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7 thoughts on “A Tweet from Peterson!

  1. Love this! I was surprised he came out to play. The hall monitors were hard at work but the ratings don’t lie. People are tuning out…..all of their rainbows and sparkles are meaningless!

  2. I wanted to respond back that I have read his interviews and in his own words, it quite clearly states he doesn’t like the way HH ran things. So clearly there was some issue, because they went in a totally different direction and ignored his ideas! (But I know I’ll never convince him so no point in trying!)

    And Peterson is wrong. Happiness does not equal boring. B&B happy moments have been the lifeblood of this show. Killing off major characters and including nonsense Puppeteer storylines do not equal good television.

  3. Exactly…and keeping things to 140 characters on twitter isn’t easy. You got your point across very succinctly. It would be fun to know what the issues are with the new guys. I cannot imagine not taking HH’s suggestion for 447. That just shocks me and tells me these guys don’t really get it. I would never have had the audacity to do that. And we know that DB didn’t like the story line, he’s made that clear. It’s not necessary to tattle to MP – but I’m sure there was some sort of discussion behind the scenes. I wonder if they wrote Booth going away before they knew how much DB didn’t agree with the story or after? I agree with Estella, the derby and blowing up the lab are likely things to make up to him. But how is MP gonna make it up to the fans – besides the bots who would take anything! LOL

  4. Well, at least you got a reply! MP though is way off the mark! I don’t want “boring” either. But destroying everything is not it either! I wanted exciting B&B times together.
    “Happiness does not equal boring. B&B happy moments have been the lifeblood of this show. Killing off major characters and including nonsense Puppeteer storylines do not equal good television.”

    Yes!! But he just doesn’t get it.

  5. Omg, what was that Betty/Beth quote in S11 about killing off characters, it was about Brennan killing off Andy in her book, something about when the writers get bored they kill off people…..*pushes a mirror to that now disbanded writers room* BORED NOW

  6. Good connection Shanny! This could be the case for sure. The writers left on the show for these twelve must have been sleep walking!

  7. This is Peterson’s reply to why Brennab discussed Sully & not why she pushed Booth away – he got owned on it

    “my best answer is after losing a loved one, emotions are complicated, even Brennan isn’t her most rational.”

    OK Peterson, nothing to do with not one writer actually wanting to show Booth’s side or getting any emotional closure on why he got sent to Canada.

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