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306 thoughts on “2/27 Random Thread

  1. So, it was the Oscars last night, which I did not watch, but got me thinking: Who amongst the cast/crew of Bones deserves all the awards? DB/ED (at least in past seasons), any of the squints, guest stars, short term characters? Music/costumes/sets?

    I think we’ve all agreed in the past that the music people deserve lots of praise for their spot on choices. To this day, I cannot hear Adele’s version of “To Make You Feel My Love” without thinking of MSVH’s birth. Well done.

  2. May I join you here? I haven’t watched new episodes since S9 but I miss having somewhere to talk about the early seasons (S1-7). If/when your threads move into that territory, I’d love to participate. I have a few posts on Sarah’s website and I write a little ‘Bones’ fanfiction (razztaztic).

    • MJ!!!!! *hugs* I have been going through old Bones Theory posts and reading our old comments and I was wondering about ya 🙂 You are welcome any time!!

      • Oh, the late, great and very lamented ‘Bones Theory.’ I probably spend an unhealthy amount of time on those posts and the ‘100 Days of Bones’ site. Good times.

        And thank you for approving me here!

      • When I get sad about Bones Season 12, I pop on Bones Theory and spend WAY too long on the Scene Studies. Specifically Passenger in the Oven. Sighhhhhh 😉

  3. Thanks for this thread bnb!!

    I did not watch the Oscars either, but what a snafu at the end! Snatch that statue out of their hands!

    Used to love the Bones music that they picked, but lately…well nothing has really stood out. And I think some episodes there is not even any. 😦

    One of my faves of course is from Woman in White “At Last”. Perfection!
    “Make You Feel My Love” I think more about Booth’s smile when Brennan tells him “I’m pregnant,..you’re the father” 🙂

    • I agree, jmg, that the music has not stood out to me in some time. I guess I should specify that mostly during the HH era is when Bones deserved the awards. 🙂

  4. Welcome MJ, The more the merrier! I remember you from the BT board! Too bad Sarah stopped it, but truthfully, what has been worthy of a scene study since Season 10 opener!
    Sighhhhh for sure!

    DB definitely deserves awards for his acting,Male in the Mail comes to mind, ED also for Doctor in the Photo.

  5. Does anyone know if Sarah plans to leave Bones Theory up and running? I love going there as well, but I have this fear that one day it will vanish. She must be paying for that site, and seeing as how she has moved on from Bones she might decide to shut it down.

    I hope not…it’s a comfort when things go bad on Bones, as is often the case in the last several season.

    • I’ll try to connect with Sarah. She responded to a Tweet of mine early in the season when I asked about BT up and running but then she never did get it up and running…but maybe I should check in with her and see if she’d be ok with that being a focus on here? Or should we just not rock the boat and go for it….What do you think?

      • “maybe I should check in with her and see if she’d be ok with that being a focus on here? ”

        Good point. I didn’t really think about how she might feel about us discussing BT posts, but that’s the kind of thing that might get the site deleted, if she isn’t ok with it.

        On the other hand, if you ask she might say no. Plus, BT is out there for public consumption, so it seems like fair game for discussions.

        I don’t know…maybe others on here will comment…lol.

      • I can ask her. We’re on FB and we’ve met a couple of times for weekends at a mutual friend’s lake house in the Yoop (Michigan Upper Peninsula). I don’t think she’ll say no, especially if the site remains open.

  6. Per Sarah, the BT/100 Days of Bones posts are available for use. She has no plans to update BT but also doesn’t plan to delete the website or otherwise close it.

  7. This is good news thanks for checking MJ ….it is a nice refuge sometimes to just go there and look at some of the threads! The new guys really don’t get the B&B characters.

  8. I love the Finder scene study “It Sure is Magicky” Love it! It is soooo a date B&B are on! And notice how sexy Brennan is dressed.

    Did Sarah say why she stopped posting on BT board? MY guess is she lost her passion for Bones and B&B lost their passion!

    Lol, I am from Michigan, so I know what a yooper is! Lol. Love the UP!!

    • She did not say specifically but she did mention that she hasn’t watched the show in a year or so. I admire her (and anyone!) who stuck past S9. I couldn’t.

      I love visiting the Yoop! Our friend (tantemary, not sure if anyone knows her from the old Bones-fandom) has a house right on Lake Michigan and it just gorgeous. We watched it go up via her pictures on FB and claimed privileges to visit. *lol* I’m a southern girl, though, so when we were there in October and IT SNOWED I almost went into hypothermia. 🙂

  9. Season 10 was OK, way better than what we are having now. The opening episode The Conspiracy in the Corpse had a great scene with B&B. Probably the last really romantic scene between the two of them. Plus David was shirtless ! Worth watching that scene just for that! 😍

    LOL MJ, when going to the UP you never know about the weather. Snow in October is a given. ❄️☃

  10. A local station TV 20 just showed commercial for Bones episode on Thursday. They are replaying Critic in the Cabernet followed by and in the Beginning.

    OMG I hit the record button. The only love scene of B&B in bed, Dream or not, love it! B&Bs relationship as a married couple is perfection in EitB! 😘😍❤️

  11. Didn’t DB just say yesterday no return to Buffy? I agree jmgx2, s 10 held our last really romantic scene! And we got a couple good kisses. I loved them in the closet in the 200th, I thought that was a cute call back to their ‘almost’ moments and then the final kiss. Booth kissed Brennan goodbye even after she had kicked him out. The coconut ice cream stuff AND ED was even pregnant and we got some kisses. I don’t get the new guys – zero romance and zero kisses. They are duds. Feel sorry for their spouses. LOL
    And now that they are married – we need to watch the dream love scene – they could end every episode with that and up ratings!! It’s a reality now, so why not just add it to the openings or endings once and awhile. Would have been freed up DB and ED a little. One scene they didn’t have to film a week! LOL

  12. “And now that they are married – we need to watch the dream love scene – they could end every episode with that and up ratings!! ”

    Could not agree more NWChick!!!

    • Love this. At one time I hoped we would get another one of these scene for real, but it never happened. Now we can’t even get a kiss…lol.

      • Yeah it was one thing to have it in a dream sequence (which at the time was like whoa, they went there?!?!?). You’d think that was signaling it would happen for real….and nope. Nothing else. How can that possibly be?? It’s still mind boggling. They will reference all the things they supposedly do (like Brennan about the bathtub) but we never ever ever get to see a hint of it. We don’t even need to see anything X rated, but a similar scene to the dream sequence…would be fine! And nice to see once they ACTUALLY got together! Sheesh.

  13. I am leaving for vacation tomorrow for a week! I won’t be able to watch Bones episode The Steel in the Wheels until the following Monday. I will be following this thread though from Putna Cana! Sun, sand & surf, here i come!! 🙂

  14. So according to Ted Peterson on twitter, there won’t be anything special happening for the end of Bones…no retrospective show, no interviews, zilch.

    Not really a surprise but so, so disappointing.

  15. I suppose it would be out of character for Fox to suddenly care about Bones! But I agree it’s disappointing.

  16. I wish we could force MP and JC to host a Bones Town Hall meeting like the politicians do, where we could throw questions at them and make them answer us. lol We’d have to make sure enough of us were there to counteract the Bones Bots.

    • I have SO MANY questions that I would love AN HONEST ANSWER to, and not just the usual mush-mouth gobbledegook interviews! But I want HH and SN there to face the music, too!


  17. My question is why not even ONE kiss this season?? Why no romance at all between B&B? MP & JC must be adverse to any affection.

  18. Why did they kill Max? What killing Brennan’s father and the children’s grandfather/care giver bring to the story? I must have missed something…..I keep waiting, maybe this week will they tell us?
    I would have different questions for HH/SN! LOL

  19. I just have one question for the new showrunners….WHY?

    Why take a show with a proven track record of success and obsessive fans that follow it whenever it is on, and decide to change it?? If you just even keep it going the same as usual, then you get the credit for a great show! But to change something at this late date makes no sense at all.

    Oh well, at least we have 9 seasons of HH’s dream. Trying to focus on that. 🙂

  20. Except for baby Hank I can happily forget that S10-S12 ever happened. I’ll just pretend that she got pregnant with Hank shortly after the wedding.

    I doubt I’ll ever re-watch S10-S12 other than a few episodes here and there…no need to revisit the gambling, Aldo’s gruesome death, Max’s death, Hodgins’ paralysis, etc…

    • Same. We’ll pretend they had an actual romantic honeymoon and that’s when we got Hank. lol We’ll also have to make some head canon up as to how baby Hank got his name, since Pops has disappeared, never to be spoken of again.

  21. So, the two questions that immediately pop to mind for HH/SN.

    1. IMO, HH resented and blamed ‘Bones’ fans for the failure of his other two shows. (Opinion based on what I remember of his pissy tweets from the time period.) I’d like to know how much of that attitude influenced his decision to ditch ‘Bones’ entirely, instead of coming back when the House-ripoff failed.

    2. Whose absymal, terrible, godawful, horrible idea was it to bring a living Marianne Booth back *AND* give her a storyline where she KNOWINGLY AND WILLINGLY abandons her two young sons to an alcoholic, abusive father, just so she can save herself???? Who decided that? What discussions took place in the writers’ room that ended with that being the best possible arc? Out of every possibility supposedly creative people could come up with (flashback, kidnapped, amnesia, genuinely remorseful – hell, ANYTHING ELSE), why that one? Why? Why??? WHY??? Yes, I’m bitter. I will always be bitter. Season 7 was iffy in a lot of ways and S8 was maddening in several more (bikini calendar? Really? Could they be anymore disrespectful and sexist?) but the news about Booth’s mother was a knife to the gut. And in the back. I still (obviously) get worked up about it. I want to put on my Argus Filch hat and yell, “I want to see some punishment!”

  22. In reply to a question on twitter about whether he would write the series finale, Hart said “Alas, I cannot due to intense personal time constraints. But my more talented and smarter pal @squarechicken will do a wonderful job.”

    I thought that was a very snarky response. I’m convinced that something bad went down between Hart and Fox, or Hart and MP/JC, or perhaps between all the involved parties.

    I do agree that he was angry about the failure of both The Finder and Backstrom. I did a little bit of research and it looks like he tried with a few other shows as well:

    The Finder (2012)
    Hart Hanson/Andrew Miller – Good Thief’s Guide adaptation at ABC (2013)
    Backstrom (2015)
    Hart Hanson/Gene Hong – Comedic crime drama about a socially inept billionaire who helps the LAPD solve crimes (2015)

    So, since Bones he hasn’t found any more success in the TV industry. He wrote a book…perhaps that will be a hit and he can develop a show based on his own novel?

    As far as “why” questions go, I have a lot of them:

    1. I agree with your questions about Mama Booth. It was a terrible storyline.

    2. Why did we get a story about Booth getting a huge (and well-deserved) promotion at the FBI, but it turned out to be a set-up? Why did we never get to see any resolution with Booth & the FBI? They shoot up his house, injury him badly, and send him to prison, but then he’s just back at his old job and apparently happy? How and why?

    3. What was the point of writing a gruesome, tortured death for Aldo? Did we get to hear how difficult it was for Booth to lose his former priest and current friend? No. Did we get any true resolution to that storyline? No.

    4. What was the point of killing Max? Did we get to hear how Booth’s death affected Max? No. Did we get to see Booth and Brennan discussing how Max’s death impacted them or their kids? No. Did we get any true resolution to Max’s story? No.

    5. Why bring back Sully, an irrelevant character from 10 years ago but not bring back Parker, who is just, you know, Booth’s son? This one still burns me. We could have had a nice family scene with Booth, Brennan, Parker, Christine, Hank, and Max all together, but no, they think it’s great storytelling to kill Max and forget about Parker.

    All I see in S10-S12 are terrible storyline choices and tragic missed opportunities. It really does make you wonder what goes on in those writers’ rooms.

  23. I can’t speak to anything in S10-12 but I do know that Missing Parker is a sore spot with a lot of people. One of my reviewers counted them up and after the wedding appearance, it took 33 episodes before Parker’s name was even mentioned again. That’s…..bizarre.

  24. Well, if they wanted to kill somebody, they should have killed Rebecca and then B&B would have had to bring Parker back for good. What did Sully do for Brennan? I got nothing out of that episode. It’s like she wouldn’t have been able to complete her father’s eulogy? I mean how did he help her? She was able to have that little conversation, saying he did bad things but he was sweet? OMG – it was beyond stupid to have tried to connect the two events. Made zero sense. To say Brennan needed Sully all the sudden after 10 years was insulting to the long time viewers.
    People are dying around Booth right and left and he’s excited about Demolition Derby? GG is there and all he talks about with the B’s is Zach? WOW – missed opportunity.
    BUT – that’s MP/JC.

    Hart is a different kettle of fish.
    Beyond the Marianne Booth story, there is the Hannah story. There were BIG issues there. They never did really tell us how Booth and the FBI made up after having their house blown up and being put in jail. The Pelant stuff got to be ridiculous. But concluding the big bad stories has never been Bones’ strong point.
    Maybe Hart is mad because these guys are ‘fixing’ the Zach story that Hart messed up?

