The Corpse on the Canopy (8×12)

Written by: Jonathan Collier 

Directed by: Rob Hardy 

So, our ever-growing-powerful friend, Pelant, is back! 

BRENNAN: Angela said they were drugged.  

BOOTH: How?  

BRENNAN: Gas. Hodgins found a hole in the vent to their bedroom.  

BOOTH: What else did they tell you?  

BRENNAN: To get Christine somewhere safe.  

BOOTH: Well, your father’s… he-he’s not gonna let her out of his sight, all right?  

BRENNAN: Angela was scared. I’ve never heard her like this before. She says that we’re the only ones she trusts with this.  

BOOTH: Trusts with what?  

BRENNAN: She thinks Pelant is back. 

Brennan helps Angela in her own special way. 

ANGELA: I just don’t understand how someone can do this to another human being.  

BRENNAN: Oh, you’d have to have a strong knowledge of anatomy, a well-balanced cutting implement being. that really holds its edge; a floor drain would be helpful.  

ANGELA: That clears it up. Thank you.  

Angela and Brennan bond over shared experiences. 

ANGELA: Cam is treating this like it’s just any other case.  

BRENNAN: No, she’s just being professional.  

ANGELA: Brennan, Pelant was holding Michael in his arms.  

Perhaps a little DB foreshadowing as they research the military victim?? 

BOOTH: Look at this.  

SWEETS: He… left his gun locker open.  

BOOTH: No, he didn’t. A SEAL would never do that.

No, they would not!

BOOTH: Pelant wanted us to find this open. These are all proprietary weapons. I’ve seen some of these weapons in Iraq, but our boys, they never got this kind of stuff. 

SWEETS: Who does?  

BOOTH: The ones who kill for money, that’s who.  

SWEETS: So Pelant killed a highly-trained professional soldier. 

Booth hits Pelant, but he still gets away.

Booth figures out what Pelant is going after.

BOOTH: Wait a second. I recognize these numbers from Afghanistan. They’re coordinates on the MGRS. Military Grid Reference System. GPS standard for air-delivered weapons. That means Pelant has got a target. 

They stop the drone and save many lives. Let’s wrap it up!

BOOTH: Pelant is still out there.  

BRENNAN: You said you hit him.   If he’s injured, that helps us.  

BOOTH: But we’re still waiting for him to make the next move, and I’m not okay with that.  

BRENNAN: Whatever’s next, we’ll handle it. We always do.  


*I think we are hitting the super-villian stage with Pelant. He’s killing highly trained military, drugging the Hodgins clan, sewing up his own Booth-shot-up face. I thought he was just a good computer hacker?

*After finding a dead body in her room and knowing the killer held her child, no comments from Angela about quitting her job in this episode!!

*I like seeing Booth using and putting his military training to use. I think he tends to get overshadowed by the squinty science at times, but a man of his experience has a lot to offer and it is put to good use here.

*How do you feel about the Pelant arc at this stage?

The Archeologist in the Cocoon (8×11)

Written by: Sanford Golden & Karen Wyscarver

Directed by: Jeannot Szwarc

There is an archeologist in a cocoon.

B plot: Brennan is worried that Christine isn’t getting peek-a-boo fast enough.

BRENNAN: She should be able to grasp the conceptual elements of peek-a-boo before the others in daycare. 

BOOTH: Is that some kind of, like, baby Mensa requirement or something? 

BRENNAN: It demonstrates an infant’s ability to understand object permanence. 

Booth consults Sweets for help.

BOOTH: At what age does a kid master peek-a-boo? 

SWEETS: Okay. Gear change. Um… If you’re asking about Christine… 

BOOTH: Why the hesitation? 

SWEETS: Mmm, it’s not about Christine. 

BOOTH: Why is it when I ask you something, it’s never about what I’m asking you about? 

SWEETS: It’s about Dr. Brennan. 

BOOTH: Ah, no, Sweets… Listen to me: she is very competitive, extraordinarily competitive. 

SWEETS: If I were her parent, I would be a little concerned about the kind of pressure that that places on a growing child. 

BOOTH: Thank you. 

C plot: As they investigate, Clark tries to share a recent finding with Brennan who dismisses him at first. 

BRENNAN: This was an inter-species family, the first of its kind, and I didn’t take the time to notice. 

