Break time!


I won’t be as comfy and sunny as Booth, but I will be out of town this weekend. It’s probably a good thing, because we need to process all that B&B emotion from last week! Enjoy your weekend and I’ll see you next week!

The Parts in the Sum of the Whole (5×16)

Written by: Hart Hanson

Directed by: David Boreanaz


Brennan and Booth are discussing issues with Sweets’ book about the two of them.

SWEETS: You disagree with my conclusion that the two of you are in love and the sublimating energies of that connection are responsible for the energy, vigor and rigor that you bring to your homicide investigations.

BOOTH: I just told you, it’s not what you think..and you immediately say what you think.

BRENNAN: That’s your interpretation. We recognize your right to interpret.

SWEETS: You do?

BRENNAN: That’s your right as a psychologist to get everything wrong. I have circled some typos – other than that and the fact that the Cleo Eller murder was not our first case, you’re ready to publish.

As poor Sweets tries to process this news, we go back in time to the real 1st case!

BOOTH: Her name was Gemma Arrington. The case was going nowhere, I was at an early morning Gambler’s Anonymous meeting…

BRENNAN: Booth had a gambling problem before he met me.

BOOTH: Well, since I mostly won, it really wasn’t a problem.

We discover that somehow, this was all Cam’s doing…


CAM: How’s about you get another point of view.

BOOTH: Partner up. No. You know I don’t do that.

CAM: There’s a Forensic Anthropologist, at the Jeffersonian; I read that she solved how a stone aged hunter was murdered.

BOOTH: How does that help?

CAM: If she can solve a 4,000 year old homicide, maybe she can help on Gemma Arrington. I could release the remains to her.

BOOTH: Ya know what, Cam? Uh, I’ll catch up with you later, alright. Forensics don’t solve crimes; cops do.

Booth listens to Cam and goes to meet Brennan. Then we get our magical moment.

BRENNAN: All of the important indicators are written in the bone if you look carefully.

BOOTH: So that’s your thing.

BRENNAN: Yes. I am the best in the world.

BOOTH: Oh. Okay. You’re serious.

BRENNAN: (to Sweets) He thought I was being humorous.

BOOTH: It turns out to be true.


Past Hodgins and Past Zack are vying for King of the Lab even back then.

HODGINS: I’m taking the clothing.


ZACK: Cause of death: The sharp symmetrical traumas to both the right and left temporal bones. You can take the clothing and leave, now.

HODGINS: Yeah? You can take the femur and shove-

We learn that Brennan and Angela are very recent acquaintances!


ANGELA: But why me? I mean, we’ve only known each other a month.

BRENNAN: Well, I interacted with you at your art exhibit because I was very impressed with your command of underlying structure. You will be paid.

ANGELA: I’m in. I’m saving to go back to Paris.

BRENNAN: How much do you have saved up so far?

ANGELA: Whatever you’re gonna pay me for that skull facial murder barf making monstrosity.

Past Brennan and Past Booth meet up so Brennan can share what the team has discovered.

BRENNAN: She’s (Gemma) the murder victim?

BOOTH: Yeah. I’m sorry.

BRENNAN: Sorry for the victim?

BOOTH: No. Sorry for holding back her identity.

BRENNAN: Well, even though my time and expertise are extremely valuable, I accept your decision to test my abilities. Obviously, I passed with a lot of color.

BOOTH: Pardon?

BRENNAN: It means I did very well.

BOOTH: Oh, right.

BRENNAN: It seems to me that someone like you could benefit hugely from an association with someone like me.

BOOTH: Oh…Oh. You’re being serious. You’re serious. I was just kidding. You know, having some


BRENNAN: It is fun.

Present Brennan explains to Sweets…

BRENNAN: We were feeling each other up, like, uh, a Honeymoon period.

BOOTH: Out. We were feeling each other out.

Back in the past, we get to the heart of B&B’s philosophies.

BRENNAN: Well, feeling isn’t knowing. When you know something, you can argue fact not merely make unsupportable claims in a passionate tone.

BOOTH: You said that in a passionate tone without facts. You see, what it comes down to, it’s all about what you feel.

B&B of the past are in a groove.


BOOTH: The FBI, they just have a way of doing thing.

BRENNAN: Well, anthropologically speaking, para-militaristic organizations tend to constrain individuality.

BOOTH: That’s for sure.

BRENNAN: But any group, no matter how restrictive, the free thinkers, the mavericks, rebels with leadership quality, find ways to declare their distinctiveness.

BOOTH: I’m a free thinking real rebel.

BOOTH: I’d ask you out if I could.

BRENNAN: Why can’t you?