    • I can personally speak to how easy it was to kill Rebecca off *and* get a lot of additional mileage from that storyline. *lol*

  25. Random topic – Grouping Bones fans by type!

    Over the years I’ve followed Bones on various platforms (twitter, tumbler, fanfiction.net, Bones boards, comments on Bones articles) I’ve discovered that Bones fans fall into some pretty distinct categories…five in particular come to mind. There might be more, but I really think all fans would fit into one of these broad categories:

    A. Fans who left the fandom

    Some folks just got fed up with one thing or another on Bones (Hannah, the broken engagement, Christine, the B&B marriage, Sweets’ death, the gambling storyline) and simply walked away. Or perhaps they finally got what they had been waiting for (most likely B&B’s marriage) and decided that that’s where they wanted the story to end. I think a lot of the most popular Bones fanfic writers fall into this category – a whole bunch of them didn’t survive “Hannah” and a whole bunch more lost their inspiration after B&B got married.

    B. Fans who don’t like how things are going but are sticking it out to the bitter end

    I think most people who were commenting on the IMDB board and those on this site fall into this category. We don’t always love the storyline choices (looking at you gambling story) but we’ve come this far so we might as well stay with it until the end.

    C. Fans who expect nothing and just accept what they get

    This group is fascinating to me. They argue that we have no right as fans to expect anything, that the story belongs to the creator (Hart) and the show runners and writers and all we can do is accept what they offer without complaint or walk away.


    Another fascinating group. These folks think every episode is THE.BEST.EPISODE.EVER. I’ve seen some of these people twist themselves into unbelievable knots trying to find ways to explain away, and like, what the writers have done. I suppose this is a good way to live if you can manage it. I simply cannot. I guess these are the happy people in life, loving everything that comes their way. My only quibble with this group is when they tweet they show runners and writers and assure them that EVERYONE loves the show.

    E. Fans who want to control what everyone else is thinking or saying.

    This is the nastiest group out there. They not only want to state their own opinion (loudly and often) but they also want to control what everyone else is thinking and saying. It’s amazing to me that these folks actually think they can control multiple social media platforms and sites, but they give it a good go.

    Bones is the only show I’ve ever followed like this, and it will probably be my last, because it can be exhausting and draining and discouraging seeing all of these conflicting viewpoints. On the upside, I’ve “met” some wonderful folks through Bones and wouldn’t want to have missed out on that.

    • I think there’s a sizable number of us who would fit in Group A (i): we walked away from new episodes at some point but we’re still engaged with the early seasons to whatever moment constitutes our line in the sand. I.e., we still watch, still discuss, we’re still interested in meta, we’re still writing for it. I guess that’s actually an unforeseen benefit of a series that runs this long (arguably too long?) – even when it stops being something you want to watch, you always have something that you do/did want to watch.

      I always go back to ‘Santa in the Slush’ as the moment I went from casual fan to obsessed with B&B. “I love my gift, Booth.” “Merry Christmas, Bones.” The actual lines don’t say anything about the look on their faces, the expressions that neither one could actually see across the distance and through the snow and the darkness. That’s the moment that had me going to Netflix (this was in late season 5 for me) and binging everything, and then searching out fan groups so I could talk about it and read about it even more.

      I will also say, however, that the ‘Bones’ fandom is why I won’t ever get so involved in fandom again. While I’ve met some fabulous people and formed IRL friendships I wouldn’t have without ‘Bones’ and ‘Bones’ fanfiction, the ugly side of this fandom is a lesson I won’t forget. When I caught myself falling back into the same situation with ‘The Flash,’ I deliberately stepped back. Once burned, etc. etc. etc.

      Still, “lightning in a bottle” is a great way to describe the early part of ‘Bones.’ I’m grateful that it was captured on-screen, and that it’s still there to be enjoyed anytime we want. It reminds me of JKR’s comment about the end of the movie-verse of ‘Harry Potter.’

      “No story lives unless someone wants to listen. The stories we love best do live in us forever. So whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.”

      That’s how I feel about ‘Bones.’ What I love will always be what I love, and will always be there waiting for me to enjoy it again.

      • “No story lives unless someone wants to listen. The stories we love best do live in us forever. So whether you come back by page or by the big screen, “Bones” will always be there to welcome you home.”

        I love that MJ! Thanks for sharing. That captures it perfectly 🙂

  26. Yeah I’m totally in B. The only other show I’ve ever done this with is Dancing with the Stars! Which, by the way, is starting next week lol 🙂

    I have never blogged for a show like this one. Sarah let me write a couple on BT and it was my first time doing anything like that. This is the first show I’ve created websites for 🙂

    There was something so magical about early DB and ED that just sucked me in. Almost a tangible thing. They’d look at each other singing Poco, or in a church after being buried alive, or at an Egyptian exhibit, and I couldn’t tear my eyes away. I’ve never had a show do that to me before and I haven’t found one since. Lighting in a bottle.
    (P.S. I have a small, fierce group of dwts fans in a fb group if y’all are interested. It’s fun, sparkly, spray tanned nonsense but it’s addicting. The world is harsh enough, watch ballroom dancing lol Also a great group is at http://www.anniebarrett.com where we live chat every episode and Annie recaps them the next day.)

  27. B. Fans who don’t like how things are going but are sticking it out to the bitter end

    Yes that is the category I am in also. I long for the B&B of past seasons but alas it is not to be and that makes me sad. As bnbailey said, early B&B were so magical that they just sucked you in. I can’t tell you how many episodes where there were scenes between them I replayed over and over and over again. Sadly the last two seasons that does not happen. There’s barely any scenes with them together much less being romantic or looking at each other in that magical way. Season ten was the last time we had any real connection with B&B. The Conspiracy in the Corpse was the last real romantic scene between B&B.

    “I couldn’t tear my eyes away. I’ve never had a show do that to me before and I haven’t found one since. Lighting in a bottle.”

    For me too, and I miss that. 😥

  28. “B. Fans who don’t like how things are going but are sticking it out to the bitter end”

    Meeeeeee me!! Am like a grapefruit that needs some B&B sugar!!


    I just can’t. They don’t even discuss the narrative in critical any form. Any questions or displeasure means you are a hater!!! No.

    “E. Fans who want to control what everyone else is thinking or saying.”

    How dare you!! Rewrite this immediately. NOW *mind controls you*


  29. “There was something so magical about early DB and ED that just sucked me in. Almost a tangible thing. They’d look at each other singing Poco, or in a church after being buried alive, or at an Egyptian exhibit, and I couldn’t tear my eyes away. I’ve never had a show do that to me before and I haven’t found one since. Lighting in a bottle.”

    THIS! And when B&B are absent, the writing & plot holes are even more jarring, David & Emily’s screen chemistry & presence made everything better.

    They really are magic, I watched 100th the other day and involuntary had tears at the ending even though B&B are married with kids now it still touches me…their performance. B&B struggle is so raw & touching

  30. I’m a B – I’ll watch till the end, but I realize the best is behind and that the ‘new’ story tellers now don’t get the magic. I guess I’m still here because I respect what ED and DB have done.
    I don’t plan to ever get pulled in to internet fandoms again, but never say never! LOL I will do my best to avoid future fandoms!
    Bones is special. What ED and DB created was lightning in a bottle. And I will watch reruns and my dvd’s and still have that when I want it. I’m not bitter at this point. I can objectively look at the episodes now and compare to what it used to be and wonder wow – how new guys could have missed the target that much! LOL
    Long time fans could have done so much better! LOL
    Optimism is great, but to accept blindly what is put on air every week fascinates me; would these people just walk off a cliff if led there? LOL
    I’m enough of a Bones aficionado/historian that I feel I bring valid viewpoints to the table. So, there remains lots of questions…. I would love to get a little ‘town hall’ with HH/SN and then MP/JC.

  31. “They really are magic, I watched 100th the other day and involuntary had tears at the ending even though B&B are married with kids now it still touches me…their performance. B&B struggle is so raw & touching”

  32. That scene broke my heart. I will always believe that ED’s little shoulder bump at the end as they walked away wasn’t Brennan, it was ED and DB acknowledging the fact that they had just acted *the hell* out of that scene. Such a fabulous, emotional scene. Guh.

  33. That scene broke my heart too! The shoulder bump and her grabbing his arm and putting her head on his shoulder. I was like OMG! It was so good and emotional!

  34. Seriously!

    The next episode was heartbreaking for Booth when he danced with Brennan to Seal (kiss from a rose) at her class reunion. I don’t think Brennan knew what she was doing to him when she was holding him close during the dance.

    I also loved the scene when they were asked if they had kids yet. LOL I think Booth said “she’s had me all over the place”. If only we could see some of that now!

      • Saw some discussion of this online. Some folks seems to think that if the show gets picked up it will still be filmed in NO. I kind of agree, because there is a stark difference in appearance between NO and southern CA, and I just don’t think SEALS live/work/train in LA.

        I’m really surprised by this, tbh, because it’s obvious DB is really involved in his kid’s lives, especially hockey with his son, and I cannot imagine why he would sign on for a network series filmed outside of LA. I really expected him to go with directing or with a more limited cable series (less episodes).

        Of course, there is no guarantee it will be picked up as a series.

      • Maybe NO is were that big ass vehicle/hanger/plane was only available at the time? IDK, I honestly can’t see DB going to NO either, I guess it depends what terrain they need? Maybe interiors in LA studio, exteriors on whatever locations are required for each episode?

        I honestly thought DB would of did cable too but maybe SEALS is just 13 eps per season? Shorten seasons are more poplar these days than 22 eps

        Look at us, we have it planned and it’s not even been picked up!! 😂

  35. Ugh that’s a weird thought. DB on another show?!?!? Lol good for him!

    Thought!! What if this new show ever did a NCIS crossover, since he’s apparently in the Navy now…its possible! Then DB’s character can ask Jethro Gibbs what happened to Ralph Waite!! 🙂 🙂

  36. Interesting part of the article: “Boreanaz, coming off leading-man turns on two back-to-back hit series — Angel, which ran for five seasons on the WB, and Bones, which has aired for 12 seasons on Fox — had been on the hot list of actors sought for starring roles this broadcast pilot season. In addition to starring, Boreanaz also still serve as producer on the CBS pilot.”

    DB will “also still” be a producer. So his job was just gonna be producer only with Jim Cavieziel starring but they bumped David up into a star plus producer? Hm. I wonder what happened there?

  37. There are some JC fans that are mad, I wonder too. They say JC quit because of creative differences and he is a former seal and CBS series actor. It’s all interesting. Since there is nothing else happening.

    • Makes me wonder if DB, as producer, wanted to go a different direction than JC wanted to go. Or maybe the CBS execs were deferring too much to DB’s wishers and JC got fed up? Who knows? It’s fun to do wild speculation since there doesn’t seem to be too much Bones chatter leading up to the last episode! 🙂

  38. Yes, at least there will be something to ‘track’ as we transition to this post-bones world. Yes, one has to wonder when the drama behind the scenes in ramped up even BEFORE the filming of the pilot! Like when ABC was thinking of dropping the woman in the Castle series and just going with the guy. Sometimes drama behind the scenes doesn’t bode well and then sometimes it’s just what a project needs. Time will tell…..

    • Yeah, I am not going to get attached to the word “still” it could be just bad grammar. David was never listed as producer in the press preceding this announcement, and he would of if he was. IMO.

      Plus executive producer has the most power not producer – there is a pecking order. Jmho

  39. Waaaahhh! “post Bones world” Even though this season has been a disappointment, big time, I don’t want it to end and always had hope it would be better next episode. But Season 12 is going to end without even one B&B kiss! EVERY season since 7 they have had multiple kisses. MP & JC must have mandated no kissing.

    BTW, last night on a local cable channel, repeat of Bones Museum & Tender Chicken was on. What struck me about those episodes is how Brennan actually spoke and acted normal!!!! Not to mention all the looks and tender moments between B&B.

    ^I miss that!!!!!!! 😦

    • Booth’s face when he realises he can’t tell if the suspect is lying 😭 Plus B&B at the bar talking about Booth’s brain tumor, brown sugar on everything…..oh Hart, why did you leave us? 😭

  40. Reading the comments on some of the articles about DB replacing Jim Caviezel in the SEALS drama, it sounds like Caviezel was training with Navy SEALS to prep for the role. Perhaps DB is doing the same and those photos he posted on Instagram are from the training site?

    Also, I didn’t get that DB was a producer on the SEALS drama before he signed on for the lead role. I just figured they threw in the producer title to get him to sign on. I do wonder if there were really were creative differences with Caviezel or if CBS just dumped him to get DB? DB does have a fantastic track record with successful TV shows. Maybe we will get the rest of the story at some point. One speculation I read is that Caviezel won’t do heavy love scenes and maybe his departure was because of that.

