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119 thoughts on “Random thread 5/31

  1. So, I love how the last Random Thread ended with Estella’s tumblr posts

    The Moment Booth Realizes He’s Still in Love with Brennan Even Though He Spent a Year Halfway Around the World and Found Another Girlfriend”

    Yep, When I saw that for the first time, I said “They love each other!” But then Booth showed Brennan the pic of Hannah, and I was like, “What??!!”

    When B&B used to kiss!!

    Thanks for those gems Estella!

    • Do you ever wonder if Booth and Brennan went back to London after they got together? I like to think they did, and when that bridge went up they toasted each other and kissed! Right? It must have happened…lol.

  2. “I like to think they did, and when that bridge went up they toasted each other and kissed! Right? It must have happened…lol.”

    It did happen! Head canon. 💣

    “Bones Tuesday tomorrow! The introduction of Epps! Arguably the best serial killer arc in all of Bones history”

    I agree! He was very creepy. Head in the refrigerator…😬

  3. Sunday my local channel aired Harbingers. LOVE that episode. Booth is in love with Brennan. One of my favorite scenes. I don’t know how many times I replayed Booth saying “I love you”. Then I stop it at that, lol!

    Plus B&B’s office hug, the “I got you baby” , Avalon telling B&B “my cards tell me this all works out eventually”.. Booth & his socks….such a great episode, written by none other than HH!!!

  4. Yes – this is why I don’t understand how some people believed Booth didn’t fall until the dream. He was very ‘smitten’ with her here. She amazed and surprised him and she felt it too. Her ‘what’ is an acknowledgement on some level. She enjoyed the fact he noticed, that he looked at her with such happiness and amusement. Love these moments when they let their guards down, the connection that they rarely let others see – no words needed!

  5. I agree NYChic. I like those older words like smitten or besotted. For some reason, it fits Booth so well. I would say that Brennan is/was the same way. I love how in the beginning, she is always talking to people like Tessa and lawyer Amy to try to understand him more. She can’t help it! When they glance at each other across the room, or argue over gun permits, they can’t quite keep their interest hidden.

    The best part of doing these old episode recaps is to remember that newness of their relationship. Where we were learning about their pasts bit by bit and seeing the partnership evolve. It’s helping me recapture my Bones affection.

  6. OMG, love love that gif of Booth! *drools*

    ” When they glance at each other across the room, or argue over gun permits, they can’t quite keep their interest hidden.”
    It was always the looks they gave each other!! Something that was lacking for the most part in season 11 & 12.

  7. So how is everyone liking the episode recaps? Worth continuing? Are people just lurking and not commenting? I’m happy to continue, just trying to feel out what the group consensus is!

  8. Sorry bb…I haven’t commented on this week’s recap but I intend to. I’m enjoying them, but I know it must be a lot of work for you. How are you feeling about it?

    I think it really hit me a couple of weeks ago how final this all is with Bones…no news, nothing much about the cast, nothing new to look forward to. It’s kind of a downer. Tumblr has become quite repetitive with the same pics showing up over and over. although there have been few fun things posted.

    Anyway, I’m enjoying the recaps still.

  9. I love your recaps! Of course, that’s easy for me to say since I’m sitting on this side of the computer, enjoying them but not actually having to put the work in for them. 😀

    This first season especially reminds me of everything I love about ‘Bones.’ The feeling is bittersweet but very welcome.

  10. Thanks all. Not trying to comment for attention lol just trying to get idea of everyone’s thoughts. I’ve never really moderated anything before…besides an old Dancing with the Stars group on FB years ago haha

  11. Random question: Did the actors on Bones make their own decisions about how to style their hair, or were the told what to do? For example, did ED decide to grow bangs for S6 or was that a deliberate decision by the Bones show runners? FWIW, it’s kind of nice because it means you can instantly identify a photo of a S6 episode…lol.

    I ask because TJ Thyne has posted an Instagram pic getting opinions on whether he should continue to grow his hair out or cut it. It just made me wonder about how things were when they were on the show.

  12. “Here’s a little send-off for the weekend!” Always love shirtless Booth!

    I too am loving the recaps bnb!! It helps keeps Bones alive reliving the old episodes. Summer is a busy time, and I just got back again from Up North, but I always keep updated and watch the old eps when I can!

  13. I haven’t seen the other movies ED has been in but she was in Glory Road and I did see that one. Basically, she’s just a naturally gorgeous lady! I liked the bangs as well. She has it pulled back at the lab, which makes sense, but usually her undercover looks are pretty fabulous (except for the bowling alley which is the wig’s fault lol!)

