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The Princess and the Pear (4×15)

“The Princess and the Pear”

Episode 4×15 / Production 4×09

Written By: Matthew Donlan and Jeremy Martin

Directed by: Steven DePaul

Brennan stops by Booth’s, but he’s hurt.

BRENNAN: Your gait suggests you re-strained your anterior longitudinal ligament.

BOOTH: Yeah, well, I blame the couch, all right? I fell asleep last night watching the game. Look, I figured you fixed my back last time, really well, and I just thought that maybe you could fix it again, so use your little magic knuckles, and hit it up, and we’re good to go.

BRENNAN: Booth, if this has become a recurring problem, you should see a specialist.

BOOTH: Right, I get it-all disclaimers apply. Here we go, hit the back-chop-chop–we got a case.


BOOTH: What do you mean *no*? Last time I had this, you were begging to help me.

BRENNAN: I probably shouldn’t have touched you the last time. You need a medical doctor.

BOOTH: I’m not asking you to perform surgery; just do what you did last time and fix it with your magic knuckles… Look, there’s no one I trust more to get my back and crack it, than *you*.


BOOTH: You want more?

BRENNAN: No, that was effective. Turn around.


They both have good charm smiles at each other 🙂


Apparently, she lost her magic.

ANGELA: How is he?

BRENNAN: Dr. Patel suspects a herniated disc in Booth’s lumbar region. We’ll know which vertebrae when the X-rays get here.

ANGELA: So you didn’t actually paralyze him?

BRENNAN: No. The vicodin seems to be working. He claims it makes the furniture feel friendly. But he’ll be on bed rest for the remainder of the week.

CAM: Are you okay?

BRENNAN: Of course. I wasn’t the one who was injured. Admittedly, I shouldn’t have let Booth talk me into adjusting him.


Perotta is back on the case and is being helpful.

BRENNAN: Agent Perotta discovered this?

ANGELA: Yes. You should be nicer to her.

BRENNAN: Well, I like working with Booth. I’m nice to him.

They discover their victim was at a convention in costume.

BRENNAN: And judging from her zygomatic arches and facial contours, there’s a good chance that’s our victim wearing it. Someone should inform Agent Perotta.

ANGELA: That’d be you, sweetie.

They figure out the victim had a valuable sword that many people wanted. They attend an auction for the sword at the convention.


SWEETS: You know, intellectually, I knew the auction was fixed, but, man, my heart was pumping.

BRENNAN: Well technically, your adrenal glands were secreting.

SWEETS: Okay, remember last session when we talked about the correcting and how it could be read the wrong way?

BRENNAN: Right. So…how did it feel when you won the sword?

SWEETS: Awesome! Thank you for asking. Though I got to say, I’ll be glad to be back behind my desk. I had enough excitement to last me…

Uh-oh. Brennan and Sweets get attacked and Brennan fights the attacker off.


BOOTH: Okay, you know what? I’m coming in. All right? You could’ve been killed.

BRENNAN: No, you shouldn’t move, Booth. With a herniated disc, the splintered cartilage can irritate the nerves and…

BOOTH: So why wasn’t Perotta with you?

BRENNAN: I was with Sweets.

BOOTH: That’s like being protected by a Smurf. Not the sheriff, the guy who was in charge. I don’t even know his name, but he was blue, small guy…

BRENNAN: Booth have you taken more Vicodin? Look, Booth, I’m fine. Sweets is fine. A little shaken up, but really, we’re both fine. Please don’t come in.

BOOTH: If you think so.

BRENNAN: He wants to talk to you.


Oh, he wants to talk to ME! 


Rats, he’s talking about HER.


Hodgins and Angela catch up.


ANGELA: And Brennan…She shouldn’t be putting herself in danger like this.

HODGINS: Angela, she cares too much to keep it all in the lab, and you’re never gonna change her. ANGELA: Why can’t she just get her rocks off through sex like a normal person, right?

HODGINS: I agree. And in the spirit of friendship, if, you know, you ever… (His computer beeps)

ANGELA: Saved by the beep, huh?

Sweets thanks Brennan for her help during their attack.


They figure out a guy acting as a blacksmith was involved.

PETER KROON: You’re wondering how a man with all my potential ended up selling artefacts to fantasy geeks?

BRENNAN: No, I don’t care.

PEROTTA: Your car shows you are the person who drove Dr. Brennan and Dr. Sweets off the road. Your wound matches the one Dr. Brennan delivered to her assailant. It was your blood on the sword, and we found fragments of your chain mail.

BRENNAN: We know you did it.

PEROTTA: We just don’t know why.

BRENNAN: But we really don’t care why.