    Which leads to a final, sad point…seeing DB with another lead actress is going to be difficult. Can you imagine when we start seeing him on talk show discussing his new character and not Booth? Also, I will be very sad if he ever describes a new female co-star as “the best co-star he’s ever worked with…”

    • That writer is a jerk, why waste time writing an article on an actor and a show he obviously likes to ridicule….doesn’t he have better things to write about that interest him? Must be desperate for interview hits

  41. Maybe the interviewer is jealous. DB has like the best career in Hollywood. He is steadily employed, has decent creative freedoms in the jobs he takes on, isn’t a major paparazzi draw (mostly! lol) and has decent name recognition. What’s wrong with being a well-liked, non-dramatic, fun interviewee? If I was an employer, I’d much rather have a DB than a loose cannon like Charlie Sheen.

    And of course, I disagree with the abilities thing. It is vastly difficult to play “the straight man” and support your fellow actors in an ensemble cast. And I think there is something to be said for DB’s “face work”. That man can run through 1,000 emotions in 5 seconds without saying a word, and to me that is vastly better than someone throwing a big dramatic fit. Ah well, I think people don’t take him seriously because he was once on a teen vampire show. Which is unfair, but that’s the world we live in 🙂

  42. Random comment on MP/JC: Although I’m very sad about Bones ending, I’m kind of glad that MP/JC won’t be able to do any further damage. Can you imagine what they could have done in 22 episodes, or if they were given another season?

    I seriously doubt that these two will ever get their hands on another TV show in a show running capacity, although they might find work as writers.

    I also won’t be sad to part company with the Bones bots, the Best.Episode.Ever crowd…lol.

    So, is anyone up for watching DB’s pilot and discussing it on this board?

  43. It’s understandable that DB’s fans wouldn’t care for that description but objectively, it’s true. He’s not a great actor but he’s definitely improved (I still cringe at the end of ‘Soldier on the Grave’ because he’s just sooooooo cheesy-dramatic) and he’s solid if he’s got good material to work with. There’s something to be said for being dependable and professional and, cheating on a pregnant wife notwithstanding, mostly drama-free. He’s also got the benefit of a sometimes rabid fanbase. I’m not surprised he was in demand for other shows.

    Yet another military/former military, heavy-on-the-drama, drama isn’t up my alley so even if the pilot actually makes it to air, it’s not something that will make my must-see list.

    Anything TJ Thyne does next, though, I’m in.

    • He might not be a “great” actor who could succeed on Broadway or movies, but as far as American television goes I think he ranks pretty highly. But, as you said, it’s a personal opinion.

      At the end of the day, he’s been successful in TV for 20+ years, raked in a boatload of cash, and leads a pretty nice life. I think Mr. GQ was just a tad bit jealous.

  44. It’s understandable that DB’s fans wouldn’t care for that description but objectively, it’s true. He’s not a great actor but he’s definitely improved (I still cringe at the end of ‘Soldier on the Grave’ because he’s just sooooooo cheesy-dramatic) and he’s solid if he’s got good material to work with. There’s something to be said for being dependable and professional and, cheating on a pregnant wife notwithstanding, mostly drama-free. He’s also got the benefit of a sometimes rabid fanbase. I’m not surprised he was in demand for other shows.

    Yet another military/former military, heavy-on-the-drama, drama isn’t up my alley so even if the pilot actually makes it to air, it’s not something that will make my must-see list.

    Anything TJ Thyne does next, though, I’m in.

    • Regardless of being a fan or not it was a mean spirited piece of writing. What is good or bad is subjective. Opinion isn’t set in stone.

      I don’t see the point of tearing down actors or piting them against other actors. But that is just me. * shrugs*

      • Eh. I didn’t read the article as ‘mean spirited.’ A bit snarky but I inwardly lol’d a time or two. Potato/potatoe, I guess.

  45. I agree with MJ here. It’s not really my kind of show and the female cast is really weak. But I may check in and read what you all think if CBS actually picks it up!

    “Anything TJ Thyne does next, though, I’m in.”
    I would check in on his next gig for sure.

  46. “So, is anyone up for watching DB’s pilot and discussing it on this board?”

    @estella I am in, maybe in it’s own thread or post where we can discuss any spoilers or tweets? And the people who aren’t interested in David or his future projects, can skip buy it, no harm no foul. Right? 😉

    • “@estella I am in, maybe in it’s own thread or post where we can discuss any spoilers or tweets? And the people who aren’t interested in David or his future projects, can skip buy it, no harm no foul. Right? 😉”

      Sounds good to me, as long as BnB will let us use her site!

  47. It’s not MY site, it’s OUR site, and we totally can do that. Does this mean that we have to watch Tamara’s show, too? Lol

    • Yes! We should watch these any/all of these shows and discuss:

      Unnamed Navy SEALS show – CBS – David Boreanaz
      Altered Carbon – Netflix – Tamara Taylor
      Lost In Space – Netflix – Ignacio Serricchio

  48. Well that’s nice, you guys could keep us up to date with ‘where’ Bones people are in other jobs. I stopped my Netflix way back…..I may have to pick it up again.
    You can’t even tell that’s DB under all that gear! LOL

  49. Can’t say that I need to watch where Fuentes ends up. I’m most curious about DBs new job and mildly interested in Tamara’s. I’d also try TJs next show. But I’m happy to start whatever threads are deemed necessary 🙂

  50. Well I’d watch most any of them in their next projects once I’m used to Bones being over! There will be an adjustment period for me! 🙂 I can’t stand one of the female’s cast in DB’s pilot. She was on Mad Men and grated on my nerves. She was like nails on a chalkboard for me (and others the complaints were many on boards so it wasn’t just me). So I just can’t bring myself to watch her. Maybe that is why JC left! LOL
    I mean I’d watch an entire show about the character of Cam before I’d watch that woman….that is how bad she is to me! 😉
    If she wasn’t in it, I could watch it….sounds more like something hubby would be into than me. But I need to adapt some before I’m ready to completely move on!

    • “I can’t stand one of the female’s cast in DB’s pilot. She was on Mad Men and grated on my nerves.”

      I never watched Mad Men so I don’t have any opinions on her, but I’ve read lots of negative comments about her from others. Since this is only a pilot, it’s always possible they could recast her role if it gets picked up as a series, especially if people react badly to her. I think Hart’s show “Backstrom” recast at least one role after the pilot. Of course it would be fabulous if ED ended up in the show, but I suspect she will take a long break from acting.

      Can’t wait to see what TJ and Michaela do next!

  51. I really hope TJ Thyne finds a great new role. He’s always seemed like a genuinely nice guy in his interviews so I hope he lands a new series soon.

  52. The only one I am interested in is David!

    That pic of him sure is Boothy. 🙂 It will be hard not to think of him as Booth in his new role. Lol, we’ll see if he gets to kiss any of his costars. I will be thinking he’s cheating on Brennan, but I would welcome any kisses!

  53. http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/remote-controlled-bones-ep-hart-hanson-finale-reunion-1201959713/

    David tweeted a reply to this January 2017 article today:

    In reply to Variety
    David Boreanaz‏Verified account @David_Boreanaz 3h3 hours ago
    @Variety @HartHanson some moments of clarity in this…perspective is key here. We all had it on this show! More some than others.

    Any ideas what he is talking about here? Or is it just a typical cryptic Boreanaz tweet?

    • Maybe this part?

      “As for the “Bones” finale, Hanson reveals he always had a plan for what the show’s ending would be, but his idea wouldn’t work now. “The show went in a direction after I left that I wouldn’t have gone in,” he says.”

  54. I think there were definitely creative differences between the new guard and the old guard. I think DB showed he didn’t agree with the killing of Max. And like HH said in another interview, I think with Marisa, that it was hard to even show up for the last taping because he wasn’t in control and everyone would gravitate toward him like the old days. And those days are over, so sad. Having these last 12 episodes focused on yet another BIG BAD and killing characters was likely not the way HH (and DB and possibly ED) wanted to go out?

    • I’m really honestly trying to figure out a reason for why the new guys decided go the direction they went. They were hand-delivered a hit show, with the show’s creator ready and willing to offer his ideas for how to finish it, and with a cast/crew that adore said creator and his vision. All TPTB had to do, was just keep going. Use the ideas already laid out. Just keep everybody on the course, that’s all. But instead they had to come in, say no to the ideas, ignore concerns of their cast/crew/fans, and radically change things, tanking the ratings and alienating fans that might’ve followed their future work, and the cast/crew who will probably get other jobs and stay in the business, telling people about working with them. Why would you risk creating such bad blood in the industry and giving the middle finger to a (clearly rabid) fanbase?

      I’ve been scratching my head on this for 2 years and I guess I’ll never know. It’s just so bizarre.

  55. From reading that article and the tweet, I’d say both HH and DB meant blowing up the lab. I remember reading DB’s wishes for that for years.

  56. “I’ve been scratching my head on this for 2 years and I guess I’ll never know. It’s just so bizarre.”

    Is is really hard to understand what they were thinking!!! Ignoring HH and his possible input and going their own way. MP & JC thought they were doing it their way and it was the right way. WRONG!! And MP was around in season 5 so he should have known better.

    Bottom line- very disappointing! Who knows where HH would have taken the final season? He got that the heart of Bones was B&B!!! He was the creator and he know them better than anyone.

    • Yeah, JMG, I agree on most of it, except for the Mockumentary leading up to the Camastoo proposal being on there. You could’ve substituted plenty of other ones instead of that! But I do love most of the epsiodes they highlighted, and the recapper has clearly watched all of them and loved Bones too. I agreed with what they highlighted as reasons for the episodes being good. It also is making me want to binge watch all of them too! Especially when Booth busts out of the hospital to save Brennan, ugh, I love that one so much. And yes, Aliens is one of the best Bones episodes of all time. Agreed.

    • I’m surprised the wedding episode didn’t make Kelly’s list, although I agree that the non-ceremony and vows part of the ep were just meh.

      I’d take out 11.18, 8.23 and 9.11 (didn’t see the first two and Booth’s attitude toward Brennan in 9.11 pissed me off), and include ‘Boy in a Bush’ from S1, ‘Glowing Bones,’ from S2 and ‘Baby in the Bough’ from S3.

  57. I think we had a vote on the IMDb board and Aliens is the one that we voted number one. I think I voted for Judas on a Pole. But so many excellent episodes throughout the seasons. Enough to keep us busy re-watching for a while. 😍

    • I think what keeps Judas out of the top spot for me is I had so many angry feelings about Max at the time, he was more criminal than doting dad at that point in the series, and I was all defensive about Brennan and Russ being abandoned and how it affected them. But as far as good writing and an excellent episode, yes, its definitely in the top 10 episodes ever. 🙂

      • I’ve always thought Max got the short end of the stick. As Brennan found out when she took off at the end of S7, you do what you have to do. Christine was a baby so of course Brennan took her, too, but what would she have done if forced to go on the run when Christine was older? If it would have saved Christine?

        In my personal head canon, Max kept an eye on Russ and Brennan from afar, even when he didn’t feel it was safe to contact them. Maybe that’s my affection for an old rogue (and Ryan O’Neal) but Max has always been one of my favorite characters.

  58. There are so many good episodes it is really hard to choose and say one is my very favorite. I forgot about Judas, but I also love Stargazer in a puddle, Passenger in the Oven, Pain in the Heart as one of my very favorite B&B scenes- Bathtub Booth! I’d choose the Circus episode over the funeral episode. Goop on the Girl, is another great B&B scene, I mean Brennan undressing Booth. Man in the Mud when they go on a pottery date. That stuff is B&B gold. So Pathogens, Funeral, Graft and the Movie maker episodes wouldn’t make my top 25.

  59. Another one! Mummy in the Maze.
    Booth afraid of clowns, Brennans gun is too big for her, Brennan afraid of snakes to jump on Booth’s’back
    “one shot, one hell of a shot”.
    B&B as a squint and superwoman discussing their “bad date”

  60. So what is the cure or treatment for “Post Bones Depression Syndrome”??

    I’m sure a lot of fans are feeling it today. Glad the sun is shining I need to get outside and hope it helps!
    It is going to take some time to get used to the fact that there is no more new Bones episode.

    The stages of grief:
    Denial, anger bargaining, depression, and then acceptance.

  61. Did anyone else catch DB losing his marbles on Instagram about BonesonFox posting the pic of DB and ED taken during the filming of the finale? It was DB’s selfie pic, and I think he took it right after they finished filming.

    If you click on the text to right you’ll be able to see his entire comment. Fox has now taken the post down. Oops!

  62. I’m glad that someone captured the picture and the comment and put it on Twitter before it vanished. DB seems pretty angry about it.

  63. I missed it on Instagram! There was so much last night. Did DB live tweet like ED? I wonder why DB was mad about it? Protective of his private picture of he and ED or something else. The girl who managed the Bones on Fox social accounts said thank you to the fans today I think. There is so much going on, it’s hard to track. But it is interesting……DB wasn’t liking Bones on Fox stuff yesterday for some reason! 😕

  64. He didn’t live tweet because he is still in NO filming his new SEALs drama. He did post a bunch of bts pictures on Instagram, which was very nice.