    DB looks amazing all the time. I wonder if he hates the constant shirtlessness (like is he self conscious or does he want us to have our “eyes up here” sometimes?) or if he just loves it/doesn’t mind it. Because I’m sure that’s quite a bit of work to keep up all the time. And since he keeps booking shows, its always a focus for him.

    • “DB looks amazing all the time. I wonder if he hates the constant shirtlessness (like is he self conscious”

      Somehow I don’t think that DB is self-conscious about his appearance…lol. That said, as he ages I’m sure it becomes more of a chore for him to keep in tip-top shape, and at some point he probably won’t be willing to do any more shirtless scenes (or won’t be asked to do them anymore…lol). In fact, we might not see any from him on this new show…maybe they’ll leave that to the younger guys?

      • Well I was just watching a Try Guys video on YouTube (veryyy addicting!) and the guys did photoshop pictures like women, and they started feeling really self conscious. DB may seem confident on the outside but who knows, maybe sometimes he feels “puffy” lol Remember when people would say that about him??

  14. Yes it is odd to have absolutely no Bones news! The recaps are a nice diversion when there is time to enjoy them.

    Yes the bangs were for the movie. I too liked them most of the time. There were a few times when they looked kinda funky. I like ED’s hair with layers. There might be some situations where an actor would need the ok of their studio if they were getting a hair cut. But usually it’s ok for them to do what they want. Like DB wouldn’t have been able to grow his hair out to something straggly playing an FBI guy or in his new show as a seal, he couldn’t be sporting a man bun or something similar I wouldn’t think. LOL
    DB does have to work at keeping his body in shape and I think it has payed off for him! He looks very nice, he’s gonna be the older guy in the group in the seals show, but I’d still think staying in tip top shape is gonna be necessary for it more so than Bones! I’m sure we’ll be getting his work out shots soon! 🙂

    • To be honest he does seem a little old to me for this role. Jim Caviezel is the same age, so maybe they have some back story to explain why this SEAL is a little older? I mean, DB could play a 40 year old perhaps, but not any younger than that.

    • Yeah, I’m happy for DB to keep working but he’s gonna need to take some desk jobs if he’s going to continue being in action based shows. Shoot, he was pushing the age limit of his FBI field work in Bones too. How many times can a 40 something guy be shot up, blown up, and tortured? Dude needs to be behind a desk, barking orders to the underlings. I imagine a similar “time limit” due to age hits Navy guys as well. You can only push your body to that extreme for so long! But…..DB does look prettyyyyy good in uniform, so I can suspend my disbelief for a few more years lol

  15. The last time we got shirtless Booth was season 10 premier. We got this lovely scene, one of my B&B faves-

    Why we could not have had more like this is beyond me!!

  16. Not the best pic of DB!!
    Bella looks cute in dance costume! Usually we see her in softball uniform or riding horses!

  17. Looking at the pic again from the dance recital, it looks like some sort of filter was used. Look at the other faces, and the lady in the background with the flower dress on. They all look a bit “gaunt” and off color, LOL!
    Why post such an unflattering pic however??

  18. As a side note- I had to do a search for this Random Thread since it does not pop up in any of the menus. The old random thread comes up on the general discussions/posts drop down menu. Is there any way to put this one in the drop down menu also so it is easier to access?

    Happy Independence Day!!!

  19. Not sure if anyone else caught this exchange on Instagram between Pej Vahdat and DB:

    dbodbo69Love to have you on Seal Team

    pejvahdat@dbodbo69 would love to! Lets make it happen brother. Hope you’re well.

    I haven’t noticed DB commenting on any other cast member’s Instagram or Twitter accounts. I wonder if this was just comment made to Pej on a whim or if DB has some particular reason he want’s Pej on SEALTeam?

    It would be really nice to see ED on his new show, but also wouldn’t mind seeing Tamara, Michaela, TJ, or Patricia Belcher!

  20. It would be fun to see some Bones peeps on Seal Team. Perfect wardrobe for ED – boots and camo uniforms! LOL
    She did say last month that she would entertain some possibilities in a couple of months?…or something like that. Give her a little time, she’s enjoying her kids I suppose. DB would never converse about this sort of thing with ED via twitter too private and protective of her. Once he lined something up, then he would….but that’s just wishful thinking.

  21. “It would be fun to see some Bones peeps on Seal Team. Perfect wardrobe for ED – boots and camo uniforms! LOL”

    Lol, for sure!! Yes, ED should pop in as the other worman and carry on a salacious affair with DB’s character! …just wishful thinking I’m sure also.

