Home » Basic » The Woman in the Tunnel (1×16)

The Woman in the Tunnel (1×16)

Written By: Greg Ball, Steve Blackman

Directed by: Joe Napolitano

Our heroes find themselves underground, looking at a body and a bunch of rats.


BRENNAN: May I borrow your gun?

BOOTH: Why do you want my gun?

BRENNAN: I’m not going to shoot anyone. I promise.

BOOTH: It’s not a hammer or anything.

BRENNAN: We’ve been working together for months, Booth. A little trust would be nice.



BRB. Swooning over this jacket.


BOOTH: Careful.

BRENNAN: Here. Hold this.

Brennan fires at some of the rats.

BRENNAN: Now they’ll eat each other and leave our remains alone.

BOOTH: You know, you do know I have to file a report with the review board each time I discharges a round from my weapon.


They find the victim was a filmmaker, studying underground “mole” people. Booth is skeptical of their leader, the “mayor” of the mole people, until they start to talk.

BOOTH: I know you have a distinguished military record, Harold. 10th Special Forces Group. You know, I was with the Rangers.


HAROLD: What, so, you… you gonna tell me, uh, “Harold, I know what you been through. I been there, too, you know? I know how you ended up how you ended up”. You telling me that?

BOOTH: Yeah. I’m telling you that.


HAROLD: I killed people.

BOOTH: You saved five of your men.

HAROLD: By shooting a pregnant woman.

BOOTH: She had a grenade in her hand.

HAROLD: She had a child in her arms. I shot her and… the grenade went off. She died right away. That kid…took awhile. He kept looking at me, but I…

BOOTH: You did what a soldier had to do.

HAROLD: Yeah. You know… I was a good soldier- I was a very good soldier-but a pretty bad human being. Pretty bad human being.

Angela takes Brennan to task for chasing a mole person at the crime scene.


ANGELA: Just that I wish you were a little more scared, Brennan.

BRENNAN: I’m careful.

ANGELA: Running after a murderer in the dark is not being an observer.

BRENNAN: Booth told you about that?

ANGELA: More and more of your work is outside of this lab, running after bad guys. Just promise me you’ll be careful.

BRENNAN: Every society has its fringe dwellers, and every society fears its fringe dwellers. Usually because they are the example of what happens when you fail in that society. But they are seldom dangerous in reality.

ANGELA: Brennan, I understand that this is what you do when things get too close to home. You get all analytical and academic. I just want you to know that maybe Marni Hunter did the same thing. And now she’s dead.


As they find suspects, they talk to Harold again.

HAROLD: People around me die. Marni died.

BOOTH: There’s always going to be casualties, Harold. The important thing is to recognize the enemy, and take him out so more people don’t get hurt.

BRENNAN: Can you take us down there, Harold?


BOOTH: Harold will know where that vault is.


BRENNAN: Okay, maybe you could try the “Hey, we’re brothers in arms” thing on him.

BOOTH: Okay, that, what you just said right there, Bones- that was cynical. It was glib and cynical.

BRENNAN: Really?

BOOTH: Yes, really. I know what that guy has been through.

BRENNAN: You killed a pregnant woman who was holding a child?

BOOTH: Look, if you really want to know what I’ve done, I’ll tell you, but you better be ready for the truth.

Brennan is clearly not ready.

BOOTH: Good choice, Bones.

Later, Brennan attempts to help Harold.


BRENNAN: You know, you don’t have to live down here. There are alternatives.

HAROLD: No, not for me.

BRENNAN: You’re hiding. You have to face your demons.

HAROLD: Living here, this is the only way I can pay so I won’t have to go to hell for what I’ve done.

BRENNAN: Harold, there are programs that help people like you.

HAROLD: And what are people like me?

BRENNAN: Mentally ill.

BOOTH: Whoa, Bones, simmer down, all right? You might want to just, you know, sidle up to the issue a little easier.

HAROLD: I like it. Someone’s honest, says the truth. You don’t lie, I guess.

BRENNAN: No, I don’t lie. Agent Booth and I would be glad to help you.

HAROLD: This is as far as I go.

BRENNAN: It doesn’t have to be that way.

BOOTH: No, Bones, he means this is the perimeter. This is as far as he agreed to take us.

HAROLD: Beyond this it’s not safe.

BRENNAN: How much farther to where you found the medallion?

HAROLD: You’ll see. It’s down there.

BOOTH: You stay here, all right? Between one soldier to another? You got my back.

HAROLD: I never left my men.

The squints realize that they’ve been learning “too much” from hanging out with Booth.


GOODMAN: Also Civil War vintage. The spread pattern suggests not a shotgun, but a muzzle-loaded pistol like a LeMat. If you don’t mind some conjecture.

BRENNAN: You’re the boss.

GOODMAN: This fellow knew something of value was being stored.