    I think DB is just very protective of his personal pics with ED plus he is also probably still angry at Fox (is that lawsuit still pending?). Now that Bones is over and he’s working on a CBS show there is no need to be diplomatic (if in fact DB could ever be described as “diplomatic”…lol)

    I agree, there was so much being posted everywhere it was hard to keep up!

  65. Ok, this really gets me. Fox is auctioning off most of the Bones set stuff (no cocky, no bobblehead Bobby though).



    It’s so SAD!!!! The are auctioning off Booth’s FBI badge, and the rotary phone…:(((

    I haven’t found the airplane wing yet (they one in their house) I wonder if that will go?

    I would love to buy something, but I’ll bet the prices go through the roof!

    • I see a lot of stuff I want! Booth’s shadowbox with his medals, Brennan’s diploma, one of the Jeff’s evidence boxes (because I could actually use that). Still looking through all the pages but there’s a lot of stuff!

  66. Well I follow DB on instagram and I missed it, thanks for sharing. But that photo has been out there since the end when he posted it. I’ve seen it all over the place. Perhaps last night it just struck a nerve! (I do not think the lawsuit has been decided) I thought ED’s comment to Ausiello was cute, when DB texted her that he had the new pilot she congratulated him but said she’s not ready to move on yet. She’s still grieving! (of course I think she’s enjoying her kids). I like that they are still in contact. I saw where they ‘tweeted’ each other last night. But tweeting is for public consumption. Texting is a more personal connection….I hope they keep that. 😊

    • I hope they stay in contact too! I think they will. HH’s interview with Deadline gives me that hope:
      “Bones has this lovely aspect to it, which is that the people who work on this show love each other. You cannot find two more opposite human beings by the way on the planet as David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel. There’s no way they should get along, and yet here they are all these years later differing on probably every issue, both strong personalities, and they adore each other.”

  67. The auction is strange….no cocky or bobble head because DB took those. I was looking for something I really would recognize, it would be fun to have. But I really haven’t. I mean B&B wine glasses or tumblers….could be anybody’s glasses. I think the few good things will really be pricey. I saw the airplane wing but no beer hat.

    • I would probably want the King of the Lab trophy the most. Wouldn’t want to have a creepy Gormogon skeleton hanging out in my house….I’d take the beer helmet if it came with DB as well 🙂 B&B’s couch is kind of random (I wouldn’t want to pay for shipping) but if I could afford it, I’d try for something.

  68. Yeah I thought the couch and Booth’s desk was kinda funny! Who would buy such large pieces that would cost a fortune to ship? LOL
    It would be fun to get something though.

    • They have a lot of Brennan’s jewelry. I’m still going through the pages but I haven’t seen the earrings from “Man in the Morgue” yet. I covet those.

  69. You can sort by character and B&B’ house etc….So I’ve looked through Brennan and Booth’s stuff. I didn’t see any jewelry that I could totally recall and say I want THAT piece. I would love those earrings from Morgue. I would also love the necklace Booth comments on as leave Pop at his place. But I didn’t see it either. Heck, I’d buy the necklace that Booth bought while he was gambling!! Cuz he actually put it around her neck, but I didn’t see it. I will likely bid on something….LOL I wonder if the pieces we can remember that are not there are because ED, DB or someone else connected to the show got them?

  70. If you haven’t watched the FB video that Tamara, Michaela, and Emily did yesterday you should. Its really funny and they took fan questions. One thing they talked about what they took from set. Emily and Tamara took the usual mementos, then Michaela reveled she took some of her character’s bras!!! Lol She said, well, who else is going to wear them? Hey, she’s got a good point there. So don’t expect Angela’s undergarments to be auctioned haha

  71. It’s fun to look through these items. There’s a whole bunch of Brennan’s tribal print shirts and blazers (no fighting over those, ladies) but no jeans and no boots, so no way to put together an official “Temperance Brennan” boots-n-blazers ensemble.

    I also looked right away for the necklace that Booth gave her but it’s not there…:(

    I did see at least two of her messenger bags…I would love to have one of those!

    I love these earrings but I don’t see them for sale:

    • I’m buying all the blazers and shirts and I’ll just supply my own jeans and boots. This is the fashion trend that basically everyone is gonna follow so I want to be ahead of the curve. As founder of Boots & Blazers, I have an image to uphold since Brennan no longer can. *sob*

  72. There seems to be a lot of knick-knacky stuff from the house but it must all be from the new place because I don’t recognize anything in particular. I was hoping to see an ugly ‘antiquity’ statue I could pretend was a Mayan thing and put up next to my fanart. 😦 Bummer.

    Some of those clunky necklaces do look familiar. I’m going to dive into my DVDs this weekend and see what matches up. There’s no telling how high the prices will get before the auction is up but you never know!

    • If you click on the item for the full description it tells you when it appeared in an episode, for some items at least.

      I was surprised to Booth’s airplane wing for sale, but I guess who would really want that in their house. Oh, also Brennan’s sunglasses are for sale — are those the infamous “Hannah” glasses?

      I do wonder how high the prices will get.

  73. Hmmm, not sure if anyone else created a login for the auction site or not. I did, and be warned there are heavy fees in addition to the actual cost:

    Purchase Price: The total purchase price to be paid by the winner of the lot item(s) (the “Buyer”) is, and the Buyer acknowledges it is responsible for and agrees to timely pay, the sum of the purchase price, plus a “buyer’s premium” of 24% of the purchase price, plus all applicable state and local sales and/or use taxes and license fees, plus any and all costs and expenses incurred on behalf of the Buyer, such as handling fees, shipping costs and insurance costs (collectively, the “Total Purchase Price”).

    Regardless of shipping method, ScreenBid assesses a $14.95 PER ITEM handling fee, $24.95 PER ITEM shipped outside the United States, plus all shipping fees.

  74. Wonder how much of this will end up on Ebay? I saw several of the skeleton pens and those (or a similar version) were freebies at SDCC a few years ago and they still pop up on Ebay periodically.

  75. Oh, also Brennan’s sunglasses are for sale — are those the infamous “Hannah” glasses?

    I can’t imagine paying for something that will bring back Hannah memories! 😡😱

    That is too funny that a character has BRA’s?? Don’t the female character’s them come to work in those? Amazing! I guess I do need to watch that entire interview.
    Now I need to watch old episodes and look for jewelry! I was shocked to see Brennan’s wedding dress….size 6. Cam’s stuff is all size 2 (I was expecting size 0) It is fun to look at the description of stuff. I can sneak in jewelry and my hubby won’t know. That airplane part would need an explanation! 😂

    • Hannah doesn’t have a category. No one wants anything associated with her. Plus, she spent so much of her time rolling around in bed with Booth that she really didn’t have any other props…lol!

      I agree that the airplane wing would take a bit of explaining!

      There seem to be multiple sets of Booth’s FBI badge so I wonder if DB got to keep one. Or maybe they just aren’t as sentimental as we are? I would like to think DB wanted to keep his FBI badge. I do see his St. Christopher medal for sale, but no poker chip or lighter (unless I missed it).

      Booth’s ties are for sale (I wonder if those have the pin-up girls on the back) and also a “bag of socks.”

  76. Here’s a really nice Instagram post about David from John Boyd:

    johnny_boydI went through my Bones journals. Writings and thoughts/notes about acting from my time working with this person on my right. I wanted to share and document the three most memorable things from working and watching, very closely. I had a front row seat. Some of you might now who he is. Here goes. 1. Your family and health come first. nothing is more important than that. Keep enough gas in the tank to take care of them and yourself. No show is bigger than that.
    2. The harder you work, the easier it looks. The ability to focus and be totally free and loose, to play, comes from years of hard work and development of your own technique. You are the arbiter of that. You own it. It’s YOUR job to protect your process and believe in it. Be ready and willing to fight for it.
    3. He always found something special in every scene. He literally ALWAYS found a way to bring something uniquely his own. To bring something unexpected. People will surely try and predict what you’re going to do. It is in their nature. Surprise them and surprise yourself. And you just might be jumping for joy, still excited, 12 years later, shooting the 246th episode of the same damn show. Truth.

    • That post Johnny made me tear up all over again!
      #1–Hm, he makes it sound like DB’s illness was perhaps work/stress related.
      #2–He gives DB credit for his hard work. I feel that he doesn’t get that from the industry which is a shame
      #3–That is very sweet. As a newcomer, he took notes and appreciated DB’s work ethic and fun he had in his work. Cool.

      **I watched a clip of the retrospective where TJ was telling Johnny how important he became to the show and to TJ personally. He was crying as he spoke. I thought that spoke volumes to Johnny’s character that the cast considered him part of the family and their lives so quickly. Now I wish I’d had more Aubrey time because Johnny seems like a great guy. I hope we get more of him in the future!

  77. I am still in denial that Bones is not coming back in the fall! Refuse to believe it! We’ve had hiatuses before and this is just another one…
    Denial is a great thing, for now. ☹️

  78. Great comment from someone on Hart’s Deadline article:

    “Can’t say much on TV has ever been that much fun as Bones. Am going to miss the science, the humor, the characters, the writing, etc. Not much else is really going on as far as tv goes. I feel like The Truman Show just ended.”

    It does feel like that after 12 years. It’s like we are Jim Carrey, and we just opened the fake sky and stepped out into a new world!

  79. So Buffy stuff is blowing up my feed since yesterday because apparently they reunited. (I never watched Buffy or Angel) However, there is a lot of gratuitous intense DB looks, which I do appreciate. I haven’t watched the whole video, its long, but DB’s part comes into play around minute 8. Also, never having watched Buffy, I don’t get the whole thing with the other love interest guy. He doesn’t look super attractive to me, but perhaps I’ve been watching Bones for too long! Anyway, Buffy people, enjoy! 


  80. I never watched Buffy or Angel, so none of it means anything. They came together for an interview? I didn’t see the blond guy that became her love interest after Angel became it’s own show.
    But it’s good for DB’s exposure I’m sure!

    I remember SMG from All My Children. I thought she did not have a good work reputation around Hollywood. I figured that’s why she fizzled out…..she was supposedly very hard to work with according to things I read. I remember stuff from her AMC days but she was a teenager then and teenagers as a whole can be difficult to work with! 😉

    Johnny Boyd sounds like a nice guy. DB often defended him on social media to all those Aubrey haters. I didn’t mind Aubrey except when he took up huge chunks of time.

    “Am going to miss the science, the humor, the characters, the writing, etc. Not much else is really going on as far as tv goes. I feel like The Truman Show just ended.”

    Yes our little show that could was a fun mix to watch once a week!
    I agree with hiatus strategy….and reruns on TNT, they will be back. It’s just going to be an extra LONG hiatus! 😧

  81. Spike, the “blond guy” is James Marsters and he is there. He stopped bleaching his hair when Angel and/or Buffy ended (I can’t remember which one ended last and he was on both). SMG tweet


    • Yea, he’s definitely not that guy anymore. At WizardCon in Nashville a few years ago, he did a panel where one of the questions was a revival of Buffy-verse. He sort of laughed and said that vampires may not age but he definitely had so he couldn’t see himself playing Spike again. Ain’t gonna lie, that made my heart hurt a little. *lol* I’m a Spike girl, all the way. (Although not a Spuffy fan. That relationship never worked for me.)

  82. https://twitter.com/David_Boreanaz/status/847848525081841664

    One thing about David is that he is consistent. He has always said this about Bones…it’s about the characters and the relationship. I think he is right. No matter how fabulous the science was (and it wasn’t always fabulous, let’s be honest) if it hadn’t been for the B&B relationship this show never would have lasted.

    That’s why I have my doubts about and Bones spin-off. Without B&B I just don’t see it staying afloat.

  83. Guys. Story time. My dad is behind on Bones but he asked me today about the finale. He asked if I was satisfied. I said yes. He asked me if Sweets came back. I said, well no Dad, he can’t come back. He’s dead. My dad then said, well he could’ve done a thing where he made a video for his son to show if he passed away and then they could sneak in Sweets at the end. I’m like Dad, you are a better writer than most of the Bones staff. Congratulations! Now I’m sad that they didn’t actually do that, lol!!

  84. ^ When they were picking up stuff from the Jeffersonian, they could have had a nod to Sweets somehow! Daisy watching a video of him would have been a nice touch!

    “No matter how fabulous the science was (and it wasn’t always fabulous, let’s be honest) if it hadn’t been for the B&B relationship this show never would have lasted.”

    That is exactly what MP & JC did not get!! How many people got hooked on Bones because of the science or murder mysteries??? Not many for sure! It was all about B&B and their relationship.

  85. “I agree with hiatus strategy….and reruns on TNT, they will be back. It’s just going to be an extra LONG hiatus!”

    Yes, still in denial we are not going to get a “Season 13 spoilers” thread!