    But Pej is looking good! Bnb should tweet him and ask about it! He did reply to her once, I remember!!

  22. Random thoughts:

    I know a lot of Bones episode titles by heart such as HitH – Hole in the Heart, BitB – Blackout in the Blizzard, DitP – Doctor in the Photo etc…but I can never straighten out The Beginning in the End and The End in the Beginning.

    Also, if the end of Bones wasn’t really an end —

    “Booth: Why would you want to be reminded of the moment when everything almost ended, Bones?
    Brennan: Because it didn’t.”

    then why did they title the episode “The End in the End”? It seems like the word “Beginning” should have snuck in there somewhere, but I guess since they already used “The Beginning in the End” they didn’t have that option.

    Sigh…I guess seeing DB at TCA yesterday with his new show has made my thoughts turn to Bones.

  23. Speaking of Hole in the Heart…It was a repeat last night on my local channel & I recorded it to watch this weekend! I have the dvd of season 6, but had to record it. Love it! Season 6 was like that…some of the worst Bones episodes and some of the best! HITH on of them.

  24. So, last night rerun on of PitSotW was on. Yikes! Heartcrushing episode, but I watched it anyway with hindsight that it all worked out for B&B! Love Booth’s “Do you believe in fate?” when he first met Brennan, then again in Sweet’s office. Brennan says “I still don’t” and Booth “I still do”. Booth was right!
    Also after Booth’s attempt to “give this a chance”, and Brennan rejects him, he tells her “I gotta move on. I need to find someone who will love me…” Brennan says “I know”. So when Booth met Hannah, Brennan had been warned!

    Heartcrushing episode-

    BT board link

    Scene Study: The Parts in the Sum of the Whole-Hear Me Out

  25. Thanks jmg! Gotta love overprotective Booth! Very appropriate this week, since we just saw him threaten the gang guy in the last episode!!
    Are those the only two times he goes to such extremes? I’ve gotta think about it! 🙂

  26. OMG, I was looking at some old B&B videos I had bookmarked. This one has such great B&B moments, including protective Booth! Yummy, enjoy! 😘

  27. Thanks jmg – I can watch B&B over and over! Great episode to look forward to! I think it’s the first hug – and it’s a doozie!

  28. So David’s wife Jaime posted on Instagram yesterday “Planned a huge high school farewell party for jaden all they wanted to do is [boxing glove…image didn’t show up here].

    Now, David and Jaime’s son is only 15, so reading between the lines of recent Instagram and Twitter posts it sounds like Jaden is possibly going away to attend high school elsewhere, perhaps Connecticut. Presumably this has to do with advancing his hockey training?

    If that is the case, I really feel for Jaime. I would have a very, very difficult time sending my kid way for high school, especially if it was all the way across the country.

  29. Hmmm…we will have to keep up on this story! No way would I send my 15 y/o son across country for high school! Perhaps he is just changing schools close by?! DB has been working a lot of hours also, so Jaime will be alone with Bella a lot of time if that is the case. I hope not!!

    • Several things make me think it’s a New England prep school:

      – back in June, David took Jaden to New Hampshire to play in the Prep Cup NH, which is billed as “a great opportunity for players to get exposure to some of the top prep schools programs in New England.” They all posted pics of it. At the time I wondered, but since the family is clearly not leaving L.A. (with David’s new job and all) I forgot about it.

      – Jaden has CA||CT on his Instagram profile. Thinking that means California/Conneticut?

      – The top ice hockey prep schools are in New England (there is also at least one in Minnesota). Many college hockey players comes out of those prep schools.

      They are clearly intent on giving Jaden a shot at a professional hockey career. I just hope that is really what the boy wants, you know?

      I’ll have to say that Jaime is a real trouper if Jaden really is going away to a NE prep school. As a mom, I wouldn’t be able to go along with that. There are prep schools in Southern California so maybe he’s going to a local one instead. I agree, with Jaden away and DB working crazy hours on his TV show it’s just going to be Jaime/Bella alone a lot of the time.

      They have also posted recent Instagram pics of Bella on a new horse. So, perhaps since Jaden went the hockey route Bella will follow Jaime’s footsteps and get into horses?

  30. Great detective work Estella.
    Well, I hope it is what Jaden wants also. I guess if not, he would say he does not want to go across country to pursue a hockey career. We’ll see!! You have to be very good to break into the NHL. They recruit from all over the world.
    It does seem that Bella is following her mom with the horses!! I guess when you have money, you can afford hockey, prep school and horses!
    I wonder how her nail business is doing?? DB can’t retire yet…

    • Yeah, the life of prep schools and big-time hockey tournaments and horses is foreign to me…that kind of life takes a LOT of money.

