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Caroline on the Disney channel??

So I am super late to the party, but watching old Disney channel shows with my niece and nephew over Christmas break taught me something–Caroline was moonlighting as a cranky neighbor on the Disney channel during her run as Caroline Julian on Bones!!

https://www.imdb.com/video/vi1391900953/ Patricia Belcher on Good Luck Charlie

What I found really surprising is that she was a recurring cast members in both shows overlapping the same time period, and on different networks. I guess she was able to work out her filming schedule but I am surprised the networks played nice with each other and let her do that. Disney didn’t buy Fox until 2019 so they weren’t the same company yet.

She plays both characters with the same sass, but there is no cute David Boreanaz for her to flirt with on Good Luck Charlie, and she is stuck being the cranky neighbor.

Kind of random, but fun to see her in a different world! Patricia is quite the seasoned actress. She has been steadily working for many years! Good for her, though I miss seeing her as Caroline!

7 thoughts on “Caroline on the Disney channel??

  1. “She plays both characters with the same sass, but there is no cute David Boreanaz for her to flirt with on Good Luck Charlie”

    Haha, always loved Caroline flirting with Booth! And because of her, we got the kiss under the mistletoe, and she arranged for the trailer to have Christmas with Max.

    BRENNAN: Was that enough steamboats?
    CAROLINE: Plenty. A whole flotilla.

    We could do a whole post on great Caroline quotes!
    Remember Judas on a Pole before the Judge-
    KEMPER: Ms. Julian, did you bring this to me because I knew Marvin Beckett personally?
    CAROLINE: Did you? I – I wasn’t aware of that, Your Honor. We’re you aware of that Agent Booth?

    BOOTH: and if any of them had sniper training. Once you find out, you keep your head down.
    CAROLINE: Task force, sniper training, 70’s, duck. Got it.

    Lol, Caroline was a shipper from the beginning. She saw B&B were meant to be together.

  2. Boy with the Answer, Caroline got the guilty verdict against Taffet. Yay!!

    In the diner with Booth-
    CAROLINE JULIAN: So, how’s your girlfriend holding up?

    BOOTH: She’s fine. She’s not my girlfriend.

    CAROLINE JULIAN: Oh, so those little looks between you…

    BOOTH: Nothing.

    CAROLINE JULIAN: Right. I hope you’re more believeable on the stand

  3. Last one…I loved in the Season 7 Crack in the Code-

    CAROLINE: I’ll get him the records of every geek we’ve put away in the last two years. See if he can find one with motive, means and opportunity.

    BOOTH: Make it five years. I want to be thorough.

    CAROLINE: ‘Cause you got a little Booth coming.


  4. Caroline: Shut up, Seeley Booth. There is no one better than you.

    Caroline: Cher, there is no way in H-E-double-hockey-sticks I am allowing you to haul the Senate majority whip into the FBI without any evidence of her involvement.
    Booth : Look, Caroline…
    Caroline: No, no, no, no. Don’t try to convince me with those sweet dulcet tones.

    Caroline: Aldo was a good man, Seeley. You have my sympathies
    Booth: Thanks.
    Caroline: You’re right. Sympathy sucks.

  5. Caroline: Shut up, Seeley Booth. There is no one better than you.
    ^ Love that! ❤️

    And as she was leaving she told Booth “And change your shirt”

  6. From Parts In the Sum-
    “CAROLINE: Oh…I see what’s going on. You’ve always wanted this office. Tired of sitting out there in the bullpen. Well, I’m not committin’ career suicide because you’re cute and want a window.”

    Speaking of Parts…

  7. Haha! In researching Season 9 favorite scenes, ep. 1 Secret in the Proposal I came across this gem of Caroline’s quotes:

    Caroline yells at Booth “You smell like bourbon!”
    “Are you asleep? If you are, I’d like you to wake up now. I watched the tapes of you interrogating that lawyer lady. You weren’t very nice. As if I needed another reason to adore you.” 🙂

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