    • We could make an imaginary season 13 thread. What we think should happen! Do Hodgela have a boy or girl…do B&B ever kiss again? Is Hodgins a good King of the Lab? Does Zach come back in some capacity when his sentence ends? Does Booth become director of the FBI? Will Goodman EVER return?? 😉

  86. A couple random thoughts while reminiscing about Bones-
    -Too bad Sarah did not open up the BT board for one final discussion on the finale!
    -I also checked AA’s tumbler page (TT now, lol), and she hasn’t posted anything for about 6 months! Makes me wonder where she went?!!! Hope all is well with her.

    Also been thinking back about the old IMDb board and some posters that stood out-
    -Our fearless leader when I joined after season 6 was AA!! She got the “Keepers of the Cocky” thread started and was the best gif maker!
    -Bnbailey & Rbay were already there! I hope Rbay is okay too!
    -Lol, remember Keller? A lot of disagreements with her (I know AA had blocked her), and her stalker James Boyle.
    -RIP Olde Nick!! 😦
    -Serendipity & Due!

    So many others that would join in all the time to discuss & dissect Bones! AA would share parts of her life also-Getting her drivers license, her brother his girlfriend issues, Keller having a grandbaby.
    I miss that whole community and the feeling it would never end!

    *sad face*

    • So was Keller also Sarah Cynical? Or was that yet another troubled person? She also went back and forth with some guy, each claiming the other was stalking them. Good times.

      I miss Old Dutch. He always had some pithy, amusing comments about the episodes. I also miss Rbay and her trusty 2×4. I wonder if she would have liked the finale?

      The internet is strange. You wander into a community not knowing anyone, make online “friends”, and then when they disappear you realize you didn’t really know the person (or perhaps you knew only a facet of them) and you have no way to connect with them again. It’s very disconcerting.

      • I THINK Sarah Cynical was Keller. But not positive.

        I was hoping that Old Dutch would find his way here…also RicktheDJ !! I hope that Rbay makes here way here again. She posted initially so she knows where we are.

  87. Jmg! Oh that is sad to think of our old board friends. I’m glad at least a few of us were able to stay together 🙂 I think Keepers of the Cocky is what pulled me into Interneting about this show! I purposefully put IMDB in this group identity and the FB one so others can find us some day!! Hopefully. (Have to say I don’t miss Keller and her drama lol)
    When I get back into town tomorrow I’ll get a new post rolling. I think I have an idea 🙂

  88. “We could make an imaginary season 13 thread.”

    OMG, that would be great! We could even have imaginary spoilers!

    “Too bad Sarah did not open up the BT board for one final discussion on the finale!”

    Or better yet, she should do a scene study on the office conversation and the very last B&B scene! I wonder if we could talk her into doing it??!!

  89. Yes Sarah Cynical was Keller. And I never watched Buffy either but I think the skull is just related to it being about life and death stuff with the vampire world. Not bones, specifically. Other photos in the shoot looked like they were in a graveyard set up so it’s just a general vibe I think.

  90. “We could make an imaginary season 13 thread. What we think should happen! Do Hodgela have a boy or girl…do B&B ever kiss again?”


    -So, for season 13…Angela is definitely having a girl! Christine has Michael Vincent, so Hank needs a future girlfriend!

    -“do B&B ever kiss again?” Lol, I’ve heard that season 13 will be smokin’ with B&B kisses!!

  91. “Lol, I’ve heard that season 13 will be smokin’ with B&B kisses!!”

    Too funny. I think we should message MP and let him know that we are writing S13 with tons of B&B kisses!

  92. Or to be a bit less hetero-normative, Michael Vincent is gay (and marries a very nice artist whose work is exhibited in Roxy’s New York gallery), Christine ends up with an all grown up Baby Andy before she follows her father into Quantico and a career at the FBI, and the youngest Booth and the youngest Hodgins (another boy) are miniature geniuses and partners in crime.

    And B&B live ordinary lives filled with extraordinary love, in the Mighty Hut that Booth (re)Built.

  93. “I think we should message MP and let him know that we are writing S13 with tons of B&B kisses!”

    Great idea! I am going to tweet him that for sure! Lol, make him mad.

    “And B&B live ordinary lives filled with extraordinary love, in the Mighty Hut that Booth (re)Built.”

    Lol, I love that idea!!! Booth & Wendell rebuild the Mighty Hut together! When they got the house, Booth told Brennan Wendell needed the work and would help. We were all hoping to see Booth & Wendell in white tank tshirts working on the Hut!

  94. “Just trying to be like my mentor, Sarah” 🙂
    Omg, bnbailey!! Awesome tweeting! It is exciting getting tweets noted by famous people! And even not so famous!

    “More pics of DB filming his new show. Saw a couple of comments that he looks like he has lost weight (I agree…he looks pretty trim in that video with the dog).”

    He does look thinner for sure! I hope they are feeding him enough! Probably burning a lot of calories with all his action shots!

    While searching for Cocky pics, this popped up of Emily! Interesting because of how revealing her dress is and she is wearing sandals. Never see that again! Not sure how old the pic is…but it was from a while ago for sure.

  95. Ok, so the media folks who have covered Bones over the years got this:

    Now other people are tweeting pictures of this:

    Who is Linda Gerathty? I know she tweets a bunch of Bones stuff, and sometimes Hart retweets her, but is she (and the others who aren’t in the media) associated with Bones in some official capacity?

  96. I know the name, but I don’t know if she is part of the Bones family in any official capacity. I thought she was just a big fan. Lucky lady!

    • Very interesting. There’s a lot of anecdotal information in that graph. The Brennan/Sully eps earned higher ratings than Booth/Hannah, but were also earlier in the run, and there were fewer B/S than B/H. The highest rated ep was in Season 1 and after S7, no season even got close. The gradual decline is ominous when seen in the graph format. I’m sure part of it was the natural erosion of viewers for a long-running show but the loss of old writers, a constant influx of new writers, and bad storylines didn’t help.

  97. It was interesting data. Random dives and then ups in seasons. The Hannah eps caused a dive. Definite upswing as the end of that story drew near. I know I opted out of those episodes! LOL

    • Oh boy, now I’m nervous for when we get to season 6 of re-watching episodes on here…because I actually….liked…most of the Hannah stuff. (Except for the sunglasses scene, they totally missed the mark on that one!)

  98. “Body in the Bag” is the Hannah episode that makes me ragey. All of that ‘what’s ours is ours’ apparently only applies to freaking meatloaf recipes. Emotional epiphanies are fair game to talk about with anyone. Grrrrrr. Still pisses me off, just thinking about it.

  99. ““Body in the Bag” is the Hannah episode that makes me ragey. All of that ‘what’s ours is ours’ apparently only applies to freaking meatloaf recipes. Emotional epiphanies are fair game to talk about with anyone. Grrrrrr. Still pisses me off, just thinking about it.”

    I couldn’t agree more MJ!

    Here is the exchange that just infuriates me, with my comments….

    HAHHAH: She loves you?

    BOOTH: Loved. Did. I told her it was never going to happen again.
    [There was nothing in what Brennan told Booth in the car that sounded like her love was in the past, so I’m not sure what he is saying here]

    HANNAH: She’s not going to get over it just like that. How about you?

    BOOTH: I told you– that was all in the past. Okay, whatever I felt, I don’t feel it anymore, except for you. [Nice try Booth…we all knew how you really felt]

    HANNAH: (sighs) I knew you two were close, but…

    BOOTH: Would you rather I didn’t say anything and kept this a secret?
    [Yes Booth, you should have honored Brennan enough to keep her confession in confidence, especially after the lecture you gave her about “what’s ours is ours”]

    HANNAH: No. No. If I found out you were keeping this from me, then I’d worry. Right. And then I’d kill you.

    BOOTH: You’d have every right to.

    HANNAH: (sighs) God, what am I going to say to Brennan?

    BOOTH: Nothing. You don’t have to say anything at all.

    HANNAH: She’s my friend. She’s going to know I know. I’m supposed to have lunch with her tomorrow.

    BOOTH: Well, if you do bring it up, just go easy on Bones because she’s not like everyone else. You know that.
    [No, she’s not like everyone else. She’s smarter, prettier, and with a bigger heart. She was a better friend to you, Booth, than Hannah ever thought about being.]

    I can excuse Booth for a lot of what happened in S6, but not this. To me this was a complete betrayal of Brennan, and it’s only because of her big heart, and because she loves him so much, that she was able to forgive him.

    I might have to skip this week when we get to it. I know that’s a long way down the road!

  100. I remember watching that episode and simmering the whole time. I mean, I’m (obviously) Team Brennan all the way but even as just a woman, I was furious. Brennan has an emotional breakthrough – or breakdown, however you want to look at it – and the first thing Booth does is go to SWEETS and tell him about it IN THE FREAKING GYM. Not even in a confidential setting! And then not only does he go to Hannah but they DISCUSS BRENNAN LIKE SHE’S A CHILD. “Go easy on her, she’s not like everyone else.” No, you effing dumbass, she’s not and you just …… Grrr. Argh.

    I can’t even. I thought I couldn’t dislike an episode more than “Twisted Bones” but I actively hate “Body/Bag.” Given that I never actually saw the Mama Bones episodes, this one has to top my never-watching-again list.

  101. Yes, I also hated how Booth and Hannah talked about Brennan. I don’t care that Hannah was Booth’s gf, backstabbing Brennan like that was a betrayal of their years of partnership and friendship. And normally I’m Team Booth!

    In my mind Booth did some serious groveling to Brennan after they got together about his behavior during “Hannah”….not because she required it but because he felt so guilty about it.

  102. Gotta wonder if HH&Co expected or were prepared for the backlash they got for Hannah and to a large extent, Booth. They didn’t do Booth any favors with the writing in some of those episodes. Body/Bag, yes, but Twisted Bones and Sin in the Sisterhood? The whole “you can love a lot of people” speech? That was an awful place to put him in. Maybe there were some important scenes left on the cutting floor, but if they meant to show Booth as confused and conflicted, they missed the mark. Like with the sunglasses thing, when they expected the fans to understand the meaning behind the gesture.

    There’s an old writing axiom “Show don’t tell.” I think HH&Co got so used to Bones fans reading behind every line and creating their own canon for what we didn’t see, that they stopped showing us a lot of what they really needed to show us, sometimes settling for after-air interviews to explain what it was that they meant for us to see. To be honest, I think that had something to do with a lot of the animus that grew in the fandom. It became a battle between people who saw what they were “supposed” to see and people who interpreted it differently.

    • MJ, I agree with that 100%. And that’s why I can “forgive” Booth. They put Booth in an awful place and left him there. There was literally no good way out of that. I did like how Booth “moving on” helped get Brennan to her epiphany, but it’s like they didn’t know how to write a resolution to it properly. I bet you are right and there are some deleted scenes that would’ve helped. There are some things about the Hannah era that I think were good but then the other stuff overshadowed it. I’m thinking a rewatching might remind me of those good parts but maybe it won’t lol 🙂

  103. “Gotta wonder if HH&Co expected or were prepared for the backlash they got for Hannah and to a large extent, Booth.”

    I don’t know what happened with HH during S6, tbh. First, let me say that I will always be grateful to HH for creating Bones. Yes, I know it was based (loosely) on the Kathy Reichs’ novels, but I think we all agree that it was Hart who breathed the “heart” into the story that we know and love. So, thanks Hart for that.

    I think Hart’s idea going into S6 was a good one. Booth had been panting after Brennan for years and after she rejected him, well, enough is enough. It wouldn’t have been healthy for him to keep pursuing her. It might even have started to border on stalkerish. So, kudos to Booth for telling her he had to move on. [Sidenote: I cut Booth (and the writers) slack for having him say that so quickly, because this is, after all, a TV show. They really didn’t have the luxury of showing Booth taking days/weeks/months to decide to move on.]

    I don’t blame Booth for falling for Hannah in Afghanistan. What healthy male wouldn’t? She was smart, accomplished, attractive, and, perhaps most importantly for Booth at that time, she wanted him. He needed to feel desired and loved. So far it’s all good.

    Then they return to D.C. Booth knew when he hugged Brennan that he still had feelings for her. When Hannah showed up he should have ended things right there. This is when things started to go off the rails for me.

    Somewhere along the line Hart seems to have gotten it into his head that the fans should *love* Hannah as much as he seemed to. It baffles me how a man who had spent 5 hears developing this beautiful love story between B&B suddenly shoved the leading lady aside and wanted us all to love Hannah. I just don’t get it.

    I watched Bones S1-S6 in the summer before S7 started. Like many, I was aghast at Hannah’s arrival and crushed when Booth proposed to her. However, I think I would have been ok if Booth and Brennan had honestly discussed Hannah’s presence and how it had affected them, but we got nothing. We jumped straight into pregnancy and living together and there really wasn’t any closure (hate that term but it does apply here) to “Hannah.” Yes, I know there were vague and oblique references to her impact on their lives in the latter half of S6, but never a frank and honest conversation between B&B.

