Home » Basic » The Turn in the Urn (9×19)

The Turn in the Urn (9×19)

Written by: Pat Charles 

Directed by: Tim Southam 

Brennan and Booth attend a funeral but the deceased shows up alive and well. 

BRENNAN: Booth, if Todd is here, then… who is in the urn? 

BOOTH: How would I know who’s in the urn?  

Call back to the hot sauce squintern. 

CAM: Michelle showed me the bracelet you bought her, Finn. A little extravagant, don’t you think?  

FINN: I’ve never been able to buy anybody a real gift before. I’m just sharing the wealth.  

CAM: Well, that’s very sweet, but don’t go overboard. It can disappear as quickly as it came.  

FINN: Not so sure. Opie and Thurston’s Hot Sauce is going national. I got a check for $19,000 the other day. That’s more money than my family’s made in a year.  

Hodgins is skeptical about using ashes from an urn to identify the victim. 

HODGINS: I think Angie’s going to have trouble doing the facial reconstruction.  

As they investigate, Finn and Michelle are a bit off-kilter. 

FINN: Where’s your bracelet? You’re still wearing the rope one that I made you.  

MICHELLE: I love it. It was the first one you gave me. And the other one… I’m afraid I’ll lose it at school. 

Booth is annoyed at a wealthy suspect.  

BRENNAN: Booth, you shouldn’t hate all rich people. They’re a fact of life, like the corpuscular theory of light.  

BOOTH: I don’t hate rich people. I just… I don’t like entitled people. Big difference. This guy Todd, he feels entitled to get tax breaks for him and his friends.  

BRENNAN: That’s not illegal.  

BOOTH: I don’t care. It’s still wrong, isn’t it? What?  

BRENNAN: You’re a good man, Booth.  

BOOTH: No, that’s it. See, it’s not that I’m a good man or a special man. I’m just a normal person, that’s all.  


BOOTH: The guy acts like he doesn’t have to play by the rules.  

BRENNAN: Because he usually doesn’t. Plutocrats and oligarchs are always afforded special treatment. 

BOOTH: Well, not this time, okay? I’m not letting him buy his way out of this.  

BRENNAN: Booth, we have no proof that Todd was in the country, let alone that he killed Daniel.  

BOOTH: You’re gonna find something; you always find something, okay? You don’t want people getting away with murder, and neither do I. 

Michelle decides to tell Finn she’s met someone else but she pretends its other things. 

MICHELLE: I tried to tell you yesterday. School’s changed me, I guess. I’m not the same person I was even a year ago.  

FINN: Is there someone else?  

MICHELLE: My mom tried to tell me I was too young to make a commitment. I hate it that she was right. 

FINN: Who is he?  

MICHELLE: It doesn’t matter. It’s not even that serious.  

The killer was the rich guy’s girlfriend, who killed a junkie to “save” her man. 

SARAH: I love Todd. I don’t care about the money. I just knew that if he could get himself clean, he’d be so much happier. We fought about the drugs. And then I hit him with it.  

Cam gives Finn the nice break up speech that Michelle should have. 

CAM: I want to tell you how much you mean to me. And how much you helped Michelle grow. I know it’s probably not what you want to hear right now, but it’s the truth. She is a better person because of knowing you. And so am I.  

FINN: You know what the funny thing is? I don’t blame her.  

CAM: I don’t understand.  

FINN:  I had money for the first time in my life, a wonderful girl, who just happened to have a great mama to boot. I had everything. But the truth is, nobody gets everything.  

B&B wrap it up with Booth trying to get Brennan to take a selfie with an ancient museum piece (that was also the murder weapon).


*Much better episode this week. The ending reminded me of Booth teaching Brennan how to “dine and dash”.

*The one thing that has always been consistent with is their inability to organically break up a couple. The writers, whoever they happen to be just go “PLOT TWIST” in the writer’s room and just say, well, this is over. They have no foreshadowing, no hints of something, no drama actually happens, and then BOOM. It’s done. Angela and Hodgins was the same way. Sweets and Daisy. Cam and Paul.

*Probably the “best” break up that was well developed was Brennan and Sully to be honest. We knew enough and saw enough to feel invested when it happened and we could know something was coming.

*Bonus Buffy reunion BTS set picture!

(Which leading lady should he choose? How about both!)

Bonus attractive couple pics. No sign of BOOTS OR BLAZERS!

2 thoughts on “The Turn in the Urn (9×19)

  1. “*Much better episode this week. The ending reminded me of Booth teaching Brennan how to “dine and dash”.

    Hmm…not so sure about that! I hate Michelle & Finn and their breakup drama…I couldn’t care less about them TBH!!!!

    The best part of this episode for me was seeing B&B dressed up at the funeral as a married couple!! “Bonus attractive couple pics. No sign of BOOTS OR BLAZERS!”

    Brennan looks great!!! Nice dress, high heels, nice hair style…she does not have to be so frumpy!!!!

    Look again how lovely Brennan is!

  2. “*Probably the “best” break up that was well developed was Brennan and Sully to be honest. We knew enough and saw enough to feel invested when it happened and we could know something was coming.”

    BOOTH: Give it time, Bones, okay? Give it time. Everything happens eventually.
    BRENNAN: Everything?
    BOOTH: All the stuff, okay, that you think never happens – it happens. You just gotta be ready for it.

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