BOOTH: Well, FBI rules, again. No fraternizing with other agents or consultants.

BRENNAN: That’s too bad.

BOOTH: Glad you think so.

Brennan punches the suspect and gets fired. Booth lets her know over drinks.


BOOTH: You’re fired.

BRENNAN: Why am I fired?

BOOTH: You’re fired because you assaulted a Federal Judge.

BRENNAN: No, you thought that was hot.

BOOTH: I did. I did. It was very hot. Okay.

BRENNAN: If we don’t work together anymore, we can have sex.


BOOTH: I’ll call a cab.

BOOTH: What I wanted to to confess was – see, I have a gambling problem but I’m dealing with it.

BRENNAN: Why did you feel you had to tell me that?

BOOTH: I don’t know. I just feel like, um, this is going somewhere…

BRENNAN: Why did you feel this is going somewhere?

BOOTH: I just – I feel like I’m gonna kiss you…


Back in the present, Sweets’ (and our collective) brain exploded.


SWEETS: My book is crap.

Back in the past, B&B are not working well post-smooch.

BRENNAN: Oh, please. Do you really think the best and brightest go into law enforcement? No, the best and brightest go to the Jeffersonian.

BOOTH: Oh, really? Because you know the one I met couldn’t pick his nose without instruction.

BRENNAN: The locking mechanism should be removed.

BOOTH: Okay, excuse me. You know what? You really need to learn how to speak to human beings.

BRENNAN: I speak six languages – two of which you’ve never even heard of.


BOOTH: You know what? You’re a cold fish.

BRENNAN: You’re a superstitious moron.

BOOTH: Get a soul.

BRENNAN: Get a brain.


SWEETS: It’s like – it’s like you two missed your moment, then you punished each other for it and you know who ends up paying the price? Me. I do.


Sweets tries to assimilate this new information. He has advice.

SWEETS: If you’re not in love, then how come you haven’t been in any serious relationships since you first met, huh?

BRENNAN: I don’t really do that.

SWEETS: One of you has to have the courage to break this stalemate. You. It’s gotta be you because you’re the gambler. For once, make that work for you.

“Nothing happens unless first a dream..” – Carl Sandburg



BOOTH: I’m the gambler. I believe in giving this a chance. Look, I wanna give this a shot.

BRENNAN: You mean us? No. The FBI won’t let us work together as a couple-

BOOTH: Don’t do that. That is no reason why we can’t…



BOOTH: Why? Why?

BRENNAN: You-you thought you were protecting me, but you’re the one who needs protecting.


BOOTH: Protecting from what?

BRENNAN: From me! I – I don’t have your kind of open heart.

BOOTH: Just give it a chance..that’s all I’m asking..

BRENNAN: No, you said it yourself; the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.


BRENNAN: I- I am not a gambler; I’m a scientist. I can’t change. I don’t know how. I don’t know how. Please don’t look so sad.

BOOTH: Alright. Okay. Yeah.

BRENNAN: Thank you.

BOOTH: But I gotta move on. I gotta find someone who’s – who’s gonna to love me in 30 years or 40 or 50.

BRENNAN: I know.


Literally so much to unpack in this episode.


*At first, I was SO MAD at Brennan for rejecting Booth but I have since forgiven her. She was honestly trying to protect Booth and didn’t want him hurt…though he was hurt anyway. She genuinely figured that she’d mess things up if they tried to be together. And that’s why he accepts it so quickly, he knows she really thinks that, though he also knows she has a bigger heart than she knows.

*I’m also no longer mad at Sweets. I think it was decent advice in hindsight. Someone had to break their stalemate, and even though it took awhile, Booth’s actions forced them to change from the status quo. Sometimes in life, we have to gamble and take a chance on things. So, I’m ok with it now. 

*Poor Sweets. He thought it was a regular day in the office till B&B changed his whole world!

*Props as always to director Boreanaz. Fine work as usual. (My dad watches Seal Team. He, on his own accord, has noticed when David directs episodes and thinks they are good!)

The Bones on the Blue Line (5×15)

Written by: Queen Carla Kettner

Directed by: Chad Lowe

Sweets is traveling on the subway.


SWEETS: Uh, excuse me. Are you all right?

MARCO: Yes. Yes. Yes, thanks. Yes, in fact, I’m great. I’ve been fighting leukemia for the past eight years and now I just got a text; I’m cancer free.

SWEETS: That’s awesome. Congratulations, man.

MARCO: It’s… Oh, my God. I’ve been on hold for almost half my life. No more. No. I’m gonna travel, I-I’m going to sleep with exotic women in exotic places, I-I’m gonna do anything I want.