    My theory has always been that Hart got angry and got his feelings hurt by the backlash from fans toward the story he was trying to tell in S6 (and I also heard that the network told him to get rid of Hannah earlier than he intended…not sure if that is true) and metaphorically picked up his toys and went home. It was shortly after that that he developed “The Finder” and he started to separate himself from Bones.

    Think about this…we didn’t have any more of those intense B&B conversations after S6, did we? I mean the ones like “I know who you are” or burying Ripley “people should take a lesson” or Jasper or Brainy Smurf or “that’s a lot of heart, Bones”. I’m not saying we did’t have nice moments in S7-S12, because we did, but that intense B&B connection seemed to evaporate.

    I would love it if one day we got the real story from HH about what went on with him in S6, but I doubt that will happen.

  104. Interesting what the graph doesn’t mention is the spike in the latter parts of some seasons is because Bones aired directly after America Idol (January onwards like in S6 & S2) give it huge bumps.

  105. Just my opinion, of course, but I think the problem with S6 was that HH, etc. had painted themselves into a corner with Booth and the way they used Hannah didn’t work to break them out.

    I mean, this is a guy (the character) who had “never cheated on a woman!” so I guess HH, etc. thought fans had to believe he was sincerely in love with Hannah or we’d revolt. I’m not sure that was correct. I’m sure there were people who felt otherwise, but no one I talked with at the time begrudged Booth a warzone fling with a pretty blonde. The guy was a mess, probably depressed, probably unable to stop thinking about Brennan and how she’d thrown his declaration of love back in his face (although he never said ‘I love you’), probably thinking that the only person he had to go back for was Parker and then this pretty blonde shows up who is interested and available and lusting after him. Stir in one fig tree and you have a recipe for a guy who wants to love and be loved, and he can finally believe he’s in love and loved in return. I think most fans understood a version of that scenario and no one thought worse of Booth for it.

    But then the story moves stateside and HH, etc. think we have to believe Booth really *is* in love with Hannah, and that just did not work because we all knew (WE KNEW!) that Booth really loved Brennan, and from the look on his face in that first hug, we knew that Booth also knew that he still loved Brennan. So everything he did after that, all the ‘serious as a heart attack,’ all the leaving of pregnancy announcement parties, all the ‘she’s not a consolation prize,’ all of that was just false. It looked false and it sounded false and it smelled false and it was just false. Even worse, it made Booth look shallow and uncaring when he was always anything but, especially with Brennan. Add in the OMG Besties! thing they forced between Brennan and Hannah and it got even worse.

    There were just so many other ways that might have worked better to push B&B together in a way that felt more organic to the couple we’d watched for five years. The way they used Hannah always felt off-kilter. I don’t think it did the show any good, and it didn’t work very well for the characters either.

    (Sorry for the long post. I have thoughts. *lol*)

  106. I love all your thoughts MJ!! I think that I agree with like 99% of them this time lol. I agree that HH felt we needed to believe that Booth was serious about moving on with Hannah and then they didn’t know how to write him out of that…but I actually did like that Hannah and Brennan were friends (again, minus the sunglasses scene). It didn’t have to melt into catty girl fights or drama, they all basically behaved like mature adults. I think it also was serving to show Brennan growth. She could have shriveled up into herself as Cam predicted back during tumor days…but she didn’t. Even though it was painful to see Booth move on, she had asked him to remain work partners with her and she not only didn’t shrivel up, she even put forth the effort to be friends to someone important to Booth. That’s like growth city right there.

    And I found it so interesting that Booth still dated his “type”. Obviously Brennan is “the standard” lol but this started before they’d met. Probably lots of guys in his position would date rather indiscriminately, but Booth has traditionally liked smart, driven, top-in-their-fields type of ladies. I think that’s pretty cool.

  107. Oh wow – the Hannah stuff!
    I agree that no one begrudged Booth his fling. Brennan never called him. I don’t think they NEEDED Hannah to prevent Booth from being a stalker, but it’s classic/easy soap stuff (or it should have been).

    I am of the few that don’t think that Brennan ‘learned’ anything from Hannah. She accepted Hannah graciously. She helped Hannah, who didn’t know much about Booth. The bestie thing was wrong and gross.

    How could we even possibly think Booth truly loved Hannah when he was lying to her all along? Booth hadn’t been honest with her about Brennan and their past the entire time they were together. Neither had Brennan for that matter. Bouncy Hannah thought she was special! LOL No honey, your just a convenient rebound who needed to bounce on out of the picture. How they did that, just made Booth look worse, more desperate.

    That’s how I forgave him. He was a lost and desperate man. The woman he truly loved him didn’t think she could love him enough. That he deserved better than her, and so he cozies up to a lady who doesn’t know anything about him beyond sex, ok he deserved a fling. He jumped through hoops to convince himself and others that the Hannah thing was more than it was. That ring was just another symbol of that. It was all a figment of his hurt imagination. It was his rebound relationship.
    It would have been nice if Booth acknowledged that and we had B&B discuss the mistakes they’d both made along their journey.

    A discussion about their tumultuous feelings during that time. How they got all messed up and they were both at fault. From the outcry from fans they should have understood that whatever crazy story they were telling wasn’t getting across. If most fans were hating it and HH was loving it, didn’t he see there was a disconnect?

    I don’t rewatch any episode where Hannah appears. Not even Dr. in the Photo, that one because it’s so painful. I know some say it’s a favorite, but not for me, it was a low point ratings wise for the show! And Body/Bag showed how low HH went with the arc.
    As I remember, Hannah was only supposed to be in 3-5 episodes. HH made it longer because he loved KW, so it’s news to me if Fox told him to cut it short.
    I think HH did have some very hurt feelings after the B/H/B arc. It was a tough time all around. But he did it to himself. It was a self-inflicted wound. She stayed way too long and the longer she stayed the worse Booth looked and the harder it was to bounce back. And because HH had such hurt feelings, is why we didn’t get any deep discussion between B&B about their feelings. We didn’t get sex or discussion.

    • You reminded me about how mad I was at Brennan for not calling the man while he was gone! That must have been really hurtful to him, and it sort of opened the door to Hannah in the first place. Let’s head canon for a minute. What if Brennan had called him ONE TIME while he was gone? Or sent him a care package? With a photo of herself? Hm……..??? 🙂 🙂 🙂 lol I love head canon!

      I think that the one thing the Hannah Era taught us is how much invested we’d all gotten in Bones and how territorial we got about our B&B lololol

      I can’t say that I’ve rewatched the episodes much, if at all, myself. It has been years now at this point. So I kind of think it might be good just to see if my thoughts changed over time, if I still liked parts that I think I did or maybe I won’t anymore?

      But that’s a long way away 🙂

  108. I think there’s a lot of room between cat fights and being BFFs and HH, etc. went right to BFFs. They put Hannah on the same level as Angela and for me, that was all kinds of wrong. I didn’t want to see cat fights but I also didn’t believe Brennan was suddenly besties with this strange woman with the god-awful voice. (Sorry, that was bitchy.) (But also true.)

    I honestly didn’t and don’t need to forgive Booth for anything in that arc (except Body/Bag because, bastard) because I don’t think he did anything wrong (except Body/Bag because, bastard). But I do have bones to pick with HH, etc., because the whole thing was unnecessary and the relationship (B/H) they thought they were showing, wasn’t the one that ended up on-screen.

    But I remember comments at the time that what we saw was *supposed* to be awkward and icky, because it was so obviously wrong. If that’s the case (and if I remember correctly, that premise came from one of the Hall Monitors so take it with a grain of sand), then HH, etc. should have considered that people *don’t want to watch awkward and icky,* especially not when it comes to a couple like B&B, and a relationship that we nurtured in our hearts for years. We built a sandcastle from tiny hints, hugs, and steamy looks and 6.A came along like a temper-tantrum throwing toddler and stomped all over it.

  109. “LOL No honey, your just a convenient rebound who needed to bounce on out of the picture. How they did that, just made Booth look worse, more desperate.

    That’s how I forgave him. He was a lost and desperate man. The woman he truly loved him didn’t think she could love him enough. That he deserved better than her, and so he cozies up to a lady who doesn’t know anything about him beyond sex, ok he deserved a fling. He jumped through hoops to convince himself and others that the Hannah thing was more than it was. That ring was just another symbol of that. It was all a figment of his hurt imagination. It was his rebound relationship.”

    That NWChic, is how I have always seen it. But the convo with Hannah regarding Brennan being someone he “used to love” still makes me see red! It was just a horribly written story arc with Hannah/Booth. Ugh, the only episode I like was Doctor, but again it was very sad and depressing!!

    I do like the final scene in Daredevil where Booth & Brennan are drinking at the bar. DB did an excellent job of acting there.

    Hmm… I think I have a couple gifs saved,
    Lol, this was in “Booth’s back” from Meathead ep…

    THIS look kills me. He still does love Brennan-

    What happens next??

  110. What if Brennan had called him ONE TIME while he was gone? Or sent him a care package? With a photo of herself? Hm……..???

    BB- if I remember at the time, HH said that he wrote the ending of s5, Airport: no hug or kiss and absolutely no contact between them during the separation because Booth needed that excuse. If there had been any contact what so ever, then Booth would have not had any other relationship….because he’s so good! LOL BUT they did mention that Brennan was told NOT to use the phone unless she was in dire danger. Remember she is someone who doesn’t break the rules (according to Russ). Even though she did fudge things in ‘Pudding’ so that Booth wouldn’t question the government…

    Brennan is a woman with a lot of self-discipline.
    She didn’t break the rules and he had no way of knowing that she had been thinking about him and had decided she was ready for a relationship. I saw that in the hug when they met up in DC. She had that enthusiastic hug that he had in the opener of s5. And I believe even SN has admitted that. Brennan was ready BEFORE Hannah even appeared on the scene. But since she had botched up ‘how to be in a relationship’ (like she always knew she would…thus fulfilling her prophesy) she had to button up her lips and accept the new turn of events.
    She showed incredible self-discipline and helped that woman learn about Booth and lied for him when he ducked out of the baby announcement to go have sex with her. She facilitated their relationship. It was too awful to watch imo.
    I agree a cat fight would have been demeaning, but I fell using her as a facilitator wasn’t much better.
    In the end, I felt we had a demonstration of how big Brennan’s heart was, it painted her in a much better light then it painted Booth.

    I do like the bar scene. DB did a great job with that. Some were upset with how gruff he was, but I didn’t mind. It’s hard to accept how stupid you’ve been sometimes. He had a right to be mad at himself and how things had gone. (not the part that Hannah said no, the part that he shouldn’t even have gone there). And I think that is what he was coming to terms with! At least in my head! LOL

  111. DB does “tortured” very well, and we got some great tortured scenes from him in S6. This one will always kill me:

    Also, I never mind seeing Booth’s naked back (or any other *naked* parts), but I absolutely “refuse* to re-watch the scenes of Booth and Hannah in bed. Those scenes will always be skipped through by me!

  112. IMO, those brief seconds were the most honest and raw of that entire arc. Every ounce of regret and pain Booth felt was on his face when he watched Brennan through the window. It was so true and so real and oh, gosh, it was bittersweet to watch.

    Those few seconds were so genuine to his character, and so much better than that shallow and confusing Sisterhood speech. It’s like a two-headed coin.

  113. I absolutely “refuse* to re-watch the scenes of Booth and Hannah in bed

    Well I second that Estella! Unfortunately, that made up about 75% of their relationship. Otherwise she was at work or with Brennan! LOL It can’t be an accident that that is really all they ‘had’ together. He did not feel part of the ‘group’ anymore when he was with her. In fact, it was the ‘girls’/ Brennan who actually helped her move her 3 bags in to the apartment as I remember. Nothing like HH hitting us over the head with Brennan sanctioning the coupling. Brennan bought Booth the welcome gift AND moved the girl in…..when I think about it now, I almost get physically sick. HH has a real mean streak! Brennan was such a tool.

    On the other hand, I’d rather watch those cute gifs that were released last night of better times!

  114. Guys, this article from Bones Theory about those S6 eps we love to hate is outstanding.

    Booth’s Last Stand: The Evidence in the Theory

    There are great observations in the article itself and also in the comments. This is from the article:

    “Now my personal interpretation of “the look” [Booth looking out the diner window at Brennan as she hold the shell to her ear] is that it’s the moment when Booth realized he was still in love with Brennan (or for those of you who prefer a more non-committal approach, that he still had feelings for her). Regardless of the level of emotion involved, I don’t think this was a happy realization for him. I think he felt like he had suffered enough; that he was happy now; that loving Temperance Brennan wasn’t worth the risk to his heart and his current relationship. And cue the emotional distancing we saw in The Body in the Bag.”

    And from a comment:

    “Can you imagine all her [Brennan’s] love and attention being focused on Booth? At times, she even adores him. She hurts when he hurts, even from the beginning. I don’t see Hannah being anywhere close to that in terms of an emotional connection.”

    The article is definitely worth a read, as is everything BT1

    • Thanks for posting that reminder, Estella. Bones Theory always provides good insights!