      I agree, DB needs to keep working, luckily for us! Not sure about how his wife’s nail business is doing. I’ve been curious about that as well.

  31. No way would I send my 15 y/o son across country for high school! Perhaps he is just changing schools close by?!

    Have to agree with you jmg and Estella – it’s scary to send such a young man so far away.
    Maybe one of DB’s sisters live in CT and can be close to the boy while he’s there?

    I thought I remember seeing a picture of some kind of rink they built in their back yard for Jaden to practice? I hope he’s not going so far away! I sure would not have been able to handle it with my son! He needed my supervision! LOL

    But it is good detective work! Amazing how much we can learn about DB’s life and so little about ED’s! S. Cal/Celebrity world is a strange place! I have one child who lives there and has some workings in the peripheries of the business. She tells me strange stories sometimes! She can never get me any info on ED. lol

  32. David and Jaime are pretty open about what they are doing and seem to enjoy posting Instagram pics and videos. I enjoy getting glimpses into their lives and I think it’s generous for them to share like that.

    I would definitely be more like ED…hiding away. She just proves that you can stay out of the limelight as a celebrity if you choose to do so. I see some of her fans on Twitter pleading with her to post something or to get an Instagram account, but so far she hasn’t surfaced.

  33. It looks like Jaden might be attending Selects Academy at South Kent School. It is a private prep boarding school in Kent, CT. Apparently Selects Academy is very rigorous in both athletics and academics.

    I doubt they were able to find rigorous ice hockey programs in Southern CA, especially ones that would be scouted by Division I NCAA schools and/or the NHL.

  34. I would definitely be more like ED…hiding away. She just proves that you can stay out of the limelight as a celebrity if you choose to do so. I see some of her fans on Twitter pleading with her to post something or to get an Instagram account, but so far she hasn’t surfaced.

    LOL Me too!
    Zooey pretty much stays out of the limelight as well and she’s a much bigger ‘star’. Of course crazy me thinks ED is home playing with and recovering from baby #3! LOL
    I do think the best shot at seeing her would be on New Girl before it exits this next season some time and/or an appearance on DB’s ST.

    Sending a young man so far away, I hope it works out for the best for all of them!

  35. “Of course crazy me thinks ED is home playing with and recovering from baby #3!”

    I kind of think this might be the case as well, especially since she has disappeared since Bones ended. Wouldn’t be surprised at all to hear that she had a third baby. Good for her if she did!

    I do wonder how much of an acting career ED will have going forward. I could see her as a guest on New Girl, not so much on ST.

  36. Lol. I think ED is a Luddite. For real. So did ED have baby #3 yet? If she was about 4-5 months along during the finale filming, She should be about due now or recently had the baby. (assuming of course our suspicions are correct, lol!)

    I am reposting this here regarding reviewing seasons eps- My vote-

    “Oh, that sounds great! I thought you were only doing Season 1 and that was it.
    But….I also LOVE season 5! It had, IMO, some of the best B&B moments. Starting with Harbingers where Booth admits he is in love with Brennan. Fixing Booth’s plumbing, Pops, Goop on the Girl!! Watching season 5 I thought B&B were going to get together. I Loved the 100th ep. and Queen Bee right after it.

    So, my vote would be to go through season 5 for sure. Season 6 also had the best & worst of Bones. Skip the worst, and the Hannah eps. except for Doctor.

    Season 7, Memories still makes my head explode!!! Maybe by the time we get to Season 7 we could vote on which eps. to cover.”

    I mean just look at those Memories gifs I posted above. So yummy!!

  37. “Season 7, Memories still makes my head explode!!! Maybe by the time we get to Season 7 we could vote on which eps. to cover.”

    I liked Memories…I’ve watched it many times! I love their conversation in Booth’s kitchen…Brennan gets a little hurt when Booth says he isn’t going to ask her to marry him…lol.

    Even though I remember being disappointed that we missed all the romantic “getting together” moments, it was fun to see them as a couple for the first time.

  38. “Lol. I think ED is a Luddite. For real. So did ED have baby #3 yet? If she was about 4-5 months along during the finale filming, She should be about due now or recently had the baby.”