HODGINS: Came down with an accomplice. I apologize. I’ve been hanging around Booth way too much.

BRENNAN: It’s a valid hypothesis. No doubt one of many.

ZACK: They argued. One killed the other for the treasure. Doesn’t that mean the vault will be empty when we find it? Oh, my God, they got me, too.

Angela gets the task of making a sketch with Harold’s help.


BRENNAN: You nervous?

ANGELA: I’m not nervous. I’m scared. I don’t know how to talk to crazy people unless I’m dating them.

BRENNAN: I’m not sure he’s actually clinically insane.

ANGELA: Okay. I don’t know how to talk to people who live underground and who might have tossed a documentary filmmaker down a hole.

BRENNAN: Just be honest with him, Ang. Treat him with respect. You’re good at that.


Through Angela’s magic powers, they find the exact tunnel they need to search.



Hahahaha! Oh, Angela.


BRENNAN: Can I just have a gun at least until they get here? It’s not for shooting rats. It’s for psychos with climbing axes.


BOOTH: Bones, we go in there, you are responsible for whoever is on your left. Okay, you put your gun on him.



How do they not make out? Like, all the time?!??!


BRENNAN: Okay. How will I know whether or not to shoot?

BOOTH: Wondering whether or not to shoot, you shoot.

BOOTH: FBI. Hands in the air.

BRENNAN: Yeah, hands in the air.

LOL, Brennan.


DUKE: We’re not armed.

KYLE: Everybody relax. They don’t shoot people for trespassing.

BOOTH: They do for murder. Put your hands on your head. Do it.


KYLE: Murder?! What murder?

BOOTH: Kyle, I’m throwing you these restraints. Put them on Duke. Now.

DUKE How are we supposed to climb out of here in handcuffs?

BRENNAN: Would you rather go out in body bags? Put on the damn restraints. Let you do the talking. Got it.

KYLE: You think we killed Marni?

BRENNAN: She was killed with a climbing ax.

BOOTH: Duke, sit down. Bones, give me your gun. Take the restraints out of my belt, and put them on Kyle. That’s not cocked, is it? Because where that’s pointed…

BRENNAN: You’re safe.

KYLE: Marni was killed with a climbing axe?

BRENNAN: She knew about this treasure, she was going to put it in her documentary, would’ve cost you guys a fortune. So one of you killed her. Who’s left handed?

BOOTH: Bones, you know, it’s best to have this sort of explanation after the bad guys are incapacitated.


(KYLE lifts some heavy artifact and hits DUKE.)

KYLE: You killed her for this?

BOOTH: That’s why.

BRENNAN: Yeah, well, I’ll try to remember that for next time.

We end the episode, finding that Brennan did help Harold.


ANGELA: Harold’s being released.

GOODMAN: You found a place for him?




She’s so pretty when she’s helping people 🙂


They end up letting him just go back to his underground world, after providing him with a flashlight.


12 thoughts on “The Woman in the Tunnel (1×16)

  1. This was not one of my favorite episodes, but there are things to love, as bnb pointed out so well
    -Booth and that jacket. Hot!! *fans self wildly*
    -How do they not make out? Like, all the time?!??! Seriously!! Hot pic of B&B!
    -The Angelatron! I loved the first 2 seasons with the shimmery images.
    -Brennan and her gun. Lol, “BRENNAN: Would you rather go out in body bags? Put on the damn restraints. Let you do the talking. Got it.”
    -Brennan again shows that she is not clueless about social norms and helping people!! “She’s so pretty when she’s helping people 🙂”

    Watching older episodes shows how it went off the rails, esp. season 12!
    Recently my local channel ran reruns of HitH, Change in the Game, and Memories. I watched all 3 in a row… My head still explodes over Memories and all the yummy B&B moments. It was like a wish list of fans came true! And that episode was written by Stephen Nathan!! I will post some great Memories pics on random thread. Love it. We need to do a scene study on that episode. I think there was one on BT board actually. 🙂

  2. – We get some insight into Brennan in this episode when she comments that it’s “another reason to work alone”. I thought the similarity to DitP was striking when Angela compares Brennan to the victim “Brennan, I understand that this is what you do when things get too close to home You get all analytical and academic. I just want you to know that maybe Marni Hunter did the same thing. And now she’s dead.”

    – I liked how Booth bonded with Harold over what is required of you when you are a soldier in special forces. Harold says “I was a pretty good soldier, but a very bad human being”…shades of Booth’s turmoil.

    – Booth in black in interrogation room was just…whew, but I think I finally found a color that doesn’t look great on him… not a fan of that yellow shirt he has on in Brennan’s office.

    – Very good music in this episode, and we get a song playing while they are examining the bones.

    – Again, I love Hodgins and Zach together.