CLARK: Yeah, but you trained me to… 

BRENNAN: Congratulations belong to you, deservedly so, Dr. Edison. 

CLARK: Thank you. 

BRENNAN: It’s no wonder Sutton didn’t want to give these up. 

CLARK: I know. I never thought I’d be part of a discovery like this. 

BRENNAN: Well, you probably wouldn’t if you hadn’t been trained so well. 

CLARK: I’ll let you get back to work. 

An author killed her partner. B&B solve the case.

BRENNAN: There’s blood on the floor here. I bet it says to use bleach on blood. That doesn’t work. You publish trash. 

SUSPECT: I cut my foot on a rock in the garden. It bled a lot….we were a team. Until he decided to publish in some ridiculous journal for no pay and leave me out of it. He betrayed me. 

BRENNAN: He wanted to be taken seriously as an archeologist, which is a very high calling. You should’ve let him have that. 

BOOTH: Well, you’re under arrest for the murder of Dr. James Sutton.

The team stages a strange ancient crime recreation, kind of like a prehistoric Angelatron.

Let’s wrap up!

BOOTH: You know that was really nice of you to let Clark have his moment, Bones. 

BRENNAN: Well, I’m a very nice person. 

BOOTH: Yes, you are, but you know what? You’re very nice. You’re gonna work on your modesty now. 

BRENNAN: Well, I am being modest because I actually did something even nicer. 

BOOTH: Oh, really? What was that?

BRENNAN: I told Clark to replace my authorship credit with Dr. James Sutton– that way, one day Sutton’s son will see what a great discovery he made. 

BOOTH: You’re right: it was very nice. 

BRENNAN: You should make a similar effort. 

BOOTH: What? 

BRENNAN: Not to pass on your failings. 

BOOTH: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What do you mean? What failings? 

BRENNAN: (to Christine) Oh, it’s time for bed. 

BOOTH: Now, wh-what failings? 

BRENNAN: You know. (to Christine) We’re gonna have a bath. We’ll get your jammies on. 

BOOTH: What, is this because I won’t walk under ladders? 

BRENNAN: (to Christine) We’ll have some milk, wash your hair. 

BOOTH: Oh. What is it, my sweet tooth? Yeah. So I like to have a beer every once in a while in the bathtub. What’s so bad about that? What failings? What’s that mean?

Ex: not a failing


*While I love the overall character of Brennan, she would be a HARD person to co-parent with in real life. She questions and overanalyzes everything!

*I feel like the assumptions this team takes to solve many cases would not actually hold up in court. Like using the Angelatron, and this completely hypothetical situation that Clark poses in this episode for the cavemen. Real defenses would tear this “evidence” apart! 

*They play off the end as a joke, but Brennan is actually right. Both parents should work towards not negatively influencing their child. Booth has just as many issues as Brennan!

The Diamond in the Rough (8×10)

Directed by: Alex Chapple 

Written by: Nkechi Okoro 

Angela has been thrown into yet another existential crisis. 

BRENNAN: Dr. Richards found traces of brucellosis in skeletal remains from the tenth century. The first known case; isn’t that remarkable?  

ANGELA: Mm-hmm.  

BRENNAN: Then you must understand my excitement.  

ANGELA:  I do, yeah.

ANGELA: When we met, I was an artist. I mean, imagine waking up one day and realizing that, for years, you haven’t been doing anything close to what you love. 

BRENNAN: I can’t imagine that. I have to do this. It’s who I am.  

ANGELA: So, you’re saying I’m not an artist. Not really.  

BRENNAN: I didn’t say that. No, I have a painting of yours; I love it.  

ANGELA: I know; I painted that eight years ago. 

BRENNAN: Perhaps you’ve just been working too hard. Fatigue can prevent the body from stimulating actin and myosin which can cause depression.  

ANGELA: Don’t worry about me, sweetie. Honestly, I’m fine.  

Foot damage on the victim seems to indicate damage from a dancing profession. Angela still struggles.

BRENNAN:  You know, Angela, this reminds me of the fact that every occupation has its drawbacks.  

ANGELA:  Are you trying to draw an analogy between me and the trashed-foot murder victim?  

BRENNAN: Yes. Dancers give up a lot for their art.  

ANGELA:  Yeah, in pursuit of their art. I’m not pursuing art. I’m-I’m pursuing murderers. That was really nice, though, sweetie– you trying. I appreciate it. 

