremely key moment.”

    Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on Grey’s, Bones, Arrow, Grimm, Once, Bates Motel, Hawaii Five-0, Walking Dead and More

    So it sounds like we won’t even get an explanation for 447, just that they will use it again in the finale, perhaps to point of a clue or something. Lame show runners strike again! We needed you Hart!!!!

  129. When he called 447 a ‘humdinger’ it reminded me of the game cranium and a song? We did need HH for sure! I’m glad he liked it, I don’t think he’s a HUGE Bones fan, so I figure he’s a little more objective than most.

    TVLine also is reporting DB got a pilot for CBS. playing a Navy seal. Good for DB but CBS can be hard to crack!

    • Yes, DB will play a Navy Seal with scars inside and out. Sound familiar? I don’t mind, because there’s nothing I love more than dark and broody DB. I just wish he could bring ED as his wife and Sunnie as his daughter along for the ride!

  130. “I’m not sure if resolution is the right word”

    ARE THEY SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!?!?!!??!??!?!?!!?!?!??!? As God as my witness, I will NEVER watch anything with MP & JC again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • And let’s not forget that MP/JC turned down Hart’s suggestion for 447! So, we get their lame non-resolution instead of what Hart wanted. :((((((((((

  131. To me it feels like Bones is already over. Cast and crew dispersed, sets gone, little to no communication from show runners or cast, no fanfare from Fox network, and now DB is cast in a new TV show.

    Time to move on I guess.

    How’s everyone feeling about DB’s new role as a Navy SEAL. Who plans to watch? At least it’s not on Fox and doesn’t involve MP, JC or Dave Thomas (at least as far as we know!)

  132. ““I’m not sure if resolution is the right word”

    ARE THEY SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!?!?!!??!??!?!?!!?!?!??!? As God as my witness, I will NEVER watch anything with MP & JC again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    Will they even have any more work after the fiasco they made of Bones? I hope not! I know I will not be watching anything with their names on it. Boycott!

    “How’s everyone feeling about DB’s new role as a Navy SEAL. Who plans to watch? At least it’s not on Fox and doesn’t involve MP, JC or Dave Thomas (at least as far as we know!)

    “I don’t mind, because there’s nothing I love more than dark and broody DB. I just wish he could bring ED as his wife and Sunnie as his daughter along for the ride!”

    Yes! I will give it a go also. And that would be great if the rest could come along for the ride 👍🏼👍🏼😀

  133. This thing DB has now is just a pilot right? Have I missed something, has it been picked up as a series? I would be surprised because I don’t like any of the women in the cast. So I like the idea of changing that up to ED and Sunnie if they need a kid! lol It would be funny if that happened, wonder what Fox execs would say! 🙂
    Well if we don’t get HH’s version of 447, then it’s best it’s NOT brought to a conclusion…..because what ever MP/JC would have done would have been wrong.
    I’ll wait for HH’s version …. someday!

    • I haven’t read anything about his new project. I’m a little surprised he’s jumping into something right away, but I guess in Hollywood you gotta strike while the iron is hot!

      And yes, after the show is all over, I’m gonna tweet HH like every day until he reveals his idea for 447. His is the only one that matters because its his idea! So I just need his thoughts so I can work it into my head canon. 🙂

      I bet any casting won’t ever be as good as classic DB and ED so whoever is cast that isn’t Emily will not feel right, no matter who it is! (I never watched Buffy or Angel so Bones is my only frame of reference for DB castmates lol)

      • Yes. it’s just a pilot, so far, for me I thought he would of went cable or Netflix and get away grom network. But if CBS come knocking it would be hard to say no.

        Also for David, Bones has been over since early December. Its been over four months ago. This is pilot season. Should he wait until next pilot season, perhaps if Bones had wrapped in April as usual he would of but it wrapped in December and time is ticking and the guy likes to work.

        It sounds like it is a action drama not romantic, so the female leads don’t matter to me in that reference tbh

        Tamara has a new show too on Netflix ‘Altered Carbon’

        Jm2c ☺

  134. ‘Also for David, Bones has been over since early December. Its been over four months ago. This is pilot season. Should he wait until next pilot season, perhaps if Bones had wrapped in April as usual he would of but it wrapped in December and time is ticking and the guy likes to work.’

