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The Proof in the Pudding 5×12

Directed by: Emile B. Levisetti

Written by: Bob Harris

The lab gets taken over by some agents with a body.


MR. WHITE: Ah, Dr. Brennan. Hello. Your government requires you to figure out how this person died. Until you do, we are all locked in here together as a matter of national security.

SWEETS: What possible incentive do these people have to comply with your orders?

MR. WHITE: Perhaps the fact that you’re all paid by the federal government.

CAM: Threats are not really gonna work for you tonight.

MR. WHITE: Okay, fine. How about patriotism? Professionalism? Scientific curiosity. Take your pick. But the sooner you people figure out what killed this individual, the sooner life gets back to normal.

Sweets is able to call Booth who attempts to get in but is blocked.

SWEETS: Why would the General Services Administration bring in a body?

HODGINS: Standard federal issue cover-up.

ANGELA: This is the first time I have ever been as paranoid as Hodgins.

BOOTH: You’re FBI property. If anyone’s gonna lock you up, it’s gonna be me.

Booth reluctantly gets his boss on board to help.


HACKER: You mind telling me why it’s so important you get in there?

BOOTH: They’re my people.

HACKER: Oh, God. Now you’re going to prove that you’re a better man than I am, too? That you care more about your people? How am I going to get anywhere with Temperance if you keep making me look bad in comparison?

The team starts putting the pieces together as they work.

CAM: Severe head wound. Oh, my God.This – is President John F. Kennedy. Why would they bring us JFK’s remains after all these years?

HODGINS: Because people have a thirst for the truth. And other people want to make sure that truth is never proclaimed.

Enter our conquering hero.



BOOTH: Hiya, Bones.

Brennan gives Booth a recap.

BOOTH: Did you figure out who that guy is yet?

BRENNAN: Hodgins and Cam are convinced that it’s John F. Kennedy. The 35th president of the United States who was assassinated on November 22, 1963.

BOOTH: I know who JFK is.

BRENNAN: Also, Cam is certain that Michelle is pregnant.

BOOTH: Usually, that would be big news but right now, it’s not so much.

Booth helps with their research.

BOOTH: Check above the right temple on the skull or a fragment from there.

BRENNAN: Ha! So suddenly you’re an expert on ballistic forensics? 

BOOTH: That’s where JFK’s exit wound was.

BRENNAN: Why do you know so much about the Kennedy assassination?

BOOTH: Bones, I’m a trained sniper. How quickly you forget.


Booth wants to prove the government told the truth. The team is doubting it.

ANGELA: Yeah, I hate to admit this, Booth, but Hodgins is making a pretty good point.

BOOTH: All he’s proving is, he made up his mind. Oswald shot Kennedy. We just proved that, okay?


BOOTH: Yeah?

BRENNAN: Simple entry wound here. If you look closer, there are microfractures radiating from the exit wound which suggests, it wasn’t an exit but an entrance.

CAM: Reverse beveling.

BRENNAN: I’m sorry, it’s true. If this is another entry from a completely different angle, then logically, there was a second gunman.

BOOTH: Two shooters. You know what that proves to me?

BRENNAN: Only that there were two shooters.

BOOTH: No, that those remains were not John F. Kennedy.

BRENNAN: Why is it so important to you that this not be President Kennedy?

BOOTH: If it was him, he was killed by two gunman.


BOOTH: And if he was killed by two gunmen, then the government lied; they covered it up.

BRENNAN: Throughout history, governments have lied with impunity to other governments and to their own citizens. Booth, this…does this have anything to do with the fact that your ancestor was a famous assassin?

BOOTH: Bones.

BRENNAN: John Wilkes Booth who killed President Lincoln.

BOOTH: You promised you would never mention that. You said that to me.

BRENNAN: No, you told me not to! I never promised! But I promise now!

Meanwhile, Angela thinks she’s pregnant with Wendell’s baby.

ANGELA: He’s a great guy.

HODGINS: I know. But he’s a struggling grad student, and you’re gonna minimize his responsibilities for his own good.

ANGELA: Geez. Regular Nostradamus there, huh, Hodgins? Predicting the future?

HODGINS: Says the woman who consults a psychic. My point is, I’m your guy.



Brennan realizes why Booth is so passionate about this situation.

