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The Glowing Bones in the Old Stone House (2×21)


Written By: Stephen Nathan

Directed By: Caleb Deschanel


B&B chat at yet another crime scene.

BRENNAN: You know, Angela turned down Hodgins again.

BOOTH: What?

BRENNAN: Hodgins proposed. Angela turned him down.

BOOTH: You really wanna talk about that now.

BRENNAN: Why not? There’s been no confirmation of danger yet.

BOOTH: It’s just, you know, weird, you know, talking about uh, marriage when we’re, you know, trying to avoid radiation poisoning.

BOOTH: People fall in love and they get married. That’s what people do.

BRENNAN: I thought you didn’t want to talk about it.

BOOTH: Look, I’m just saying! You know, you believe in love, don’t you?

BRENNAN: I believe that dopamine and norepinephrine simulate euphoria because of certain biological triggers like scent, symmetrical features…

BOOTH: Symmetrical features.

BRENNAN: Yes, it’s an indication of a good breeder. You appear to be a very good breeder.


MAJOR: How long have you two been going out?


BRENNAN and BOOTH: We’re…We’re partners.

BRENNAN: That’s it.

MAJOR: Huh. Me and my partner talk baseball.


BOOTH: You might not want to admit it, Bones, but there are some things like love that just can’t be measured in your lab.

Booth helps Cam in the lab.


CAM: Do you think Hodgins is okay?

BOOTH: No, not at all.

CAM: Well, they seem to be jumping each other like rabbits.

BOOTH: Well, he wants more.

CAM: How sweet.

BOOTH: Oh, you think all a man wants is sex?

CAM: No, of course not. Beer too. Chips…salsa…

BOOTH: Aw, come on, Cam. I mean, when we were together, you didn’t think that we could, you know…

CAM: Get married? No.

BOOTH: Nah. Nah, me neither. I mean, but wasn’t there a moment, just a moment where you felt…

CAM: You want to know what I felt, Seeley? I felt… satisfied. Very satisfied. And grateful that I had my own place, my own single life… and you were too.

The team finds out the victim is a celebrity chef who is known for mac and cheese. They investigate. Brennan asks Angela about Hodgins.


BRENNAN: Are you still torturing Hodgins?

ANGELA: He loves it.

BRENNAN: Just tell him no. Put him out of his misery.

ANGELA: What if I want to say yes?

BRENNAN: You…get married?

: Sometimes your brain just shuts off, because you’re… in love.

BRENNAN: One can’t logically base a decision on momentary happiness.

ANGELA: Haven’t you ever just looked at a guy and said, “Screw it”? …Well, maybe not the best choice of words, okay, but… Like, when you were with Sully. Don’t you regret letting him go?

BRENNAN: I made a decision. Regrets serve no real purpose. If you want to be impulsive, why don’t you just say yes?

ANGELA: Because I’ve also got you in my head, telling me that marriage will hobble my personal and legal freedoms. You’re a very difficult best friend to have.

They find the victim’s friend alive in a car trunk and look for clues.

HODGINS: Ahhh. Unidentified particulates. The two sweetest words that I know.

CAM: I don’t even wanna think about your pillow talk with Angela.



ANGELA: Do you really think her husband killed her? I mean, it makes sense he would spare Abby…

BRENNAN: I don’t think I’m the person to ask about psychology of relationships.

ANGELA: Mm. You know, when I said before that… you were the difficult friend inside my head… it’s not necessarily a bad thing.

BRENNAN: Yeah, I know that sharing a strong emotional attachment with another human being can be a good thing. But there seems to be a disconnect between my mind and…

ANGELA: You know, I… I shouldn’t have brought up Sully before. I’m sorry.

BRENNAN: It’s just… If a relationship seems more than casual, I feel that I need to posit the potential problems. Probabilities of success and failure, or…

ANGELA: You get scared.


BRENNAN: But I miss so much, don’t I?


ANGELA: I want to say no, but… yeah. You do. And so does whoever you’re keeping yourself from.



BOOTH: Oh. You’re done with Angela?

HODGINS: No. But…Hey, I fell in love with a free spirit, and if getting married makes her feel trapped or something, then I’m… I’m just gonna have to deal with it.


BOOTH: Right, so you don’t wanna get married anymore.

HODGINS: Sure I do…

BOOTH: You know what? This whole ceramics stuff was making more sense to me…

HODGINS: …But Angela doesn’t. And I don’t want to drive her away like you did with Rebecca.

BOOTH: Whoa, I did not drive Rebecca away. We both agreed that it wasn’t right.

HODGINS: After you asked and she said no.

BOOTH: Well, when you say it like that it’s…

HODGINS: If it had been right, it wouldn’t matter if you were married or not, would it? Because you’d have a life together.

BOOTH Great. Then why not get married?

HODGINS: Because then we wouldn’t be able to be together, see this is all coming so clear now!

BOOTH: Not really.

HODGINS: You put on that macho front, but inside you understand.

BOOTH: I don’t understand

HODGINS: That which the mind can’t grasp…

BOOTH: Alright, you know, I’m just trying to catch a murderer, but you seem to have gone way past that.

HODGINS: It means a lot, knowing that you get it, man. Most guys… not secure enough to admit that.