      And…I had completely forgotten that they episodes were not aired correctly. Why do they do that?!??!?! So that puts Booth in an even worse light because the emotions don’t match the wacky episode order. Sigh.

      I liked how the post ended though: “Booth has to decide. What is the honorable thing to do? Do you continue with Hannah, even though she is not the one and in the end could cause you to turn bitter because you don’t have the one you really want or do you walk away from Hannah and try to get Brennan to commit to you, knowing that if it does not work out this time, you could lose your best friend? I feel sorry for Booth, Brennan and Hannah. Someone and possibly everyone is going to get hurt.”

      That basically sums up the entire arc right there.

  115. “IMO, those brief seconds were the most honest and raw of that entire arc. Every ounce of regret and pain Booth felt was on his face when he watched Brennan through the window. It was so true and so real and oh, gosh, it was bittersweet to watch…it’s the moment when Booth realized he was still in love with Brennan.

    I felt this moment too Booth was conflicted in his feelings

    Poor messed up babies

    Lol, season six was messed up! So many conflicting messages. But it all worked out in the end. Everything happened eventually at the end of season six.

    • I think this whole discussion proves that Hart Hanson is a sneaky, secret, evil genius. We are still talking about a storyline from YEARS ago, taking “sides”, having passionate feelings about characters that essentially are not real! B&B did get together, they are the endgame, and still we debate this.

      What I did like about the storyline, and Bones in general, is that is shows that life is messy, people often do butthead things, and that there not often pure “good guys” and “bad guys”. At different times in the series, Booth would be the jerk, sometimes its Brennan. Most of the time they don’t mean to be, but people in real life are messy and imperfect. I think that is why so many people were attracted to this show.

      Yeah Booth is a heroic soldier but has a “fixer” complex to the point where he’s sacrificing himself helping others (like his brother for example); letting his sense of duty and honor sometimes override his good sense…

      Yeah Brennan is a smart, gifted anthropologist with a compartmentalizing complex where she creating a self-fulfilling prophecy (for a long time) by pushing others away by saying she’s meant to be alone….

      Yeah, the squints are smart but have more issues than you can shake a stick at…

      So that’s the beauty of Bones for me. And the Hannah arc brings a lot of that messiness to the surface but sometimes you have to let things come to a head before you can heal and move on. I think that’s what B&B needed “to break the stalemate”. Even though it was and is hard to watch, I don’t mind because I know its part of what they needed to get to baby Hank and Christine 🙂

  116. Thanks for that link to the BT board study on Booth staring out the window at Brennan. Excellent. I always felt that scene showed Booth sad and longing for Brennan. He was left all alone in the diner to look at her with I think, longing and regret.

    Also from the BT board link discussing Booth’s comment, from Sisterhood-

    “And this is the point at which my brain explodes because, let’s face it, if you’ve figured out who you love the most (and it seems like he has) and you know that said person loves you the most too (and it seems like she does), then why on earth are you still with the one whom you do not love the most?”

    Lol that sums up the confusion surrounding season six!

  117. Ooh, and there’s another cocky sighting…Booth in his hallway with cocky and a red bow!

    Someone in that BT discussion said that Booth stopped wearing cocky after Doctor in the Photo. Even after all this time, I didn’t realize that was when he stopped wearing it.

    “By telling Hannah about Brennan’s confession in The Doctor in the Photo (and by abandoning the cocky belt buckle and flashy ties), I think Booth was trying to reinforce his new center (his and Hannah’s relationship) by rebuilding the metaphorical walls around his heart after the pounding they took in The Bullet in the Brain (which we’ll get to in a minute) and to a lesser extent, The Doctor in the Photo.”

  118. Well I haven’t read the article yet but I will. I have some issues with the pieces you all have pulled out. It gives too much credence to the Hannah relationship. One that was built on lies and used to shield Booth’s heart. With three bags and a vow to NOT marry, she was not going to be Booth’s match. Booth chose to not ‘see’ that. As I remember (and I may be wrong) Booth told Sweets first about his conversation with Brennan in the car. I thought it was Sweets who guilted Booth into telling Hannah??

    It was really all Booth’s feelings of panic….oh no….his facade is crumbling. What have I done, what does this mean to my future?

    Body/Bag was like when the entire relationship came up to bite him. He’d been lying all around, to Hannah, to Brennan and to himself.

    I agree jmg – Booth was always conflicted about Brennan. Brennan knew him the best. Saying good bye to her at the door in that picture he didn’t look so confident in his choice. It was like a, ‘are we really gonna play the game this way’ look?

    When HH said any sort of communication whatsoever from Brennan would have negated any relationship with Hannah. It just summed up for me how his heart wasn’t ever really with Hannah. It was just his little brain and a little fun. LOL

    As far as cocky goes, I guess it was meant to attract Brennan….he really can’t wear it now because he’d have to explain it to Christine! LOL

  119. There are probably any number of dissertations waiting to be written on the steadfast support fans of “Bones” have given to the ‘little show that could.’ Time will tell, obviously, but it seems to have joined an elite group of television shows with a core audience that remains just as fascinated and devoted, even years later – think Star Trek, X-Files, Firefly, Buffy-verse. I think that’s a testament to the strength of the writing in the early seasons, and how they built the relationship between B&B. Even with fanfiction, although there was a decrease in stories and readers after the will they/won’t they was answered, there was still a strong, steady interest. I’m a stat junkie and just from my own experience, “Roots & Wings” still gets hundreds of hits every day, and the Wiki for the story sees daily visitors in the high double digits. That’s pretty amazing. Is the community that strong for other shows out there? Maybe NCIS, which is still airing? Castle? The numerous versions of CSI? Remember St. Elsewhere and ER? Huge hits but I don’t know that their fanbase kept the fire burning. I think ‘Bones’ landed at just the right time, with just the right combination of a great cast and great writing, and at a time when fandom was given a voice online that allowed whole communities to grow around it, and people like Sarah, who had Stuff to Say!, a way to share it with kindred spirits.

    And like you said, here we are. Still talking about it, still rehashing the same topics, still circling the same wagons. And it’s still just as fascinating and interesting.

  120. “As I remember (and I may be wrong) Booth told Sweets first about his conversation with Brennan in the car. I thought it was Sweets who guilted Booth into telling Hannah??”

    I think Booth told Sweets about it when they were at the gym, but yes, Sweets guilted him into telling Hannah. If Sweets hadn’t pushed him Booth would have kept that all a secret.

    The proposal to Hannah was also Sweets’ doing. He made Booth feel like an aging loser who didn’t have anyone in his life. I’m convinced that Booth had no intention of proposing and never would have if it hadn’t been for that conversation with Sweets.

    Hannah was never anything more than a diversion for Booth to help him *try* to forget about Brennan (or, if you prefer to stay in the real world, she was a plot device to further delay B&B getting together). That’s why I got angry at HH when he tried to blow Hannah up into something more than she was…when he got so insistent that we should all love Hannah, that Booth really loved Hannah, that Brennan and Hannah were best friends, etc…

    Whew. Thank goodness we can now think about B&B married and their beautiful life with Christine and Hank. I love to think about how Hannah found out about all of that!

    • I kiiiiinda see where HH is coming from in really wanting fans to believe that Booth’s relationship with Hannah was real, because otherwise he was separated from Brennan for a fling. I mean, Hannah isn’t super off-base. She’s right in line with Rebecca and Tessa. Even the name sounds similar, Hannah. In an alternate reality, where Booth never walks into that lecture hall, he probably could’ve met Hannah and had a decent life with her.

      But he did walk in. Thank goodness. 🙂 🙂 🙂

      *And since Hannah sent Brennan to Booth after the botched proposal…I’m pretty sure she’s not shocked. I bet she’s googled them once or twice since then 🙂

  121. I really liked Sweets most of the time but there were times I just didn’t. When he was with Booth for the lingerie purchase? Why? Dude, you know the guy is buying sexy stuff for his wife, WAIT OUTSIDE. But no. Ugh.

  122. “I kiiiiinda see where HH is coming from in really wanting fans to believe that Booth’s relationship with Hannah was real, because otherwise he was separated from Brennan for a fling.”

    True, although I don’t think he was particularly successful in this.

    “In an alternate reality, where Booth never walks into that lecture hall, he probably could’ve met Hannah and had a decent life with her.”

    I think that even the way the story happened in S6 Booth could have had a *decent* life with Hannah IF he and Brennan weren’t in the same town. If Brennan had moved away from DC, or if Hannah and Booth had moved away, I believe they could have had a successful marriage. Not overwhelming happy as in the “I’m with the love of my live” marriage like he has now, but a decent enough situation. Millions of people have those kind of marriages and they are fine.

    But, with Brennan near him there is no way Booth would ever be able to be happy with anyone else. The pull toward her was just too strong.

    There are some great fanfics that explore the “Booth marries Hannah” or “Booth and Hannah are getting married” scenario…several of them are very good.

  123. Hannah was never anything more than a diversion for Booth to help him *try* to forget about Brennan (or, if you prefer to stay in the real world, she was a plot device to further delay B&B getting together). That’s why I got angry at HH when he tried to blow Hannah up into something more than she was…when he got so insistent that we should all love Hannah, that Booth really loved Hannah, that Brennan and Hannah were best friends, etc…

    TOTALLY agree Estella. HH happened to LOVE his story idea and thought he could stretch it out….this is where he way overestimated his story!

    BB, Hannah did fit into Booth’s ‘mold’. Women who he spent time with but were never going to be last. She was a rolling stone. She stopped for a while in DC to have a fling, but she wasn’t the kind to stay in one place very long. She said that to him point blank. She thought they would have a little more time before she exited. The kicker there is she always PLANNED on going. She was honest with him. She told him she was not the marrying kind. But Booth had his blinders on and since he was frantically trying to forget/replace Brennan….he didn’t hear her.

    I do think once Booth was honest in Body/Bag, that Hannah saw the light. The guy had lied the entire time they were together. That should have given her great pause! Like Sully admitted he knew when he left that Brennan loved Booth and would always choose Booth over him. When it came down to it, Hannah wasn’t dumb, she had to have known on some level imo. Booth lying to her all that time was his sort of admission that he had been keeping Brennan deep in his heart the entire time. Maybe that ring was partially his way of saying he was sorry/absolution and trying not to look like a loser to Sweets and admit defeat (he is a bit of a masochist)? She couldn’t have been shocked to hear how it all turned out…..maybe the part about Brennan having two kids! LOL

    I’m definitely glad that story of one of them being ready while the other ran scared is over….it was torture at times! Much prefer thinking of them living the good life!

  124. Random item — As much as I love the idea of Booth playing a Seal (and I do *love* this and hope it goes to series) it would have been interesting to see him play against type for once. Something other than a tortured & brooding/action hero role. I would like to have seen him as a scientist or a computer nerd or even in a comedy role. In fact (and others have suggested it before me) I think he and ED could have been magnificent in a comedy together IF it was well-written.

  125. The auction is winding down today and tomorrow. Has anyone won anything yet? I’ve had a couple of bids out-bid but I have one still standing. *fingers crossed*

  126. I didn’t bid on anything. I thought about it but the few things I liked, the prices just escalated so high I decided against it. I wanted to bid on the old telephone (the Hannah phone) but then i realized I can get a real, working antique phone for the same price, so no.

    Did you see that Brennan’s wedding gown went for $1400??? Add to that the 25% surcharge and shipping and that’s one expensive dress!

  127. I seriously thought about Brennan’s floral teal dress (because I could actually wear that) but it’s up to $200 now. I’m also looking at “Dr. Brennan’s Analysis on Agent Booth” (currently $125) and the yellow blanket Booth and Christine used on their couch (currently $125) but I probably won’t bid.

    • Nothing has been said about proceeds being donated to any charity or organization. The money probably does go back to the network or maybe the production company, but I can find anything that states anything definitive.

  128. “Sweets guilted him into telling Hannah. If Sweets hadn’t pushed him Booth would have kept that all a secret.”

    I do miss Sweets! But he also pushed Booth into the ill fated “I’m the gambler” scene with Brennan. I do love that Booth told her his true feelings there, but she was not readyfor that. Sweets pushed him twice, and both times with bad outcomes.

    Remember Booth’s convo with Sweets in Mastadon? To me, I always felt Booth was trying to convince himself he could move on with someone else.

    Sweets: Daisy just wants to pick up where we left off, and I don’t know whether to…
    Booth: Move on.
    Sweets: Yeah. Like you did.
    Booth: You know what? You asked my opinion, right? I’m going to give it to you. Listening? Give yourself a chance to be happy. Move on.
    Sweets: Did that work for you?
    Booth: Yeah. It did. It did.

    Hmm… I wasn’t convinced then or now about is words!
    Also Sweets was baiting him using Daisy & him as an example to figure out Booth & Brennan’s relationship

  129. “Whew. Thank goodness we can now think about B&B married and their beautiful life with Christine and Hank. I love to think about how Hannah found out about all of that!”

    Lol, I like to picture Hannah lurking in the bushes, peeking in B&B’s glass house and seeing them all togther, happy.