    I don’t fault him one bit. Time is ticking, he’s not getting younger and he and his family live large. Nothing wrong with that, but working I’m sure helps! He’s also a bit ADD and I would suspect work is a good outlet.
    It’s like buying a lottery ticket, can’t get new work unless you try! He might as well give it a whirl! Glad he got the opportunity. Jm2c

    I’m just not in the least interested because I don’t like the female cast…..so I can’t watch the way it’s currently set up. He appeared to be on a plane in one shot on instagram….I wonder where they will film? Maybe they are just doing location stuff for the pilot.

    This is just an adjustment period….as we all transition to a post-bones era! 😦

    • Oh I don’t blame him for working, I agree he is ADD and his wife probably needs a break now and then haha!

      I guess I was thinking he might segue into more of a directorial role as his next thing, but maybe that was part of his negotiations for this new show that he gets to direct some. Who knows? I’ll probably give this new show a shot, because even though all I know of him is Bones, I’ve really enjoyed his character. I’d like to see if I’ll like him playing someone else 🙂

      Maybe Emily can join later as a recurring character that never leaves, aka like Cam. 🙂 🙂

    • “He appeared to be on a plane in one shot on instagram….I wonder where they will film? Maybe they are just doing location stuff for the pilot.”

      I didn’t see any Instagram pics of DB on a plane or already shooting the pilot for this show. Were they on DB’s Instagram?

    • Ok, I saw this photo but I didn’t think it was taken while he was shooting the pilot. I just thought he put on a t-shirt with the American flag on the sleeve to give us a hint about his next project. He had just previously posted an Instagram pic of what looked like the script and a pen, and that was definitely taken at his house.

      It’s good news for DB fans, because if this pilot gets picked up and it’s successful (big, big ifs, even with DB in the show) we will get to continue seeing David on our screens.

      I have a feeling Emily won’t be seen for quite some time, although she might make limited appearances at vegan or charitable events. I wonder if/when we will ever hear about what has been going on with her this last year? I agree with some of the other posters…I think it’s possible that she had another baby but it was never made public. I don’t think we heard about her second baby until well after he was born.

  135. Yes – that is the picture. For some reason it looked like he was on a plane to me! LOL
    I also saw the script and the pen….I thought his comment was interesting…..something about ‘filling the gap’. What gap? The gap until more Bones? 😦
    It’s sad saying goodbye forever!

    ‘I have a feeling Emily won’t be seen for quite some time, although she might make limited appearances at vegan or charitable events. I wonder if/when we will ever hear about what has been going on with her this last year? I agree with some of the other posters…I think it’s possible that she had another baby but it was never made public. I don’t think we heard about her second baby until well after he was born.’

    I’m thinking along these lines too. Her husband is employed so perhaps she feels she can step back for awhile? The fact that she even came out and did an interview this month surprised me. IF she did have another baby, I think perhaps we would hear after the show is all over? She is much more of a private person than DB, yet they get along so well! She may have options to work with her dad or her sister on future projects if she feels like it too. So who knows about ED.

    • I’ve been following that post on the Bones official FB page and the fans are surprisingly on our side! I posted a rant about what they’ve done to us this season and lots of people are agreeing…the bots must be asleep today 🙂 The Bones team wrote “have faith” on the post and a bunch of people said why? You’ve killed everyone off and blew up the lab. Have faith in what? So its nice to know we aren’t alone.

  136. Just a few of the comments on FB:

    1. It’s a shame the writers couldn’t come up with an original ending for this series instead of blowing up the set which other series had done. I wanted a ending that was unique. The writers in my opinion were lazy in coming up with this explosion.

    2. What was so wrong about the classic formulation of the group solving seemingly unsolvable crimes and having their personal lives provide interesting little deviations? This show has turned into, “Let’s make everyone’s (real and imaginary) skeletons come out of the closet to cause mayhem!” Even Bones as a character has become an ornery old woman who still hasn’t learned that she isn’t always the smartest person in whatever room she walks into. This show didn’t have to slowly decay yet somehow it has joined the ranks of all the other shows that have blown their endings. Even the actors have lost the spark in their eyes, except maybe Hodgins. Sad. It used to be really good.