    – Brennan calls it the tic tock team, and Booth accidentally calls them that on the radio…lol

    – Goodman and Booth are kind of mean to Brennan – teasing her about Clue. Also, I’m sure her family would have played board games together before Max and Christine ran off.

    This wasn’t a favorite episode, but it does have one of my favorite B&B exchanges:

    BOOTH: Yes, really. I know what that guy has been through.
    BRENNAN: You killed a pregnant woman who was holding a child?
    BOOTH: Look, if you really want to know what I’ve done, I’ll tell you, but you better be ready for the truth. (She relents from asking more.)
    BOOTH: Good choice, Bones. “

    Brennan doesn’t push, and Booth looks relieved, but also pained.  He needs to share what he has done and he will, later, with Bones.  Love this!

  3. Have to agree it’s not one of my favorites because it’s so case oriented. But it was an interesting case, it was a dark one! All that tunnel stuff just added to the ‘darkness’. But season 1 was honestly very ‘case’ driven. Most were very well written with more of a dark/heavy tone.
    The gun play/trust issues spring up. Brennan telling Booth if you trust me you’ll let me use the gun. Booth explaining (it’s not about trust) that he has to write a report every time it’s discharged. Brennan does have her little ‘gun’ obsession!

    Estella you pointed out the important exchanges.
    Booth feeling the residual hurt of the things he’s done and understanding Harold.
    Brennan loved the anthropological aspects of this ‘fringe society’.
    Angela’s exchange with Brennan was very good. Her pointing out those similarities with the victim does show how HH tending to think even back then as far as explaining the characters to us. That and the tortured soul of Booth. etc….

    One question I have, we learn in the pilot that Brennan is a good shot and does martial arts (Booth says it’s her way of dealing) – so why so hesitant to ‘give her a gun’? Or better yet why didn’t she always have her own permit to carry? Because how does someone get to be a good shot without having a gun and practicing? LOL

  4. About the gun, I think he is hesitant because partly what he said above about the paperwork, and Brennan tends to be a loose cannon when talking to annoying suspects she doesn’t like. She’s already punched and kicked guys and its only season 1. lol And perhaps subconsciously, he’s being the protector and doesn’t want her in the line of fire because he’s smitten. 🙂

    One thing I will say for Bones/HH/Booth is that its given me a deeper respect and appreciation for law enforcement. How they literally put their lives on the line ALL THE TIME and how the bad stuff they see stays with them. We saw how Booth’s sniping saved so many lives but how he hated taking the ones he had to take. Even the lowest level of police officer has seen more horrible things then I’ll probably ever see. I mean, you even see the squints struggling with what they see in the lab. Angela freaking out about the death and destruction of her job. That would be hard to deal with.

    I know other crime shows attempt to give backstories and such, but none have made it so real to me as Bones did. Credit to the writers and HH for giving them so many dimensions.

  5. “I know other crime shows attempt to give backstories and such, but none have made it so real to me as Bones did. Credit to the writers and HH for giving them so many dimensions.”

    So so true. I cared about these characters from Day 1, their lives & story drew me back week after week, year after year. 👍❤

  6. “One thing I will say for Bones/HH/Booth is that its given me a deeper respect and appreciation for law enforcement. How they literally put their lives on the line ALL THE TIME and how the bad stuff they see stays with them. We saw how Booth’s sniping saved so many lives but how he hated taking the ones he had to take.”

    “So so true. I cared about these characters from Day 1, their lives & story drew me back week after week, year after year. 👍❤”

    I agree completely. It was definitely what set Bones apart. I think that’s why we care about them so much and look at them as “real” people.

    Since Bones, I’ve started new TV shows and then just quit watching when I realize that I just don’t care about any of the characters! Why waste my time with that? Fingers crossed that DB’s new show ST (thanks Shanny for the abbreviation…was getting tired of typing that out!) has good writers who can make us care about the characters.

  7. “About the gun, I think he is hesitant because partly what he said above about the paperwork, and Brennan tends to be a loose cannon when talking to annoying suspects she doesn’t like. ”
    And she shot a suspect in the leg.

    Love Mummy gun exchanges-

    Booth: [Bones is dressed as Wonder Woman and pulls out a large hand gun] Okay, where did you even find a place to *carry* that?

    Booth: Bones, listen. You stay here. Anyone comes through that door, you shoot their heads off. EXCEPT ME!
    Dr. Temperance Brennan: My gun is too big for me.
    Booth: Could’ve told you that a hundred times. Here, take mine.

  8. “Of course, she needs Booth’s “gun” lololololol” 🙂

    Mummy never gets old. I love the ending of the ep. also when they are discussing their bad “date” and Booth killing a suspect.

    I think when we are done with Season 1 episode study we should do each season picking out the best episodes to review! What do you think our fearless leader, bnb??!!!!

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