Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hope you have some great friends and family to eat with this weekend!

But if you can’t (or you don’t celebrate this American holiday) at least remember this one thing:

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

The Puzzler in the Pit (10×8)

Directed by: Chad Lowe

Written by: Nkechi Okoro

Daisy is back.

DAISY: I took the time I needed. Lance would want me to rejoin the world. And the baby and I have never felt better.

ANGELA: You do seem very… Zen. I remember, at this point I was driving Hodgins nuts, trying to get him to set up Michael Vincent’s room.

DAISY: Well, there’s no rush. When he’s ready, he’ll tell me how he wants his room set up.

B&B have baby Sweets plans.

BOOTH: You know what? We will be there for every school play, graduation and hockey game.

BRENNAN: You’re going to be a good uncle, Booth.

DAISY: Thanks again, Dr. B., for sharing Christine’s stuff with us.

BRENNAN: I know there’s a lot there. Don’t feel like you have to use it all.

DAISY: I won’t. The baby will let me know what he’s drawn to and what disturbs him.

BRENNAN: I don’t think you understand infants, Ms. Wick.

They investigate the death of a crossword puzzle master who seemed to be a gambler, too.

AUBREY: You’re an addict, Agent Booth, and I’m not gonna let you jeopardize your gambling sobriety on this case or any other case.

BOOTH: You read my file.

AUBREY: Yeah, ’cause I heard rumors. Sweets was pretty thorough in his report, you know? You gambled as a coping mechanism after your time in the military.

Meanwhile, Daisy goes into labor.

BRENNAN: Well, perhaps I can walk with you and you can squeeze my hand. I did that when I was in labor and I took great comfort knowing that Booth was in pain, too.

DAISY: Yes, yes. Oh, Agent Booth should be here, too. I want him here. He’s the godfather.

And she solves the case!

DAISY: If all the injuries were offensive and he was just pushed, the blood wasn’t from the victim. It was from the killer. Fathers and sons can have identical homozygotes.

And we get a confession.

EMORY: I finally found the courage to call, and I told him I was his son. And he actually seemed happy to hear from me. So we agreed to meet at a café down the street from his house. How did you get from a café to a fracking site? He never showed up to the café. I waited over an hour. Then I circled back to Lawrence’s house, saw him leaving on a walk. So I followed and confronted him. He wouldn’t even acknowledge that we had spoke. I was hurt. We’re flesh and blood, so I asked him why he was messing with me, and he freaked. He started attacking me, hitting me, kicking. And then… he-he fell down the hill, must’ve landed wrong, I guess. I didn’t mean to kill him. I-I was scared… so I-I put him in the pit. I was scared. If he hated the idea of seeing me, he could’ve just said so. I-I wouldn’t have pushed it. He probably didn’t remember that he talked to you.

AUBREY: He had Alzheimer’s, Emory.

EMORY: What? Oh, God. I could’ve helped him. I… I would’ve been a good son. I would’ve helped him.

Baby wrap up time!

DAISY: So he’s Seeley Lance Wick-Sweets.

DAISY: Do you want to be the first to hold him? Lance would want you to be the first.

BOOTH: Yeah. Hey. Hey there, little buddy. How are you? Look at that, your whole family came out to meet you. Hey…Look at this, huh? Look at that. Hey, little buddy. Hey, little buddy. There you go. Listen, I knew your dad.


  • Better case than last week.
  • Sweet wrap up with the baby Sweets.
  • B&B look pretty cute holding a baby together 😉

*RIP to Heath Freeman, who played Howard Epps (https://deadline.com/2021/11/actor-heath-freeman-dies-bones-1234874878/)

Bones actor who played “Howard Epps” dead at 41


Heath Freeman, the actor known for playing a calculating killer on the Fox procedural Bones, has died at 41. His manager confirmed the news to EW. A cause of death hasn’t been disclosed.

“We are truly devastated at the loss of our beloved Heath Freeman,” Freeman’s team tells EW in a statement. “A brilliant human being with an intense and soulful spirit, he leaves us with an indelible imprint in our hearts. His life was filled with deep loyalty, affection, and generosity towards his family and friends, and an extraordinary zest for life.”