    3. I wasn’t a fan of the multiple points of view… I felt like we lost a lot of time for story line by retelling the same parts over and over.

    4. Well, so far this mini season has been pretty bad.

    5. “This is Bones. Have faith?”
    As if Bones hasn’t broken hearts before – Sweets, Zach (more than once), Mr. Nigel-Murray, Max. Then there is the fake out with Booth (more than once), Booth sliding back into gambling. Brennan’s life being in danger several times.
    I’m really hoping something very tragic didn’t just happen, but I’ve been burnt by this show before and my tissues will be ready!

  137. Got this tidbit from mega buzz:

    Unfortunately, despite Brennan and Cam’s confidence, their pick for Cam’s replacement might be a misguided one. Why? After said person is offered the gig, we’ll learn that he or she absolutely not inclined to give up the position if and when Cam returns. Oops!

    Does this sound like Hodgins? He could buy all the toys he wanted as the official King of the Lab! I love that this is posted like there will be another episode if the future…..but it’s the end, so it really doesn’t matter! 😦

  138. EW – Can you tease anything about the Bones finale? — Mary

    I know there’s a question of who survived that big explosion so the following teases could have many meanings, okay? First, Booth will take Brennan on an emotional walk down memory lane. Also, we finally find out the significance of 4:47. And finally, Cam hasn’t been exactly honest with her coworkers about her time off from the Jeffersonian

    • Theories:
      *4:47 will be the time the bomb went off or someone dies. It will be something sad. And not at all what Hart wanted.
      *Booth’s emotional walk down memory lane will be in her mind while Brennan is unconscious due to the blast.
      *Cam is actually in the process of adopting a child with Arastoo and hasn’t revealed it yet. Wants to quit to spend time with family.

      • “Booth’s emotional walk down memory lane will be in her mind while Brennan is unconscious due to the blast.”

        Ooooh, I think you nailed it!!!!

  139. First, Booth will take Brennan on an emotional walk down memory lane.

    — We will get kisses but they will be flashbacks to ones that were filmed previously. No new kisses for B&B (strangest thing ever).

    Also, we finally find out the significance of 4:47.

    — Yeah, it will be something sad probably, although I think it could be the room number of the lecture hall where he first saw her

    Cam hasn’t been exactly honest with her coworkers about her time off from the Jeffersonian.

    — Cam is preggers? Gasp! She would actually gain a few pounds…lol!

    We were told that none of the main cast will die. I’m guessing yet another squintern is sacrificed…hopefully not Clarke. I can’t remember who else was at the lab when it blew.

    • I wouldn’t be morally opposed to that. Unless that’s the project MP/JC are working on for Fox. lol

      They’ve already broken Aubrey up with Jessica, so that’s a point in their favor. Perhaps some of the squinterns are tapped to go with him, which would be fun. Could be that is the reason they gave Aubrey such storylines at the end of the series, taking up valuable time. I like the character of Aubrey, though I’m not sure I can imagine him as lead. He doesn’t quite have the gravitas yet of a seasoned veteran.

      • I could see it as well. Maybe Clarke or one of the squinterns follows him to L.A. and they set up they same type of partnership B&B had. They would also probably continue the storyline with Aubrey’s father. Bones folks could drop in periodically as guest stars.

        I do agree that if MP/JC are involved I won’t watch. I’m finding that I’m not all that sad about Bones ending because, to me, it ended after S10. I’m not sure what these two guys have been doing the last two years, but it isn’t Bones. I’m only watching because of the cast, but the scripts they have been given have been terrible, imo.

      • You know it’s bad when the Bones bots can’t even defend it anymore. I’ve been checking on the Bones official FB page the last few weeks, and while there are a few supporters here and there, it’s mostly people thinking like us. So the feelings we are having have spread…and that tells you something right there. I posted today that I didn’t think B&B would’ve ever gotten together if they were always as they are right now, and I have most commenters agreeing with me. What a shame!