PEROTTA: Well, I kind of do. The motive thing, it’s pretty central to a conviction.

Brennan stops by to update Booth on the case and all the convention/knights stuff.

BOOTH: Not at all. I gotta tell you, I think they had it pretty good idea with the whole chivalry thing, you know, open car doors, kill dragons, small hearts…

BRENNAN: You still on vicodin?

BOOTH: Yeah, a little.

BRENNAN: Okay, what I’m trying to show you is that your doctor’s wrong. You’ve been mis-diagnosed.

BOOTH: What? Give me that!

BRENNAN: Just a small misalignment. I’d be happy to fix it for you.

BOOTH: No, no, no. Last time you did that, I almost ended up in a wheel chair.

BRENNAN: Don’t you trust me?

BOOTH: You know what? Let’s not make it about trust!

BRENNAN: Well, It’s a fact, it’s not what I make of it. You ready?

BOOTH: Oh, definitely not ready!


BOOTH: It’s open! 

PEROTTA: Oh! I didn’t…I thought you said the door was open.

BRENNAN: It is open. I’m done. I’m just leaving.

PEROTTA: Oh! No, no, no. I just, um, brought some chilli I made, but, um, I’ll just leave that there, and you can, um…are you all right?


Bye Felicia!

BRENNAN: Yeah, he’s fine now!

BOOTH: I gotta tell you, I’m a little afraid to move.

BRENNAN: He’s fine. Please, you stay.

PEROTTA: Oh. I can’t. You stay.

BRENNAN: I gotta go. I can’t stay.

BOOTH: Wait, now nobody’s staying? Hello?

pear 13


*Wish we could have gotten further confessions from Booth while he was on Vicodin! More about his unpartnerlike feelings for his partner!

*So even though Perotta realized Booth and Brennan had things for each other, she still stopped over with chili?!

*Speaking of, might’ve anything happened this time after Brennan’s adjustment had Perotta not showed up when she did? With Brennan feeling bad for hurting him earlier, and Booth’s inhibitions lowered on the drugs??

3 thoughts on “The Princess and the Pear (4×15)

  1. Not a big fan of the whole storyline of this episode, but I am a fan of the B&B moments.
    So, the reason Booth did not have a lot of screen time in this ep. was DB was preparing to direct the next episode Bones that Foam. His first!! He came a long way in that department in the later episodes he directed.

    “*So even though Perotta realized Booth and Brennan had things for each other, she still stopped over with chili?!”
    -I don’t think we see anymore of Perotta after this ep., which is fine with me. She obviously has feelings for Booth and I am glad she left her chili for him and is never to be seen again. She knows Booth likes Brennan, but I think she wants to try and get him!! Maybe take advantage of him while he is on pain meds LOL!!!

    -Haha, the one gif posted has Booth saying about Brennan “Her silly black hair” Pretty sure he said “silky” But he was not thinking clearly because of the Vicodin. Her hair is not black!
    -Love the beginning scenes of Booth in his shirt and boxers! He clearly charm smiles Brennan and when he says “Look, there’s no one I trust more to get my back and crack it, than *you*.” she can’t resist him. The way Booth says that sounds a lot like when he told her in Fire in Ice “Who better to keep me company than *you*. (meaning I love *you*!) 😘

    *Wish we could have gotten further confessions from Booth while he was on Vicodin! More about his unpartnerlike feelings for his partner!”
    -Seriously!! And does Brennan really have “no idea” why Booth gets needlessly protective of her?? I think she does, but will not admit it to herself and esp. not to Perotta.

    *Speaking of, might’ve anything happened this time after Brennan’s adjustment had Perotta not showed up when she did? With Brennan feeling bad for hurting him earlier, and Booth’s inhibitions lowered on the drugs??”

    Well…I always felt a little bad for Booth that everyone left him!! Why does she tell Perotta to stay?? Why did Brennan not stay? Especially since Booth says he is afraid to move. Was she afraid that something might happen?? Poor Booth was left all alone standing there saying “Hello?” Ahhh the possibilities if only Brennan had stayed. He may have asked her to spend the night…by morning his back would be feeling better…who knows? 🙂

    Now I did some *research*…here are some great pics, some from AA’s old site.


    #Hello there Boreanaz tongue

  2. I liked looking at Booth’s apartment in this episode. Messy! That head appears on his desk. They cleaned it up immensely before Brennan moved in Season 6.

    Looks like he as an old fireplace here. Messy table, his vicodin bottle lol

    Maps on the wall, messy desk, bedroom door opening.

    I always wondered why Booth did not have a nicer apartment in the early seasons!

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