BOOTH: Hmm. I have a headache.


B&B discuss the case.

BOOTH: You know, we’ll get him, Bones, alright? Don’t worry.

BRENNAN: We do this all the time. You know, I should be used to it. It shouldn’t bother me.

BOOTH: No, it should. Was she, uh, really gonna teach you how to cook?

BRENNAN: Yeah. I’ve always understood the basics of cooking, the physics of it, but… Carly said she was going to show me what it was really about. To her, she said that it was a way of… well, she said “loving,” but then, she was prone to hyperbole.

BOOTH: Well hey, I mean, that’s what family dinners are all about, right? Those are some of my, uh, my best memories.

BRENNAN: I’m not as cold as everyone thinks, Booth.


BOOTH: Okay, that was a leap.

BRENNAN: Just because I think marriage is an antiquated ritual doesn’t mean that I don’t want Angela and Hodgins to be happy. I have an appreciation and a need for emotional and physical intercourse, just like you.

BOOTH: Yeah. Sure. I mean, okay, good for you with that.

BRENNAN: Did I make you uncomfortable?

BOOTH: No. Not at all. I just wanna focus. Let’s just focus on the- on the case.

BRENNAN: I did make you uncomfortable.


They find out Carly’s friend Abby killed her over relationship drama.


Hodgins makes a romantic move.

HODGINS: Look, Angela. I’ve been thinking. You’re not like anyone I’ve ever known. And I don’t want that to change. So I’m taking you the way you are. No strings.

HODGINS: Close your eyes.



ANGELA: Yes. Yes. Let’s get married.

HODGINS: No. No, no, no, this is- this is not a proposal.

ANGELA: I know. That’s why I’m asking you.


ANGELA: What you said here… that we’re enough… just this, no pressure for more…that’s all that I ever wanted. Hodgins, say something.

HODGINS: You’re insane.

ANGELA: Is that a yes?

HODGINS: Absolutely! Okay. Okay. Um. Alright. How- how about, uh, Italy! Italy in the spring? Um, Umbria?!

ANGELA: No. Right away. Next week.

HODGINS: We cannot get a wedding together in a week.

ANGELA: We have to. One week.


ANGELA: I could change my mind. It’s up to you.

HODGINS: Okay, yeah, just a small little thing then.

ANGELA: No. Big. I want a big one.

HODGINS: Totally. Insane.


B&B meet up for some “Mac and Cheese” after the case.

BOOTH: Great. Mac and cheese! Wow! Bones! This- this looks fantastic!

BRENNAN: Yeah? Really?


BOOTH: Oh, I mean, you shouldn’t have, I mean, all this work just for me?

BRENNAN: What? No, I mean. It wasn’t that much.

BOOTH: Mmm. This is unbelievable.


BRENNAN: You like it?


BOOTH: I’d like to be alone with it.


BRENNAN: She said I could go with my instincts, so I put in a little fresh ground nutmeg.

BOOTH: Well, she taught you well. Thanks, Bones.

BRENNAN: Yeah, well, you know. We have to eat, right?

BOOTH: Yeah. Gotta eat. Always gotta eat.



**So what have we learned? B&B continue to tip toe around their real feelings while deepening their connection and partnership. Hodgela is moving towards Wedding #1.  Angela is completely and totally insane! 🙂 

7 thoughts on “The Glowing Bones in the Old Stone House (2×21)

  1. Haha- Brennan cooked for Booth as a way of expressing her love and caring for him! Even though it is still early in their relationship, when a woman cooks a meal for a man…it means something! And when Booth said he would “like to be alone with it”…well we all know he meant he wanted to be alone with Brennan. 😘

    Plus, B&B’s discussion at the beginning of the episode and the Major assumes they are a couple.
    BRENNAN: Yes, it’s an indication of a good breeder. You appear to be a very good breeder.
    Meaning-” I want to have babies with you!!” Think Critic in the Cabernet and then Change in the Game.

    So as bnbailey asked, (she is a teacher!!) What have we learned?
    -We learned that even early in their relationship, Brennan wanted to have Booth babies! Lol,
    They already have feelings for each other and Brennan cooking dinner for him, experimenting with the recipe, shows she was will to take risks to impress Booth. ❤

  2. Read what Sarah Seels from BT Board wrote about the end scene-

    “Brennan brings the food to the table. Booth very politely and somewhat over exaggerated (he wants to make her feel special for the work she did) tells her that it looks great. Brennan is surprised but inwardly very pleased by his words.
    Booth gets kind of serious and says, “You shouldn’t have. I mean, all this work…just for me?” And…I love him.
    Brennan is caught off guard by that. She kind of blinks and then shrugs it off. It wasn’t that much, not really. But she is lying.
    Booth takes a bite and gets this look on his face like he just had a vision of home cooked food and family vacations, and his and her toothbrushes, and blue eyed babies and he just looks at her. He looks at her in a way he almost never ever lets himself look at her. Or if he does let himself look at her that way, he usually looks away when she catches him.
    But she catches him, and then looks back, and he’s STILL looking at her.”

    Love that look!! (the jpg. title was “blue eyed babies”-which we know they had!)

    • Thanx, great description of a great scene. Good job by Caleb and a perfect lead-in to the closing scene in the season finale — standing at the altar.

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