  130. Sweets: Did that work for you?
    Booth: Yeah. It did. It did.

    I agree jmg – Booth was always trying to convince himself. Notice the ‘past tense’ in his answer. Easy to have moved on when Brennan was thousands of miles away and he wasn’t seeing or hearing from her. Much harder thing to accomplish when she’s right in front of you being that sweet human being with a big heart that you love! LOL

    Hannah hiding in the bushes makes me smile! LOL

    ‘The money probably does go back to the network or maybe the production company’

    The added fees are big, so I’m kinda weary about rewarding Fox for canceling the show! LOL But I haven’t ruled it out totally! 😉

  131. On a different topic, and maybe this puts me into hall monitor territory, why do some fans feel the need to tweet stars and ask them to do/tweet certain things? They ask for stars to “like my tweet” or “follow me on Twitter” (yeah right like that will happen) or for them to tweet something specific like “Happy Birthday”.

    Today people are tweeting David because he hasn’t wished Sarah Michelle Gellar happy birthday. From what I’ve seen on Instagram David is on a spring break trip with his family, skiing and visiting his wife’s family. He may not even be thinking about SMG or maybe he wished her happy bday on private, as their families appear to be friendly.

    Anyway, I just don’t get the direct tweets to him.

    • Yeah I notice that stuff alot with Backstreet fans as well. My goal is to treat them like they are normal and also to tell them I appreciate their work. Like when I complimented David on his directing instead of just fangirling his muscles. (That stuff is for here only! Lol) I don’t know if DB saw it but at least HH did.

  132. Oh, I think commenting on their work is fair game. Even if it isn’t necessarily complimentary I think they should hear fans’ reactions to their work. Even asking for a happy bday isn’t so bad…I think Hart has responded to some of those requests from time to time, but when it drifts over into outright demands that one person tweet another person something specific (for example…”David, you will crush all your fans if you don’t tweet happy bday to SMG”) it gets a little weird.

  133. My bid came out on top for the picture of baby Parker! I’m so excited! In my world, Parker will always be the adorable little boy with the big smile and head full of curls, who grew into a sexy, tousle-headed rock star. 😀

    Now, do I put this on my Bones shelf or on the wall with my ‘Roots & Wings’ fanart. Decisions….decisions.

  134. Congrats on getting something! I didn’t remember ever seeing that picture of Parker. I did bid on one piece of jewelry but got out bid and didn’t want it that bad! LOL I have a Bones mug, that will suffice for now. 😉

    It is strange when fans try to get actors to ‘do’ things. I guess twitter and instagram makes them feel like they really have access to these people. It is a strange line that they walk with that stuff. Like DB allows fans to know what he’s up to but I can see where it could get weird and creepy because some people don’t appear to be able to draw a line. ED falls completely the other way! LOL Since she is rarely out there, I guess when she tweets anything, people go crazy too! go figure

    • Hey everyone….did anyone else have a hard time finishing their homework assignment with Easter festivities? Who needs an extension? Raise your hand 🙂

    • Haha I love their hashtags! If we were to get a season 13, I’d tweet this to TPTB every single day over the hiatus. I like the end of the post #Iwillhappilylookatthisforever because that’s my mindset too. I’m just gonna remember and rewatch the stuff I liked and pretend the crap didn’t even happen. Better than being frustrated over what we didn’t get. So so so sad they blew up the Mighty Hut….ooh that gives me an idea. Meet me over in the Season 13 post 🙂

  135. “HH had promised that he would never use “diatomaceous earth” again. 😀 Did he in the final season?”

    Nope, I never heard it again on Bones.

    • I’m sure the actors are all grateful 🙂 It would’ve been kinda funny if there had been a headline or piece of paper with the words on it that the camera panned over. No one has to verbally say it. That’d be my way of sneaking it in the finale 🙂

  136. I think it would have been cute to have Christine bring it up at some point…”Daddy, Mommy says we need to get some diatomaceous earth for the garden.”

    • Oooh Estella, I like that even better! Although my puckish side is thinking that’s the name of Sully’s new boat or something lololololol

  137. Going through some old Bones files I saved. This one was posted by our old friend AA-

    by Anthropologistic_Alien (Sun Oct 30 2011 05:38:19)

    Okay. So this is the most in depth I’ve ever gone. Please forgive the ramble but I’ve tried to be detailed for the people who aren’t so obsessed with the show that they can quote everything off of the tops of their heads.

    Personally, I don’t think the actual 4:47 means anything by itself. But it’s like the thread on a needle, sewing B&B’s story together (for lack of a better description).

    We start off with The End in the Beginning. The first time we ever see B&B as an established couple is at 4:47. They’re happily married and she’s pregnant. I believe in the EitB theory that this is how Bones will end, and that everything that happens after EitB is the story of how Brennan and Booth get to this point. Hence it being called the End in the Beginning.

    So really, B&B’s story truly begins after EitB. Booth realises he’s in love with Brennan. Across the first 16 episodes of season 5, we see a lot of references to EitB. For example, Angela’s use of ‘awkward, awkward, very awkward’ and Hodgins’ map of the Jeffersonian. But Brennan isn’t anywhere near the place the character of Bren was in EitB. By the time we reach The Bones on the Blue Line, her attitude towards marriage has changed from dismissing it as something archaic, to something she believes she needs a reason to enter. But that’s not being happily married to Booth so something had to change.

    The Parts in the Sum of the Whole was the catalyst. That changed everything. Personal opinion about this episode and Hannah isn’t relevant here. It no longer matters how they did it, just that it happened. All that matters to me is the huge sign they specifically added to the memorial for this episode.

    “Nothing happens unless first a dream”

    But it ‘goes wrong’ and B&B end up further apart than they’ve ever been before. There’s no marriage, no baby and lots of room for the Holy Spirit. All the pieces start to align in the Beginning in the End, when the team parts ways. I think the 4:47 in the hoarder’s apartment shows that the separation is all part of the journey. Brennan and Booth are on separate paths from this point on.

    By the time season 6 starts, Booth has a new girlfriend and Brennan has had the time and space she needed to think things through rationally. By the time The Doctor in the Photo arrives, she’s realised that she doesn’t want to have any regrets. The character of Brennan is finally ready for the events we saw in EiTB.

    But the story of B&B still isn’t finished. We see another reference to EitB in Bikini in the Soup, and a reference to BitE in Killer in the Crosshairs, before we finally reach The Blackout in the Blizzard. BitB is where B&B’s paths finally rejoin. We finally see that in the near future, they’re going to be a couple. They’re both in the same place. Literally. And confirmation of this is the gorgeous last shot from director David Boreanaz. He focuses on the single electric bulb straight after B&B write down their dates.

    Remember the quote from EitB? “Can they feel the crackle of electricity in the wind or are they only aware of the power they generate between themselves?”

    B&B is on from that point, baby.

    However, there’s one last hurdle; Booth’s anger. It doesn’t matter what anybody thinks of Booth’s anger at this point. They still need a reason, one last push to become a couple and we get it in the most bittersweet way imaginable. The death of Vincent Nigel Murray in The Hole in the Heart.

    It could so easily have been Brennan who got shot, and it should have been Booth. VNM’s death is beautifully tied to The Doctor in the Photo in that he dies with a lot of regrets. He’s spent several episodes apologising for things he’s done, and he’s not ready to die. And it’s 4:47 in the morning when Brennan wakes Booth up.

    Since we weren’t privy to the finer details of B&B’s relationship from this point (again, opinion no longer matters), we can only make theories about what happened between here and the moment she tells him she’s pregnant in The Change in the Game. To me, the finer points don’t matter because we don’t know the finer details in EitB. All I care about is that they’re finally together and they’re having a baby, and every single thing I’ve seen about season 7 makes it sound like a heaven even this atheist can believe in.

    And the best part of it all is that we still have a few chapters of B&B’s story left

    Great analysis by AA! Her comment about Blizzard is what made me think of this post I had saved.

  138. Those are great points! I love her thoughts about VNM – I’ve never seen anything tying him into DITP. I’m still not on board that someone had to die for B&B to happen, but the way it was set up worked. And thank God Emily was pregnant, because HH’s thoughts of changing will they/won’t they to are they/aren’t they for S7 would have been awful to watch. At least a pregnancy spared us that.

  139. Ooooh our Bones Tuesday tomorrow is a good one! Man in the SUV if you have a chance to watch it tonight!!!! Our first “real” episode of the series (excluding the pilot) so there’s a lot to dig into!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Yes!! “Man in the SUV”
      Hodgins and Booth
      Angela and “buy a ticket on that ride”
      Tessa, because doesn’t everyone meet strangers wearing a man’s shirt and underwear?
      Temperance “Don’t Touch Her or She’ll Kick Your Ass” Brennan
      Booth taking that shot.

      Episodes like that make me fall in love with ‘Bones’ all over again.

  140. Lol, I cheated a little bit and looked at the BT board Vintage Bones regarding that episode!

    Haha, Loved MJ’s comment-

    “Ooooh. . . .the blue shirt getting some attention. The man really should wear that color more often. Like, during every show.”


  141. Yes I do remember that he chose a boy for Booth after Jaden. About the same age.

    Jaden seems like a really nice kid. He also posted a pic on Instagram of him as a baby with his mom and said “15 years ago today I was blessed with the best ma ever. ”


  142. I am excited, but due to work schedule I have not watched the episode yet! But I will.

    Also, what happened to Estella??

  143. ^^ I saw that Shanny. I am glad he kept Bobblehead Bobby! I am assuming that it is kept at his house now 😀

  144. I’m still here! We were traveling and had much worse internet than I anticipated, so I wasn’t able to log on and spend time reading and commenting. Now Mother’s Day, but after that I’ll catch up.

    How about DB’s new show pick-up! Yeah, I guess. I’m glad we’ll have him back on TV, but some media people are trying to make DB/Jessica Pare the new “Booth and Brennan” and that’s just a big NO for me…:(

  145. Yeah you are BACK!! 💗🎉

    I am glad DB is back too, am just ignoring that idiot blurb….nobody knows anything about the characters, esp the two female characters, sounds like they are writing fan fic. Ha!

  146. Do you think DB will attend Upfronts in New York City this week? I would think so, since his show just got picked up.

  147. Definitely. I think the leads *have* to go to get presented by the network (Unless they have a viable excuse) CBS is on Wednesday (strange not typing Fox, 12yrs, I need to adjust, lol)

  148. OMG that is awesome! Thanks Hart!!! To bad you left!!!

    Welcome back Estella!! Hope you had a great vacation.

  149. I saw that tweet last night and it made me so, so happy!!! So, after endless discussion over many years about how and when they fell in love with each other, now we know the truth. They always did, right from the beginning. I think that deep down we all knew that, but it’s awfully nice to hear Hart say it.

  150. “I saw that tweet last night and it made me so, so happy!!! So, after endless discussion over many years about how and when they fell in love with each other, now we know the truth. They always did, right from the beginning. I think that deep down we all knew that, but it’s awfully nice to hear Hart say it.”

    Same 🙌🙌 it was always my head cannon it was love at first sight for them, Hart’s confirmation is the cherry on top!!!! 💑

  151. Bones reunion was asked about at Fox upfronts today.

    Me: as along as Hart is back 100% as show runner, and of course David, Emily, TJ, Michaela & Tamara.

  152. “Me: as along as Hart is back 100% as show runner, and of course David, Emily, TJ, Michaela & Tamara.”

    Yes. It needs to be Hart and/or Stephen back at the helm.

    • Um yeah. They’d better use the same cast and old showrunners! If they aren’t gonna do it right, then don’t do it at all!

      On another note, I keep automatically typing in “IMDB.com/title/tt0460627/board” when I go online, which was of course our beloved message board’s link. I’ve typed it in so much, it’s burned in my brain. Does anyone else keep doing that? It’s kind of like walking in a room but then forgetting what you needed…I keep forgetting the boards are gone. Wahhhh!!! So glad we have a space together 🙂

      • For awhile I kept going to IMDB but not anymore…Boots and Blazers is home now…yeah! I do miss some of the people we left behind (Old Dutch where are you?) but I love the little group on this site.

        After IMDB decided to eliminate the boards I decided that I wouldn’t go that that site anymore (yeah, I know they are sweating my loss) but darn it, that site is super-handy for looking up TV show and movie info, so I’ve sold out. I do go there sometimes when I really need to look something up…lol.

  153. “And dancing. Because Vintage Brennan was physical, coordinated and graceful, unlike the disastrous version from the dance competition in S8. #StillBitter”

    Lol! For sure.

  154. Hey all, due to Memorial Day craziness, I’m gonna push back the episode recap to Wednesday…hope you all had a good day with family and friends!

  155. Hmmm…. Kim Lowe (Chad’s wife) who is probably more in the know, commented “Mine ended up being strep…whatever it is that’s out there is awful”
    So, maybe that is what he got?
    He is wearing a mask, so they think he might be contagious. Also he has his glasses on.
    Get well soon!!
    One comment was, “even supermen need to rest”

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