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B&B Vacay?

So I just got back from my 1st international trip to Cancun (I went to Canada once but it was before you needed a passport, so doesn’t count haha), and it inspired me. In our head canon, where would B&B actually go on vacation? With or without kids?

In the show, they spend some time on location in beachy areas, and sort of had a “honeymoon” but they have such different interests. They do touch on that at one point where they discuss what they like to do, but if B&B could go somewhere in real life, where would they go that they could both have enjoyment in it?

Maybe Cancun could work for them? Historical sites for Brennan and pool time for Booth? It does resemble their honeymoon location a bit. But is there a place or activity that they might equally enjoy?

7 thoughts on “B&B Vacay?

  1. There was an episode, Season 9 perhaps??? The end scene had Booth & Brennan looking at travel brochures together. I can’t remember what episode or where they were looking!

    I think B&B at this point, should go on a vacay without the kids. I can only assume they have taken the kids to various places, and now B&B need a couples only vacation. 

    It needs to be a romantic getaway. No work or case involved like what happened on their unromantic honeymoon.

    Cancun would work! Romantic, beach & pool time and visiting historic archeological sights. Stay at an all inclusive resort, of course. 

    Maybe Hawaii? Maui? They would both enjoy that. Plenty of history and sights to see at the various islands. Maui has plenty of romantic getaways and waterfalls for them also. 

    If they want to travel overseas, maybe Egypt?? Don’t think that is very romantic, but it would be interesting to see the Pyramids and the Great Sphinx. Not sure if Booth would like that however!

    Would B&B like a cruise? That would be a good think to check out! They could have all the amenities on the ship and then interesting port of calls along the way. Haha, just don’t miss returning to the ship or they will leave you behind. I could see Brennan getting so involved in some interesting ruins that she causes them to be late returning to the ship.

    Interesting to think about…


    ^Whoa! I copied and pasted two emoji hearts and they show up gigantic. Lets see what they look like once I post my comment

  2. OMG^ I won’t d that again!

    Looking back at the honeymoon episode, ugh! It was written by Dave Thomas. Ugh again! 

    bnb said correctly “After the lovely wedding we just witnessed, Brennan has returned to being a real downer.

    She complains about the pool being contaminated with fecal matter and then drags Booth to a morgue. :( 

    This is as romantic as it got on their honeymoon.

  3. I cannot find the episode where B&B discuss vacation plans at the end of the episode. It has to be after the Mighty Hut was destroyed, because as I recall, they were sitting in the kitchen of their new place. Either season 10 or 11.

    Any one remember which episode? bnb do you know?

  4. Ahhh yes! That is a nice scene study from Season 1. B&B looking very lovely. 

    Sara comments:  “Since the day he met her, he’s been fighting his attraction to her (in my opinion), and all of the things that DO drive him crazy about her…he knows in his mind that they should make her LESS attractive to him. But they just don’t. He just gets more and more attracted to the entirety of her and her Bones-ness. Right?”

    ““Yep,” Booth answers and then covers up those amazing shoulders in that white polo shirt! Haha” 🙂

     whether Booth was subtly offering a vacation to Bones but she didn’t pick up on it. What do you think?

    I agree with this poster-

    “I have never thought, ever, that Booth might be offering Brennan a chance to go with him. But I really like the idea that he was! I like to think that Brennan really had a hard time making up her mind. Stay with skeletal corpses or follow those broad shoulders to Jamaica where a possibility (not really though) of forever waited? How about I go instead?! So although, I don’t know if Booth was really, seriously offering Brennan something, I really like the idea that he might.”

    I think Booth liked the possibility of Brennan going with him, but at this stage in their relationship knew that it would not happen.

    Great Scene Study from Sara…there are so many great endings I have forgotten about!

    The one I was thinking about, B&B are a couple with Christine, and they were looking at travel brochures at the end of the episode. Maybe I will find it one day!

  5. “Maybe I will find it one day!”

    Found it! It is Survivor in the Soap (8X18)

    I thought it was later in the series.

    BOOTH: The Gulf of Thailand? Oh, boy.

    BRENNAN: Tho Chau has been contested territory between Cambodia and Vietnam for centuries. A lot of battles, massacres, mass graves, history, a fascinating adventure. You like adventure, right?

    BBOOTH: Sounds fascinating.

    BRENNAN: Are you just saying that to humor me?

    BOOTH: No. You know what, if you’re happy, I’m happy; it’s our vacation.

    BOOTH: You found paradise.

    BRENNAN: Yes, paradise. Mass graves for me and a beach with liquor for you.

    BOOTH: Right. Is there room service?

    bnb comment at the end “*I did like the sweet B&B ending. I wish she’d act like that in the beginning instead of automatically lecturing, but I’m glad there is compromise at the end.”

  6. Brennan is annoying in this episode. Bnb review:

    *Again, I cannot imagine early Booth and early Brennan falling in love with each other as they are now. Brennan has just lost any scrap of intuition and compassion she had in the beginning. Booth is reduced to just shocked reaction faces. We get more romance with Camastoo.” UGH! 

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