    • Nah, Bones in any carnation is dead to Fox, they can’t even be bothered or throw money at to promote the show they aren’t going to throw millions on a spinoff character that is at best polarizing on a fandom that gets smaller as each season passes

  140. ‘— We will get kisses but they will be flashbacks to ones that were filmed previously. No new kisses for B&B (strangest thing ever).’

    Have to agree here. It’s an avenue to go back and show their journey which is fine. But old kisses instead of new, really baffling!

    “— Cam is preggers?” BOTH Cam and Angela? The only one we not is the person we wonder about! LOL I like the adoption option more for the older Cam.

    ‘we finally find out the significance of 4:47’
    The lecture hall and the bomb are both good thoughts. I thought MP said it’s more like this, times when meaningful thing happen. So another possibility is the time when Brennan awakes from her coma? So I’m not really thinking we get a verbal answer, just likely more sightings?

    A possible squint death? I would say Wendell – poor guy doesn’t have a job? Clark was at Comic Con and MP said no one on the dais was on the block…..OR if they honestly are setting up a possible show for ‘Aubrey’ character, Jessica could die. Thus giving him more reason to go out west and start over and have ‘issues’ dating etc???? I honestly have no clue what Fox could be thinking. They have very few successful shows. And they like doing ‘short’ seasons of things. So they might just try it out for 10 episodes or something. Aubrey is ok, but not sure he’s STAR material. Another thought, that would make sense why the Sara Rue character was there…..I could see them having HER be a co-star. I really thought those were the two they were going to pair up originally and that’s why they’ve kept her around maybe?????

    • “Boreanaz: It was physically demanding because the lab was destroyed. It wasn’t a very healthy area to work in.
      Deschanel: We all were coughing up black stuff for days. I had my kids on set and I was like, “Uhhh, you should go back.”
      Boreanaz: There was a lot going on. I almost broke my leg; I fell on a steel bar and I kept going. I got a huge gash on my leg. It was very hard, physically; more because of the chaos of the week in the lab. It was dark and dreary and smoky.
      Deschanel: It wasn’t inviting.
      Boreanaz: No.
      Deschanel: It wasn’t the lab we knew.
      Boreanaz: It was depressing.”

      I don’t get why they did this. Why make the work environment you known for 12 years dangerous, uninviting, and depressing just as the show is ending? What did they gain from it? I’ll never understand this.

      “Deschanel: I wrapped early. I thought I’d be working the next night.
      Boreanaz: But I realized I was done, I got everything.
      Deschanel: He filmed me out, by the morning. I thought I would come back the next night. And 20 minutes before [I wrapped], he said, “I think I could get you out.” And he did.
      Boreanaz: It happened so quick. I don’t think Emily realized it. And then there are you, and it was goodbye, and we had to go to the next set up.”

      Ok, maybe Emily didn’t mind this, but if it were me I would have been upset. If I’d been planning on wrapping the next night and suddenly I was told I was done, it would have felt like the rug was being pulled out from under me.

      Did you get Booth’s bobblehead?
      Boreanaz: I’ll never tell you what happened to him. He lives on. I don’t know where he is. I can’t say. But I will say he’s in good hands.”

      This really surprises me. I thought Hart had replied to a question on twitter and said that David had the bobblehead Bobby. I wonder who has it? Do you think it’s possible he gave it to Sunnie Pelant or the boys who play Hank (remember the bts shot of one of them playing with it?)

      “What did you guys take from the set?
      Boreanaz: Yeah. I took only a couple of things. It wasn’t much.”

      Well, we know he took the stadium seats at least!

      • I think DB or ED said in another interview that it was just background shots on that night, second unit, and David didn’t want Emily out in the cold for another night at 5am so he grabbed her close ups the night before……I was curious about Bobblehead Bobby too, where did he go? I hope DB has it and was just being obscure. Lol. Or maybe he did give it to one of the kids? Interesting.

  141. ‘The Bones team wrote “have faith” on the post and a bunch of people said why? You’ve killed everyone off and blew up the lab. Have faith in what? So its nice to know we aren’t alone.”

