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The Hero in the Hold (4×14)

The Hero in the Hold
Episode 4×14 / Production 4×08
Written By: Janet Lin and Karine Rosenthal
Directed by: Ian Toynton

A bunch of Gravedigger investigators have been called to see a judge.

JUDGE WILLIAMS: Let me make this very clear. If any of you has any evidence linked to the Gravedigger case, I am ordering you as a federal judge to turn it over to Ms. Taffet.

TAFFET: Turn it over to me today and you get full immunity.

Apparently there is a party for Brennan somehow and Booth is running late. But we get to see Booth in a tux, so…good plot point.


BOOTH: I’m hurrying Bones.

BRENNAN: Do you need directions?

BOOTH: No, I do not need directions…

BOOTH: Alright Bones, listen. Don’t worry, I will be there when they crown you super scientist…I will be the guy in the cocky belt buckle and the snazzy rented tux. Someone’s knocking on my door.

They get a Gravedigger message.

GRAVEDIGGER’S VOICE: I have taken Seeley Booth. He has been buried alive. He has 21 hours to live. Bring the evidence to the SW5 DC Boundary Stone in return for which you will receive GPS coordinates. If you involve law enforcement I will know and Seeley Booth will die. This is my final communication.

Cam, makes a very valid point that makes the ultimate Gravedigger identity reveal basically impossible.

CAM: …especially lugging 190 pounds of unconscious Booth.

BRENNAN: He was dragged…toward the window.

Meanwhile, Booth sees someone with him…


BOOTH: Teddy? This isn’t real.

TEDDY: I’m gonna go with real. Nice monkey suit by the way. I would never have thought to go formal to a kidnapping.

BOOTH: Look, no offense but you know, I’ve been drugged, electrocuted…stuffed in a…Beatles toy. You’re…you’re a hallucination, that’s what you are. You’re a hallucination.

TEDDY: Aww, that’s nice. I show up to help you and you toss me off as a hallucination.

BOOTH: You’re dead corporal. I felt your heart stop.

TEDDY: No use crying over spilled milk, Sarge.

Teddy is a pretty funny hallucination.

TEDDY: Nah, Sarge. It’s too high. How about that one?

BOOTH: I already saw that.

TEDDY: Now you’re getting competitive with a hallucination. Aw, you really haven’t changed, Sarge. Once you knew it had to be done, nothing can stop you.

Brennan finds out that Hodgins was the one hiding evidence on the case.


HODGINS: I’m pretty close to…discovering the manufacturer. Which will help us narrow down the suspect pool.

BRENNAN: Booth doesn’t have that kind of time.

Question: Hodgins and Angela can always find things out in a ridiculously short period of time. Why did it take Hodgins so long to identify a bumper sticker in this particular case??

Exhibit A: Angela instantly overrides a voice scrambler.

ANGELA: Now despite the voice scrambler, I was able to extract specific phonemes by running the waveform through a 4AA Transform.

Meanwhile, Teddy and Booth continue to work together to get out of the hold.


BOOTH: Get in.

TEDDY: Hey, real people go first, Sarge.

BOOTH: Get in before I change my mind, will you?

TEDDY: Woah…okay…get a grip, Sarge. You’re attacking your own hallucination.

BOOTH: You are not an hallucination. You helped me open up that hatch. I wouldn’t have been able to open up that hatch without you.

TEDDY: Okay, okay. So what does that make me?

BOOTH: You…are a ghost.

TEDDY: I’m a ghost? Hey, why aren’t you scared?

TEDDY: I kept telling you. I said, “learn to pick a lock.” You remember your response, Sarge?

BOOTH: Yeah. “Any lock worth picking is worth kicking. And I still stand by it.


Teddy asks Booth about his son.

BOOTH: Parker. I named him Parker.

TEDDY: That’s my name.

BOOTH: That’s your last name.

TEDDY: You named your kid after me?

BOOTH: Yeah.

Angela gets real with Brennan as time is running out.

ANGELA: Listen to me, Brennan. Somebody you love is buried alive. You’re allowed to save them no matter how irrational.

BRENNAN: I don’t love Booth.

ANGELA: Yes you do. So do I. So do all of us. Just take my advice and hand over the evidence and get Booth.

Brennan goes to someone who owes her and Booth a big favor.