CAM: You two don’t understand: Booth is a very patriotic man. He believes this is the greatest country ever.

BRENNAN: Being the best doesn’t mean being perfect.

SWEETS: It’s naive to think that a country the size and influence of the U.S. doesn’t pursue secret agendas.

CAM: The Kennedy assassination wasn’t a secret agenda. It was a black stain. A dark moment in history. Do you know how many people Booth has shot..for his country?

BRENNAN: Approximately 50.

SWEETS: Wow, that’s a lot of blood to have on your hands. I mean, it’s the kind of thing that would keep a person awake at night.

CAM: And Booth did that because he trusted that it was right. And who did he trust?

SWEETS: The government.


Booth helps the squints finish the investigation and get one last test.


BRENNAN: One of these bones sank and the other one floated.

BOOTH: In the pudding?


BRENNAN: Yes. The heavy bone is healthy. The one that’s still floating is riddled with osteomyelitis. President John F. Kennedy never had osteomyelitis.

BOOTH: Come here.


BRENNAN: Wow! You really didn’t want this to be JFK.

BOOTH: You know, you kept looking because of me. Thanks, Bones.

Angela finds out her test was falsely positive. Time to wrap up the episode!

CAM: Were you aware that JFK had scarlet fever in childhood?

BRENNAN: Hodgins informed me of that fact, yes.

CAM: Scarlet fever can cause osteomyelitis.

BRENNAN: It’s very rare, Cam. It can happen in approximately one in a hundred cases. It’s statistically unlikely that it was Kennedy.

CAM: You’re a good person. I will never forget what you did for him.

B&B moment!


BOOTH: You know, you must think I’m crazy for being so happy that it wasn’t JFK.

BRENNAN: I’m very impressed. 


BRENNAN: That’s nice. But I prefer that you always go with your brain over your gut because your gut cannot think.


Thoughts on this episode? While I could do without Hacker and the Angela drama, I thought it was an interesting departure from the basic murder plot, and I liked the B&B moments. And of course, Booth shooting his way into the lab to get “his people”. 🙂 

4 thoughts on “The Proof in the Pudding 5×12

  1. First time I saw this episode, I did not realize Booth was a related to THE Booth that assassinated Lincoln. Interesting.
    So here are some thoughts from Sara who always says it better than I could-

    96. The Proof in the Pudding

    “Cam’s friendly loyalty to Booth is one of her best qualities. Since WE know that SHE knows that Booth loves Brennan, I thought it was very meaningful that she complimented Brennan at the end of the episode. I might be projecting on to Cam’s character, but I’d like to think that for her, it was a little glimmer of hope that Brennan might love Booth as much as he loves her.”

    I was not a fan of the Angela could be pregnant with Wendell’s baby, but Sara points out…
    “It allowed Brennan to tell Cam (and us) that she has not had sexual intercourse in quite some time.

    “Remember how Booth told Dr Wyatt that he would KNOW if Brennan loved him? I felt like after he hugged her (which was the first time, I believe, that he hugged her when HE needed it; am I right?), when he was looking at her, and she was looking back at him, I thought…okay, Booth is seeing what we can see. She feels love for him.”

    The end scene is as sweet as the berries Brennan eats for breakfast. I do love it. It’s like one long squee-worthy moment. I like how Brennan waits around for Booth outside the diner. I just think they only have eyes for one another. Even when Sweets is talking, she keeps sparing glances toward Booth, and he to her. Once Sweets is gone, he offers his arm, and she accepts. It’s very friendshippy, but also very romantic. I guess maybe that is the word I am looking for to describe this episode. It’s incredibly romantic. I should just enjoy that and not complain!”

    The “Learning from her” Booth

    So again we see B&B moving closer to each other. Brennan does show LOVE towards Booth. We see them walking arm in arm…

  2. And this…

    Booth claims to see a pattern in the pizza, whereas Bones does not. Bones mentions that seeing random patterns that clearly do not exist is a sign of schizophrenia. Booth claims to see Michael Jackson in the pizza slices. Surprisingly, Brennan is unfamiliar with the famous celebrity’s name. Booth proceeds to dance and moonwalk his way out of Tempe’s office. Who knew Booth could dance like that? He imitates MJ’s moves so well! How sexy is that?!?!

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