    Well I think the weight gain through s12 and the interviews after was because of a baby. Exactly when she delivered, no clue. The Bones cast was a very tight group and I think they would have just kept it quiet if ED wanted it that way. They were all fiercely loyal, especially ED and DB. DB was VERY protective of ED. I just figure she didn’t want the last season of Bones to be about her baby. Her appearance in June was kid oriented and she looked much improved from her January appearance. Also we’ve never known her to put on weight for any reason but pregnancy. So who knows…I figure she’ll talk about it eventually when/if she ‘returns’ to the tv screen!

    S7 was so much fun and so greatly appreciated after s6! LOL

    I loved the kitchen chat and was very happy when she actually said….
    …”I thought you said you would never move in with anyone again without being married”
    It was cute that he was so confidant in their relationship, he was sure she’d come to the conclusion she wanted to be married.
    It was also nice that they confirmed that they had been together the entire time…..spent most of their time together. There were many naysayers who claimed it was all ‘forced’ because of the baby. I never felt that way, for B&B it just kinda seemed organic in it’s own way.

  39. Re: Jaden going to prep school in Connecticut…my heart aches for his parents. I’m sure this is hitting David hard as well, but because I’m a mom I mostly sympathize with Jamie. I would not have the strength to send my child away to the other side of the country for high school. They will miss so many special moments with him…dates and school dances, going to local hockey matches to see him play, having his friends over for get-togethers, going to the high school football games, picking out pumpkins for Halloween, family dinners, etc… I also feel bad for Bella who won’t have her big brother around.

    I’m sure it was something they thought was necessary for Jaden to have a real shot at the NHL. I’m sure Jaden was really excited at the opportunity. Yes, they have lots of money and will probably be able to travel back there to see him more than regular (not rich) parents could, but it won’t be the same as having him at home.

  40. I am sure Jaden will be homesick too! He is used to a big house, nice view, big bedroom. Now a small dorm room! It will be an adjustment. And he will miss his parents and little sister!!

  41. Hey all! Wanted to take a poll….is anyone opposed to having Bones Wednesdays instead of Bones Tuesdays? Would that mess with anyone’s world? My other show, Dancing with the Stars is starting up soon and we live chat Mondays (on http://www.anniebarrett.com on show nights if anyone is interested). Due to the 2 hour nature of the show, that will affect postings. If y’all are cool with that, I would appreciate it. Or if there is another night that is preferable. Lol. Plus, I had a super long meeting at my new job today and my brain is TOAST right now.

    Thanks you all! You are the best, and I love ya, and I’m glad we found a way to chat post IMDB.

    • I don’t mind at all…any night that works for you is fine.

      I’m must grateful you started this site so we can still chat about Bones.

      Good luck on the new job.!

  42. Any day that works for you bb is great . We can even miss a week here and there! Like Estella I’m happy to have a place to come and check out any news about Bones cast and still chat about the series!

  43. Agreed bnb! Any day that is good for you, is good for us!! We are grateful for all your hard work and taking us on a trip down Bones memory lane.

  44. ” I know people like to say that it was “love at first sight” when Booth saw Brennan in that lecture hall, but to me, this is the moment Booth fell for Brennan.”

    Love that gif Estella! I did think that Booth was going to kiss her when I saw that for the first time. You can see on his face how he is thinking about her. 😍😘
    Lol, Love the comments :
    #and then he shoots his gun bc he’s sexually frustrated #and he will be for at least 6 more years #not enough guns in the world

    “Also, could we have a new Random Thread bb? This one is getting very, very long!”
    It is hard to scroll to the bottom! Love all the pics, but they do take up a lot of space.

  45. Very interesting to study the clip. Is it DB making faces at ED or Booth making faces at Brennan during her lines. The Booth faces when the camera is on Brennan seem to be very different from the ones Booth is making when the camera is on him. Scenes like that they have to film twice, one on her and one time on him I believe. They cut and splice it together.
    I wonder if DB did kiss her….LOL

  46. You’re right NW! In the second clip it looks like DB raises his eyebrows and in the third it looks like he is smiling.

    They do that a lot (especially DB)…you can see him smiling of goofing off while the camera is on ED. It’s fun to try to spot those. There is one toward the end of the series when Booth is in the hospital and Brennan is sitting by the bed, and I swear he is laughing while she is talking, but the camera is on her face.

  47. Hey all! Forgot to send a reminder that we are now doing Bones Wednesdays! Graft in the Girl went live this morning! Such a crazy episode because it was a ripped from the headlines piece and there was a guy really doing that before he got busted! And Bones made it personal by making it Cullen’s daughter who was affected. Definitely one that I don’t like to watch because it’s so real but also that’s what makes it good TV. (Here is one of the real life articles: http://abcnews.go.com/Primetime/story?id=1702763)

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