BOOTH: You’re brother has been kidnapped by the Gravedigger.

JARED: Seeley’s been kidnapped? When?

BRENNAN: Booth will be dead in 6 hours. What I need you to do is hijack the remains of a murder victim and then bring them to me.

JARED: I’m in military intelligence, we don’t hijack dead bodies.

BRENNAN: The victim’s name is Thomas Vega.

JARED: So you want me to steal the remains of a murder victim from the FBI?

BRENNAN: Yes! As soon as possible, please.

JARED: I can make a few calls…

BRENNAN: No. This is not a situation where you make a few phone calls.

JARED: That’s who I am, Tempe. I am the guy who makes a few calls.

BRENNAN: Booth has never turned his back on you. You are a selfish coward and you never deserved him.


Teddy asks Booth about Brennan.

TEDDY: You got a partner now?

BOOTH: Yeah.

TEDDY: You two tight?

BOOTH: Yeah.. Um…we’re uh…you would have…you’d like her. She’s…

TEDDY: Her? Way to go Sarge!

They get real.

TEDDY: Tomorrow’s the anniversary. I need a favor.

BOOTH: If I survive this, anything.

TEDDY: I need you to tell Claire I loved her.

BOOTH: You never told her?

TEDDY: I was 20. I didn’t know how to say it.

BOOTH: What? You say, “I love you.” I mean, what’s so hard about that?

TEDDY: What? You’ve never loved somebody and didn’t say it to ’em? So maybe that’s why I’m here. To get you to say “I love you” to somebody.


Yes, Teddy, please help him.

Teddy molds some C4 explosive.

BOOTH: Good job, kid. What the hell is that supposed to be?

TEDDY: A well shaped charge. It’s a mermaid, you get it? It’s not sexist cause she’s mostly fish.

BOOTH: Right…

Brennan and Hodgins decide the attorney is the Gravedigger after some help from Jared.


JARED: Can you prove it?

BRENNAN: No, we can’t. Is that a problem?

JARED: Not for me.

Another hallucination absolves Booth of guilt he has been carrying around.


TEDDY: You told me to get down twice. You gave the order. I didn’t listen.

BOOTH: What?

TEDDY: Sarge, stop. I didn’t come here to haunt you. I came to tell you it wasn’t your fault.

They figure out that the middle-aged female attorney dragged a dead-weight Booth onto a Navy ship set to be sunk. Brennan pushes to get him help fast.




BOOTH: Thanks for coming to get me, Bones.

BRENNAN: You should have stayed in the hospital another day.

BOOTH: No, I didn’t mean…get me out of the hospital. I meant…coming out on the helicopter…and the ship. Thanks for saving my life.

BRENNAN: I got you this.

BOOTH: Cocky! How’d you find that? That’s hard to find.


BRENNAN: I read through your report. It seems as if you would need 2 people to do most of what you did.

BOOTH: I had help. There was a ghost.

BRENNAN: You were injured, drugged, disoriented, breathing bad air…There are no such things as ghosts.

BOOTH: Whatever you have to tell yourself there, Bones.

BRENNAN: Who’s ghost?

BOOTH: He’s buried over there.

BRENNAN: The ghost?

BOOTH: Corporal Edward Parker. He was slain while serving his country. He was 20. He was just a kid.

BRENNAN: Was it…your fault that he died?

BOOTH: No. Fortunes of war. It wasn’t my fault. You see that woman over there? Her name is Claire. I have a message for her from Teddy.

BRENNAN: What, a message from a ghost?

BOOTH: You wait here, okay?

BRENNAN: But you’re gonna deliver a message to that woman…from a ghost?


TEDDY: Beautiful day. Makes you feel glad to be alive, doesn’t it?

BRENNAN: Yes, it does.

Question time:

1. Did Jared helping to get Brennan a body, risking his job, absolve him from his last episode?

2. What do you make of Booth’s hallucinations all reassuring him of his various insecurities?

3. What do you make of the Gravedigger arc after many years of hindsight?

4. How did B&B not hook up after they got out of that helicopter?!

9 thoughts on “The Hero in the Hold (4×14)

  1. Love this episode! ONE of my all time favorites. So much Booth screentime!
    I will be watching this tonight and comment more tomorrow.

    Wet Booth?? What’s not to like about that!