“He was extremely proud of his recent film work and was very excited for the next chapter of his career,” the statement continues. “His remarkable legacy as a son, brother, uncle, friend, extraordinarily gifted actor and producer, consummate cook, and man with the most infectious and spectacular laugh, will live on forever. May his memory be a blessing to all who knew and loved him.” 

Freeman portrayed Howard Epps, the first serial killer to appear on Bones, during the show’s first two seasons. He previously studied acting and film at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts and the University of Texas at Austin. His first acting credit was an episode of ER, and he also appeared on NCISThe CloserWithout a Trace, and Raising the Bar.

Freeman’s final screen projects were the upcoming films Devil’s Fruit and Terror on the Prairie.

Heath Freeman

Heath Freeman at the Sundance Film Festival in 2010 | CREDIT: JESSE GRANT/GETTY IMAGES

The Money Maker on the Merry-Go-Round (10×7)

Directed by: Michael Lange 

Written by: Keith Foglesong 

We are back on the B&B parenting drama ride. Brennan acts even more clueless when Booth tries to stop Christine from swearing. 

BRENNAN: Well, numerous studies have shown that profanity can be quite beneficial when used in moderation. 

BOOTH: Okay, you’re not seriously arguing that our four-year-old should be swearing? 

BRENNAN: Use of occasional profanity has been linked to increased circulation, elevated endorphins and an overall sense of calmness. 

BOOTH: No, no. Don’t science-up the swearing.

At the lab, Dr. Wells is trying to usurp Brennan. She is not amused. 

A hedge fund financial guy is murdered. 

BOOTH: Let me get this straight. So it was just you and Toby there but you never saw him? You’re actually gonna go with that story? You caught Toby stealing cash from your boss and you smashed his head into the desk.  

BAD GUY: Wait, so now you’re saying I killed the guy because he was stealing someone else’s money? 

BOOTH: That’s right. Because of your famous temper. But then again, this wasn’t about the money. It was all about the team, right?  

BAD GUY: I want a lawyer. I’m done talking.  

BRENNAN: There’s blood on the stone, Booth.  

BOOTH: Look at that. You don’t have to say a word. ‘Cause we have all the evidence we need right there. You chipped your ring while you were assaulting him. It lodged in his skull.  

BAD GUY: You don’t understand. I didn’t… I didn’t mean to kill him. It was… it was an accident.  

BOOTH: You smashed Toby’s head into the desk nine times.  

BAD GUY: I was just trying to teach him a lesson. I mean, without loyalty, we’re nothing. Right? 

This episode gives us the backstory that Aubrey’s dad was also a money guy who abandoned his family. So Aubrey can stay on the Island of Misfit Toys with them because he has a sad story too! 

BRENNAN: I know. My father was a criminal, too. I was 15 when I was abandoned. I-I was angry for years.  

AUBREY: How did you… get over it?  

BRENNAN: I didn’t.  

AUBREY: So this isn’t a comforting talk.  

BRENNAN: No. The pain is always there. The challenge is to not try to make it go away. Fighting it is the problem. We fight to try and change the past or… push it away. But the pain is part of who we are. It’s like the discovery of the quark. It upended all of our theories about physics. There was fury, fighting, but it was true. And when it was finally accepted, it gave us a better understanding of life. If we had denied it, there would have been no progress. It’s not easy, Aubrey, but… nothing of value is. 

Booth caves to Brennan’s parenting ideas. It doesn’t go well. 

BOOTH: I’m cutting her some slack. The bunny didn’t seem to mind. I’m waiting for those big four-letter words and then I’ll nail it down.  

BRENNAN: I’m proud of you, Booth. 

CHRISTINE: Good night, jackass.  

BRENNAN: I beg your pardon?  

CHRISTINE: I said good night, jackass.  

BOOTH: Don’t look at me. You told me not to say anything.  

BRENNAN: Well, why did you call Mommy a jackass?  

CHRISTINE: Because you said I could. I told my teacher that, too. 


*How can Brennan be so absolutely clueless in parenting with Booth, but give Aubrey a Sweets-level lecture about their criminal dads? 

*If this was real life, I don’t know how Booth could possibly stand being told his every dad move is wrong with science reasons. Besides, Booth is a long-time father, while Brennan is a first-time parent, yet, she knows more. Also, Brennan did grow up in a two-parent household for many years and has experience with being parented herself so it’s not like she’s never been in a family unit. I know it’s the writing, but honestly…. 