SWEETS: Hey, that sounds like a good plan. Congrats, man.

Meanwhile Brennan is being interviewed by a Japanese reporter.

BRENNAN: Ms. Iwanaga has come all the way over from Japan just to interview me about my new book.

BOOTH: So her book is big in Japan, too?

RIKU IWANAGA: Yes, very popular. Spine-tingling.

BOOTH: Spine-tingling is good, Bones.

BRENNAN: Well – well, except when it indicates a dangers nerve disorder. Well, she’s also interested in how you work.

BOOTH: Oh, sure. As long as we keep you safe.

RIKU IWANAGA: That is what Agent Andy would say in your books.

There is a crash. Sweets’ subway mate is killed.


BOOTH: Look, there’s Sweets.

BRENNAN: Oh, he looks very upset.

BOOTH: Well, when I talked to him, he said the guy died in his arms.

BOOTH: You all right?

SWEETS: Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.

BOOTH: You don’t look fine.

SWEETS: Oh, it’ know, a whole subway car full of people and uh, worst injury is a broken arm, except for this guy.

BOOTH: I can see that.

SWEETS: I was just talking to him, um, when-when it hit and he just beat cancer.

BOOTH: Alright, look. I tell you what…just go over here and have a seat. Try to relax.

SWEETS: I, uh. You know, h-he talked about traveling and sleeping with exotic women, and he was gone – just like that.

They find a body that has been there longer than the crash.


Back to the lab! Sweets is struggling.


DAISY: Lance? What are you doing here?

SWEETS: I came to offer my-my services. Earthquakes can cause psychological trauma.

DAISY: Yes, for you, baby. What you’ve been through…

SWEETS: I’m fine, Daisy.

CAM: Sweets, you saw somebody die.

DAISY: I know my Lancelot. You needed to see me, didn’t you?

SWEETS: No, I’m just trying to do my job.


BRENNAN: Booth told you to go home. He knows about things like this, Sweets.

The reporter is trying to sort through facts vs. reality of Brennan’s books. Especially the romance parts!

RIKU IWANAGA: Amanda is the best friend of Dr. Reichs in the books. Are you also friends with Dr.Brennan?

ANGELA: Absolutely, yeah, we’re, uh, we’re best friends.

RIKU IWANAGA: I see. Amanda once had sex with Agent Andy. Then I assume you also have…


ANGELA: Oh, no, no. No, no, no, no. Not-not me. Wha-what are you writing there? Stop writing. The books and life are not the same thing. Most of the time.

RIKU IWANAGA: Excellent. Dr. Reichs’ relationship with Agent Andy is based on you and Booth. The quite notorious sex life they share and…

BRENNAN: What? No, we are not them. They’re fiction. Wha-what are you writing? Uh, you started writing before I answered.

RIKU IWANAGA: Your readers feel the passion…

BRENNAN: My readers appreciate the intricate plots and the unique forensics. Why aren’t you writing that down? That was interesting; what I just said.

RIKU IWANAGA: Dr. Brennan, why doesn’t Agent Andy wear a “cocky” belt buckle?


BRENNAN: Because Andy isn’t Booth but why does everyone think that?

RIKU IWANAGA: Agent Booth thinks he is. He says they are both brave and attractive.

BRENNAN: Well, he’s wrong.

RIKU IWANAGA: You do not think he’s attractive?

BRENNAN: Uh, I think his symmetry is pleasing, yes but Ms. Iwanaga, the characters in my books are really only there to further the forensics.

RIKU IWANAGA: I do not agree. The sex is very involving.

BRENNAN: Why does everyone think that? It’s just sex.

RIKU IWANAGA: Imaginative sex.

BRENNAN: Okay, I only include that – and the personal interactions – to denote the passage of time.


HODGINS: Page 187. Mind reading it aloud?

ANGELA: Page 187? I am not reading the sparky bits to you. You can get somebody else to do that, sicko.

HODGINS: Okay, fine. Read it to yourself then. That’s that thing that I do. Nobody else does that thing. It’s my thing that I do. Right. It’s not a well-known thing. It’s, you know, my thing that I do.

ANGELA: Right, I remember. I was there.

HODGINS: You told Brennan about that thing I do.

ANGELA: It’s a very good thing.

HODGINS: It’s my thing. That I do. Did you tell her that it was my thing?

ANGELA: You mean, did I give you credit?

HODGINS: Yes. Did you?


HODGINS: Good, ’cause I don’t need her looking at me thinking about.. that thing I do.

ANGELA: Well, that’s good then.

HODGINS: But now that thing I do is in print and every guy that reads that book is gonna give it a shot. Oh, well. You know I got other things that I do. My advice: only sleep with guys that can’t read ’cause otherwise, you’ll never be rid of me.