  2. 1. Did Jared helping to get Brennan a body, risking his job, absolve him from his last episode?

    I believe it did. Brennan pushed the right buttons plus Jared wanted to be the hero brother for once. Yet, Jared still has a flaw of character.

    2. What do you make of Booth’s hallucinations all reassuring him of his various insecurities?

    Sweets would says it is Booth’s way of reconciling his guilt. The writers did not write it as hallucinations but as a actual ghost. Brennan could not have talked to Teddy Parker if he was Booth’s hallucination.

    3. What do you make of the Gravedigger arc after many years of hindsight?

    I’m somewhat indifferent about it. A lot was packed into one episode introducing and revealing the Gravedigger. Several plot holes to ignore.

    4. How did B&B not hook up after they got out of that helicopter?!

    Booth ignored Teddy’s advice and didn’t tell Bones of his love!

  3. ^ Could not agree more with your comments Paul!

    -The scene where Booth is trapped in the “Beatles submarine” and is trying to get out…yikes! claustrophobia inducing. Good thing he had on the watch Parker gave him.

    -Loved the scene of Jared doing “spring cleaning” with Tafett. “I got you b*itch” he says. Jared gave up his career to save his brother, so I definitely agree he absolved himself.
    -Brennan wacking Tafett with the briefcase is also a classic. Of course she loves Booth…even though she says to Angela she doesn’t. She still cannot admit it to anyone. And neither can Booth

    -Booth in the tuxedo getting ready to support Brennan at the award ceremony is hot!
    -We do have to suspend belief to think that Tafett was able to lug 190lbs of Booth out the window and down the fire escape without anyone seeing anything!
    -We see Agent Perotta again! Annoying! She is following the team around and busts Brennan and Hodgins as they discover Vega dead and when they deliver the evidence to the gravedigger. Glad she only has one more episode that she appears in!

    Booth’s “hallucination”/ghost is also part of his brain tumor storyline. He saw Lucky Luc after hitting his head on the ice, and now Teddy. Booth carried around the guilt of his death. “I blame me” he told him. He even named his son after him. So it was nice to see Booth freed from the burden of guilt he has carried. Brennan does say that when she read the report, it seems it would have required 2 people to accomplish what he did…

    -And how they did not hook up after the helicopter scene?? Paul is right! Teddy told Booth “So maybe that’s why I’m here. To get you to say “I love you” to somebody.”
    Love the season 5 pic of Booth finally saying those words (first time we heard him say it) but then he sees the reaction on Brennan’s face, doubts himself, and says the “atta girl” comment.

    This is one of my favorite episodes! Suspense, ingenious Booth trying to get out of the hold, and that ending! The hug on the helicopter is clear how they feel about each other.

    And even though Brennan does not believe in ghosts, she believes in Booth.

    *I was unable to post this comment with my 3 pictures included so I will do those separately!*

  4. I agree with Paul and jmgx2 – I think since Jared gave up his career for Booth in this episode that exonerates him from what he did to Booth’s career.

    It’s definitely ironic that Booth tells Parker it’s easy to say I love you, yet he can’t muster the courage to say it to Brennan!

    Brennan whacking Taffet with the brief case is iconic. You don’t expect brute force from Brennan and it’s especially satisfying there. She did something the audience really wanted to do!! Usually, that role is saved for someone else.

    I’m like Paul, kinda indifferent about the gravedigger. This was a good episode seeing Booth deal with his insecurities and furthering along what develops into a brain tumor story. But the arc did have majors holes. Does anyone remember the reason why/motivation of Taffet? I know that’s a Booth question and I forget if they ever answered it. I do remember her death was quite shocking!

    “Sweets would says it is Booth’s way of reconciling his guilt. The writers did not write it as hallucinations but as a actual ghost. Brennan could not have talked to Teddy Parker if he was Booth’s hallucination.”

    Very true Paul – I remember the exchange in the graveyard did cause a bit of discussion back in the day. Brennan is very much a disbeliever of ghosts etc…..yet she saw Teddy. I do wonder what HH wanted us to take away from that exchange. Does anyone remember him ever commenting on that at the time?

    You do have to wonder how those wonderful powerful reunions never lead them into falling into bed together……basically it’s because HH didn’t have to do it yet!

    Lovely pictures jmgx2! :))))

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