Booth divulges information to a very unprofessional Sweets. 

SWEETS: I don’t get dancing as a profession.  

BOOTH: Look, I, uh, put myself through college teaching dance.  

SWEETS: Seriously?  

BOOTH: Yeah, seriously. 30 bucks an hour.  

SWEETS: Oh, being a stripper?  

BOOTH: No, not being a stripper. I was teaching actual dance, Sweets.  

SWEETS: So this guy, Kendrick, he’s a good enough dancer that somebody would kill to partner with him? 

BOOTH: Yeah, number one male dancer on the Eastern Seaboard.  

SWEETS: I can’t actually picture you taking dance lessons.  

BOOTH: Well, my mom taught me. She was a dancer.  

SWEETS: Your mom was a dancer, and she taught you to dance.  

BOOTH: Yeah, it was something that we did together. Yeah, she would put me on her feet and we would get the rhythm down.  Anyways, I got older, and I… I was good enough to teach.  

SWEETS: Teach older women?  

BOOTH: Mostly. A lot of wandering hands. Well, they would get tired or they would lose their balance. 

 SWEETS: Yeah, you were a gigolo.  

Well, since we learned that Booth is a secret ballroom dancer, they definitely have to go undercover on a dancing competition! 

BOOTH: Four beat, slow… quick, quick rhythm with a hip-sway over a standing leg.  

BRENNAN: Okay, I like the rumba.  

BOOTH: Yeah, so did my students. It was the dance of passion.  

BRENNAN: I find it quite exciting that you were a rumba teacher.  

BOOTH: This is a case, Wanda.  

BRENNAN: I know, but I think we can win this, too.   

Brennan and Cam discuss the case. 

CAM: This is a… good look. You going to the hootenanny later?  

BRENNAN: No, hootenanny is an informal gathering for singing and dancing. I am training for an extremely rigorous ballroom dance competition.  

CAM: Oh.  

BRENNAN: Booth and I intend to win the rumba competition.  

CAM: And catch a murderer?  

BOOTH: Yes, of course– that’s the main objective.  

Sneaking into a closet to call Sweets makes you feel romantic sometimes. 

BOOTH: Come on, let’s go, let’s go. …Whoa. Wow. What was that for?  

BRENNAN: It just felt like high school in here. Didn’t you ever sneak away to the closet…? 

BOOTH: Well, the… backseat of the car was more my thing.  

BRENNAN: Dancing the rumba is like foreplay.  

BOOTH: It is… because you got a good instructor.  

They solve the case quickly (a competitor’s boyfriend wanted his girl to win) but Brennan is bummed. 

BOOTH:  All right, Wanda. Bones, why do you look so sad? 

BRENNAN: We solved the case. I am happy. We don’t have to audition. We caught the murderer.  

BOOTH: I texted everybody. They’re coming to watch us…Ready?  

BRENNAN: Yes, ready to rumba.  

BOOTH: No. No, no, we’re going to waltz…This is our dance, okay? Just let me lead, all right? 

BRENNAN:  I don’t know what that means.  


*As an avid, and very long term, fan of Dancing with the Stars, it was fun to recognize some of the dancers highlighted in the show, but B&B ain’t getting on there, Booth’s “experience” or not. And to just throw Brennan into a waltz when she only had practiced the rumba??? NOPE. And the “dress” they made for Brennan? Worst thing ever. Who created that? Someone who hates Emily Deschanel?

*Coming off my dancing soapbox a little: How in the world is Booth a secret ballroom dancer but none of us have ever seen evidence of it? We have seen DB “dance” in other circumstances, and I see no evidence of it. 😉 Hey, he’s still pretty to look at. And show, please don’t remind me that Booth’s mom exists. I can’t even with her.

*I must’ve forgotten how many times they’ve used the “Angela hates her job and non-boho lifestyle” storyline, but I’m just now realizing they do it all. the. time. Once they put Angela and Hodgins together, they forgot to do anything else with them.

*I did like Brennan’s excitement at going undercover and things like making out in the supply closet. I just wish they had dropped the Buck and Wanda cover and gone back to the sexy Roxie and Tony. THOSE two could perform a convincing rumba!!

Bonus sweet BTS photos:

David Boreanaz: Hair Stylist