Booth comforts Sweets.


BOOTH: You know, that guy on the subway? Another way to look at it is, um, that he died happy.


BOOTH: Well, I mean, think about it. This guy gets this great news and what’s he do? He shares it with a stranger.

SWEETS: You’re gonna think I’m stupid for saying this but the whole thing…it felt like a message.

BOOTH: Right, a message. I believe in messages.

SWEETS: Yeah, it was like a message. “Go ye forth and live life to the fullest.” Something like that.

BOOTH: Live life to its fullest.


BOOTH: People should do that more often.

Brennan also seeks out Booth as she is conflicted about her book and its popularity.

BRENNAN: All anyone cares about are the characters.

BOOTH: Well, it’s what they relate too, you know, makes the story real.

BRENNAN: No. The facts make it real. They’re indisputable.

BOOTH: Okay, well, if you believed that, you wouldn’t write it as well as you do.

BRENNAN: Angela helps me with those scenes.

BOOTH: What?

BRENNAN: Angela helps me.

BOOTH: Page 187?


We find out that the oldest motive it the book, jealousy, was the cause for the murder.


BOOTH: Hold on…for one second, please. We also have a warrant for your shoes.

OFFICER GRANT: My shoes? What’s that?

BRENNAN: Leather we found with the victim’s tissue. Inside a rat. If we can match this leather to your shoes, it’ll show that you were there when the victim died.

BOOTH: Will you please remove your shoes, Officer Grant?

OFFICER GRANT: Eddie was a good guy. I just wanted a little romance but those letters were a lie. I should have been happy with Eddie. I should have been happy with what I had.

Brennan makes a decision.


ANGELA: What is this?

BRENNAN: It’s your share.

ANGELA: My share of what?

BRENNAN: My advance, plus an estimation of what you deserve for the other two books.

ANGELA: Okay, would you stop talking as though I know what you’re talking about?

BRENNAN: I’ve come to realize, over the past couple days, that you deserve twenty-five percent of what I get for my books.

ANGELA: Does this have to do with Hodgins and the whole sex thing on page 187?

BRENNAN: Among other things.

ANGELA: So, is this Booth’s idea?

BRENNAN: Uh, no. I did my own math. Booth is terrible at math.

ANGELA: Well, I meant the whole “share” thing.

BRENNAN: Booth’s surprise at your involvement caused me to reevaluate our arrangement.

Sweets also makes a decision.


SWEETS: I’m doing this wrong. Um, when my mom died, she left me something and my mom and dad were together for almost 60 years.

DAISY: They were really old.

SWEETS: Yeah, they were really old when they adopted me. Um… It’s just a modest ring, but it represents 60 years of love. Daisy, will you be my wife?

Booth comes to Brennan’s place for a wrap-up.



BOOTH: Eddie got her the best defense attorney in town.

BRENNAN: That is hard to believe.

BOOTH: I know. Right? He heard what she did for him and he fall in love with her all over again.

BRENNAN: That is not rational…if she’s convicted, even with good behavior, she’ll be in prison for the next 15 years.

BOOTH: Yeah, but he said that they’re soul mates and he’ll it for however long it takes for her to get out.

BRENNAN: Soul mates.

BOOTH: Soul mates. Yeah.

BRENNAN: The idea of soul mates actually originated with Plato.

BOOTH: Yeah, you mean the-the clay that kids play with.

BRENNAN: No, the…oooh…You’re joking.

BOOTH: Me, joke? No.

BRENNAN: The ancient Greek philosopher. His theory was that humans originally consisted of four arms, four legs and two faces. Zeus was threatened by their power and split them all in half, condemning us all to spend our lives trying to complete ourselves.

BOOTH: I don’t believe that’s true.

BRENNAN: I agree. It’s ridiculous.

BOOTH: Right? Four arms. Four heads.

BRENNAN: Two faces.

BOOTH: Come on.


The Devil in the Details (5×14)

Directed by: Ian Toynton

Written by: Michael Peterson

We interrupt this episode of Bones to give you a car commercial.


BRENNAN: Notice how I’m not tailgating? Adaptive cruise control.

Back to the show. Booth is nervous.

BOOTH: Hmm-hmm. Ah, well, right now I’m more worried about a safe distance between you and me.


BOOTH: Why? Because we’re going to a church and you tend to get blasphemous in churches.

BRENNAN: What, you’re afraid that if God smites me with lightning, you could get hit?

BOOTH: Yeah, I’m usually standing right beside you.