    I have been sending some tweets to MP & JC about that also! We are not alone, but that doesn’t make it better. Waah!!

    “We will get kisses but they will be flashbacks to ones that were filmed previously. No new kisses for B&B (strangest thing ever).”

    They are going to throw kisses in our face from the past, but nothing new.NOTHING from this season – not the norm since season 7!!

    -No way can Aubrey have his own show. Boring…
    -I will gag if Cam announces she is pregnant.
    -You are right- 4:47 reveal will not be what HH intended it to be.

  142. Not getting much from the hints, except for these:

    5. A tiny object from an early season makes a reappearance.

    – I would give a lot if the “tiny object” was either brainy smurf or jasper the pig, but I’m afraid that might be giving too much credit to MP/JC that they would bring either of those back. Plus, not sure those could be described as “tiny”.

    8. And this one: “You don’t have to be a hero.”

    – This is probably the best chance for a B&B kiss, if this is something Brennan says to Booth, but again, maybe I’m giving too much credit to MP/JC.

    • Hodgins says the hero line in the promo. Does that tie in with Hodgins stopping Booth from making a bad decision?

      Does anyone else think Brennan might be in hospital after the explosion? And that is her set back? There is a doctor in guest list. But I guess he could be checking out people outside the Jeff after the explosion.

  143. “5. A tiny object from an early season makes a reappearance.”
    My first thought was the dolphin necklace.

    “Hodgins says the hero line in the promo. Does that tie in with Hodgins stopping Booth from making a bad decision?”
    That sounds like it could be the reason. Maybe he prevents Booth from doing something that would get him killed.

    I am not ready for Bones to be over! Waaaahh!

    Although after watching Bones Museum the other night…remember the egg scene? Where Booth says to Brennan “Because, what goes on between us should be ours”. And when Brennan tells him that again at the end… wow the chemistry was incredible.
    I know there is a scene study on that bnbailey!!! (hint)

    Not only did Brennan talk normal then, almost every scene she had short sleeves on and low cut dresses! No wonder Booth was dazzled!

    I miss that Bones, not this season for sure!

  144. ‘Oh well, there won’t be a kiss then. Not that I was really expecting one, but I foolishly continue to hold out hope.’

    But past kisses because MP/JC KNOW there SHOULD be kisses, but we are not getting them for some unforeseen reason! Strange…..

    Good guesses on the small object. My first guess was something from her mother but I like the Brainy Smurf and/or Jasper too. That one was the most interesting tidbit I thought. In one shot Brennan’s hand is in a brace, so she definitely gets hurt the most in the blast. But leaving her in a hospital is like a sitting duck……

  145. I agree Estella. That picture of B&B sitting on the bench together is all we will get. That is MPs idea of romance and being spiteful to the fans. Not giving us what we want.

    I have been wondering if we’ll get any song for the ending? In the past the Bones staff who picked the songs did an incredible job. But my guess is now no kiss, no song! Take that! 😡😩

  146. I’m just surprised that THE Bench picture is out there everywhere and it’s likely the last shot of B&B? Kinda seems anti-climatic to me. That is what I expect anyway, those two on the bench gazing at the Jeffersonian and talking about their determination to continue the fight……oh well I guess Fox just doesn’t care at this point.

    • “I’ll have to think of what I want to do next,” said Nathan, now recovered from the medical issue that led him to leave “Bones.” “I’ll do something.”‘

      Hm. I don’t think I’ve heard of this ‘medical condition’ thing before. I didn’t love his showrunning for season 10, but I would’ve loved it more than what we ended up with. I guess maybe I can give SN a pass for not being around and leaving us with JC and MP. lol

    • Not surprised about that SN had a medical condition, because he was looking really gaunt there for awhile. Strange that he and DB both had mysterious medical conditions at roughly the same time. DB returned from the summer for the beginning of S11 quite ill himself.

      So specific hints: I guess we were right about Cam adopting, but the new romance? That’s puzzling. What’s that about?