The Lost Love in the Foreign Land (10×6)

 Directed by: Allison Liddi-Brown 

Written by: Emily Silver 

Camastoo is back. 

And of course, sleeping with your boss causes awkwardness at work. Duh. 

ARASTOO: Is there anything else?  

BRENNAN: Not for now.  

ARASTOO: Are you sure?  


CAM: I believe there is, Dr. Brennan.  

BRENNAN: I rarely forget.  

CAM: Arastoo’s dissertation?  

BRENNAN: We’ll discuss it later, Mr. Vaziri.  

CAM: Well, I’m… I’m sure worrying would affect his work more.  

BRENNAN: I wouldn’t want worrying to distract you. I am not approving your dissertation proposal. I hope that makes you feel better.  

Cam continues to COMPLETELY overstep her bounds as boss, girlfriend, and coworker, all at once. 

BRENNAN: Dr. Saroyan, I had no idea you needed to see me.  

CAM: Yeah, how could you just dismiss Arastoo’s dissertation proposal like that?  

BRENNAN: Because I was told his work would suffer if I didn’t.  

CAM: Well, I looked at his proposal– his research was excellent.  

BRENNAN: I agree. His skill is not in question. A dissertation by someone as accomplished as Mr. Vaziri should lead research in a new direction.  

CAM: And you can’t work with what he’s given you?  

BRENNAN: Well… I already have my doctorate. The work is for Mr. Vaziri to do.  

CAM: He was just trying to please you by choosing a subject he thought you’d like. 

BRENNAN: Nothing could please me less. It’s my job to nurture trailblazers, not sycophants.  

CAM: He was crushed, Dr. Brennan.  

BRENNAN: Do you feel he’s not capable of discussing this with me directly?  

Arastoo finds out about Cam and is mortified at her behavior. 

ARASTOO: Why did you talk to Dr. Brennan?  

CAM: That was probably a mistake.  

ARASTOO: “Probably”?  

CAM: I did it for you. My intention was pure, Arastoo.  

ARASTOO: It was? Your intention was to protect me, which implies that I can’t take care of myself. Which implies a lack of faith in me. Which implies a lack of respect.  

A recent immigrant is found to have died in what seems like the silliest way possible. 

BRENNAN: Tammy, we know you killed Min-Yung.  

TAMMY: Oh. Oh. No. I didn’t kill anyone.  

BOOTH: Okay, look, we know that you worked at a nail salon. You just… 

BRENNAN: You used a cuticle pusher. You stabbed her with it repeatedly until she bled out.  

 Camastoo kiss and make up, but we get to end with B&B! 

BRENNAN: Christine’s asleep. She wanted me to tell you that she loves you. And she wants pancakes shaped like Mickey Mouse for breakfast.  

BOOTH: I can handle that. Don’t ever let me take any of this for granted, Bones. How lucky we are. 

BRENNAN: I won’t.  

BOOTH: I just can’t stop thinking about Tammy and that… and the situation that she was in. If-if I was in that situation, how I would protect you and-and Christine.  

BRENNAN: Life puts us in untenable positions. And out of those– it sounds horrible, but… if Min-Yung hadn’t been killed, scores of people would still be living as slaves.  

BOOTH: Silver lining?  

BRENNAN: Yeah. For me, I keep thinking about her trying to find Sung. I could have so easily been like her, just missing the opportunity to live my life with you. I would thank a God, if I believed in one.  

BOOTH: Then I’ll do it for you.  


*This is one of those times where I believe Cam should be straight up fired. She interfered with Brennan and her intern and attempted to influence Brennan to help her boyfriend. Dissertations like Arastoo’s are a big deal and could affect his whole career. Either her or Arastoo need to be transferred immediately. Not fair to the other interns in the program. And she did it publicly at work. Not cool.  

*Also, Brennan was completely right. And she tried to save her decision to talk to Arastoo in private but they pressured her into it, using Brennan’s social awkwardness against her. Brennan complied because they told her it would stress Arastoo out less if she told him right then, but they were wrong. Sometimes, Brennan is an awkward person, but don’t bait her into bad decisions!

*The real crime is this hair: 

*On the other hand, nice B&B wrap up! 🙂