BRENNAN: The Greek god Zeus also used lightning to incinerate his enemies. Although, Zeus apparently had better aim than your God.

BOOTH: Exactly, stuff like that. Just don’t say stuff like that. All right, are we…what’s going on here? Are we going the right way?

Back to the commercial!

BRENNAN: Yes. All I had to say was, “St. Dominic’s Roman Catholic Church” into the voice activated GPS.

BOOTH: Car, could you please get us there a little faster?

BRENNAN: No, the accelerator is not voice activated. It’s foot activated, like a normal car.

BOOTH: Right.


They take the body, complete with horns, back to the lab. Booth calls Sweets in.


BOOTH: Well, listen, I brought Sweets along so, you know, he could sift through all the crazy-asses at the loony bin, see if any of them are homicidal.

SWEETS: I am an excellent loony bin, crazy-ass sifter.


SWEETS: We’d like to ask your patients and staff if they know anything.


BOOTH: “Oh.” Is that a problem?

COPELAND: Staff I’m good with. The patients…these are damaged people Agent Booth. Their hold on reality is tenuous.

BRENNAN: Well that’s why we brought our own psychologist.

COPELAND: You’re Dr. Sweets?

SWEETS: Mm-hmm.

COPELAND: You sounded more experienced on the phone.

BRENNAN: He means you sounded older.

SWEETS: I know.

BOOTH: I love it.

SWEETS: It’s not that funny, Booth.

BOOTH: I think it is.

Brennan thinks she can interrogate the patients at the asylum.


SWEETS: I just don’t think it’s wise to have Dr. Brennan present when we question Neviah.

BRENNAN: Well, why?

COPELAND: What if Neviah told you she was an angel, something she believes with her whole heart, how would you respond?

BRENNAN: Well, I’d tell her that angels don’t exist except, of course, in works of fiction such as the Bible and in children’s books.

SWEETS: After which all we’ll get from Neviah is argument, no answers.

BOOTH: Sweets is right, Bones, you’re out.

Brennan and the doctor have a heart-to-heart.


BRENNAN: Well, so much for penetrating psychological insights.

COPELAND: Can I speak to you for a moment? I’ve listened to you take shots at my profession, and that’s okay, I’m a big boy. A tolerant man. But I want you to think about something. I spend every working hour of every day trying to help people who are living in hell. That’s an honorable way to spend a life. Perhaps more honorable than figuring out what happened to dead people who are already beyond pain and suffering.

BRENNAN: Intentions, however misguided, do count, I understand that.

COPELAND: I hope you won’t think I’m too picky when I point out that that wasn’t an actual apology. But perhaps it’s the best you can manage.

BRENNAN: I apologize, Dr. Copeland, I apologize for undervaluing your work.

Meanwhile, Hodgins gets to do a nunchuk experiment to find the murder weapon.

We get another sort of accidental death where the victim’s brother hit him with a pipe and then he got electrocuted.


ERICA: But the church? The burning on the altar?

SWEETS: We all become angry at God sometimes Mrs. Lowery.

ERICA: Who could blame him? Why did God do this to my family? We were good people. And then…this.

SWEETS: I’m sorry for your pain.

ERICA: You? You can’t even imagine my pain.


Sweets may have a tiny bit of an idea, Erica.

Guess what time it is? B&B wrap up!

BOOTH: You gonna ask me about God and the Devil?


BOOTH: You’re going to ask me how God could place such a burden on good people.

BRENNAN: No, I’m going to ask you how you can still believe in a kind God after a case like this.

BOOTH: Was my faith shaken? Yeah. Mm-hmm. It is.


BOOTH: Yeah. I’ll go home tonight and I’ll lie in bed, and I’ll toss, and I’ll turn, and I’ll beat myself up, and uh…I’ll question everything.

BRENNAN: Will you get your faith back?

BOOTH: Always have in the past.

BRENNAN: So you have faith that you will retain your faith. Why?

BOOTH: Because, Bones, it’s…the sun will come up, and tomorrow’s a new day.

BRENNAN: I know that feeling.

BOOTH: Really?

BRENNAN: Mm-hmm.

BOOTH: You know what it feels like to get your faith back?

BRENNAN: When I see effects and I am unable to discern the cause, my faith in reason and consequences is shaken.

BOOTH: And then what happens?

BOOTH: And life is good again.

BRENNAN: Life is very good.

BOOTH: Yes it is.


Well, we’re getting there! 🙂

Thoughts: I like how, in this series of episodes, Booth and Brennan are finding the commonalities between them, even though they approach things very differently. They both have faith in something– that things can be good and that people can be good.

Behind the scenes of Hodgins’ experiment! Devil in the Details: BTS