      I’m sad that SN seems quite definite about Bones never returning, but he’s probably right. If David’s show gets picked up (a long-shot I’m sure) it could last for years, and it’s just so difficult to get everyone back together after a long time has passed. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

    • David on Rachael Ray:

      “The show might be coming to an end, but David Boreanaz gives fans a glimmer of hope for the finale.”

      ““I think [the fans will] be very pleased with it,” David says. “I think the ending is twofold. It’s a combination of all 12 seasons to give back to the fans for supporting us for so long. There’s some hope between the two main characters – after all, the show was always about them.”

      Well, at least David knows the show was always about B&B, but I wish he had told MP and JC that. It sure hasn’t seemed like it’s been about B&B this season.

      “Glimmer of hope” isn’t really what I was hoping for in the finale. I was hoping for something more like “happy ending”.

  147. Well a little bit of new stuff…..

    I always felt SN had a health issue. He became so skinny for awhile. That picture with the Buffalo article is proof of it.
    Matt at TV Line tweeted there is a lot of ED and DB in this episode and a good twist.

    I sure hope he isn’t calling Cam adopting a good twist! LOL I want more than that! 🙂

    Hoping the good twist concerns B&B.

  148. “Glimmer of hope” isn’t really what I was hoping for in the finale. I was hoping for something more like “happy ending”.

    Yeah- only a glimmer? That isn’t exactly encouraging.

    This is more encouraging….

    Matt Mitovich‏Verified account @MattMitovich 4h4 hours ago
    Watching #Bones series finale. Great material for ED and DB 😢 plus a goooood twist.

    That twist better be B&B connected! Tears for B&B? Haven’t we had enough tears this season…..or attempt at tears?

    New Romance:

    My guess Aubrey and Karen (Sara Rue) – I think Fox has that on their radar as a possible duo/show if they need something to fall back on.

    Hearing SN say it’s not likely to see Bones again, is sad. He could have let that carrot be out there for a little while anyway! LOL

  149. Ahead of the ‘Bones’ Series Finale, Creator Hart Hanson Reflects on the Show’s Run


    Pretty good article. A couple of things:

    Hart Hanson: “I didn’t even need a meeting when [now-chairman and CEO of Fox Television Group] Dana Walden said, “Would you consider David Boreanaz?” I was going, “Yes, I’ll take him.” We had been looking for our leading man for a couple of months, and I didn’t want a pretty boy.”

    Ok, David turned out great in the role of Booth, but at while he was on Buffy & Angel I think he was the embodiment of “pretty boy.” I’m glad Hart could see his potential!

    Hart Hanson: “That gave us our next huge problem: how to find the woman who would go toe-to-toe with him. Two of the [finalists] were very solid. One was safer. The other was Emily”

    Have we ever heard who the other actress was? I think I read somewhere else that David preferred her but after Emily stepped toward him in the auction he changed his mind.

    Also, Hart tweeted the other day that ED’s auction wasn’t taped or the tape is gone.

  150. Why did I always have the impression the other possible ‘Brennan’ was Elisabeth Rohm? I thought DB knew her from Angel and was lobbying for her until ED came along. But maybe I’m way off.

    It’s so sad to read about HH’s viewpoint. Saying goodbye!

    • That article is legit making me teary eyed!

      “On September 13, 2005, viewers were invited into the Jeffersonian Institute for the first time. Tomorrow night, they’ll revisit (what’s left of) it for the last time.

      Over the 244 episodes that aired in between, Bones became a fan favorite and a testament to resilience. It may very well be the only prime-time series in television history to be scheduled in eight different time slots — including at least one on every weeknight — and survive to a double-digit age.

      Long-time fans are sure to shed a few tears during the series finale of Bones”

  151. https://www.instagram.com/p/BSMTLJNAnBr/?taken-by=dbdbo69

    Is that flag always in front of the Jeffersonian? If not, then I’m guessing it’s there because of the terrorist attack on the building, which brings up something else that has occurred to me. Doesn’t blowing up the Jeffersonian seem pretty extreme for someone who just holds a grudge against Booth? This seems like something bigger. I admit that I have largely tuned out of S12 so maybe I just missed something!

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